
Naruto : Jinchuriki of the Six Paths ( HIATUS )

When Naruto sees Sasuke seemingly sacrifice himself for him at wave, he awakens the Rinnegan. See how its power affects his destiny. Strong Naruto.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter no.61 Vs Rock Lee

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Lee moved to stand across from the Uchiha. "You must have heard my name just now. What is yours?"

"Sasuke Uchiha."

Rock Lee nodded. "So it is as I thought; you are the progeny of the famous Uchiha clan. And that would make you this year's number one rookie." His feet shifted, one foot before the other as he put one arm behind his back and raised the other, held flat in front of him. "Will you fight me, here and now? It would be an honor to test my strength against someone of your renown."

"You want to fight me because of my family name?" Sasuke asked, frowning. "Fine. I'll show you what the Uchiha are capable of."

Naruto placed his hands behind his head as he looked at his teammate, his eyes squinted near shut. "You sure about this, Sasuke?"

Sasuke nodded as he fell into his own fighting stance. "Yeah. I'm not one to back down from a challenge."

The blond shrugged. Naruto couldn't exactly blame the Uchiha; they were alike in that way.

Sakura took a step forward. "Wait a minute, you guys! There's less than thirty minutes left for us to register."

"This'll be over in five." With that, the Uchiha heir shot forward, rapidly closing the distance between himself and the older genin.

As he neared his opponent, he threw a punch at his green clad opponent. Lee swept the attack to the side and responded with high kick, which the Uchiha bent backwards to dodge before leaping back.

Lee vanished, reappearing above Sasuke in a burst of speed greater than anything he'd ever seen from a chunin level ninja and spinning into a powerful roundhouse kick. "Severe Leaf Hurricane!"

Sasuke ducked down to avoid the blow, but the bushy browed genin placed his hand on the ground and used it and his momentum to spin into another, sweeping kick aimed at the Uchiha heir's face. Sasuke brought a left arm up to block, using his right to reinforce his guard and halted the attack, the force of the older genin's blow sending a brief flash of pain through his extremity.

The Uchiha retaliated with a kick of his own, forcing his opponent into the air, flipping in mid jump and landing on his feet as the raven haired boy shot forward and engaged him in a fierce exchange of taijutsu. The Sharingan wielder was growing frustrated, he'd had several close calls and had yet to come close to actually landing a blow on his adversary.

'He's better than I thought he'd be.' The bushy browed genin mentally noted as he blocked a left hook from the Uchiha heir with his right arm. 'Truly, he's deserving of the title of genius. But…'

Sasuke's eyes widened as Lee used the opening created by deflecting his attack to get within his guard. He was powerless to protect himself as Rock Lee rammed his left elbow forward, slamming it into the Uchiha heir's solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him and sending him a few feet off the ground. The green clad teen gave him no respite, shooting forward and kicking him, striking his chin and sending him sailing through the air.

He landed on the ground and rolled to a stop on his side, coughing as he tried to catch his breath.

Both his teammates looked on in shock at how easily the raven haired boy had been fended off. "Sasuke!" Sakura cried.

The young Uchiha rose up to one knee as he got his breathing under control. He glared at Lee as he brought his hand up and wiped off a small amount of blood that had trickled from his mouth from the blow.

"You are skilled, but you cannot defeat me." Lee said, looking down at the Uchiha. "Because right now, I am the strongest Leaf genin."

Sasuke took a deep breath and closed his eyes. 'So he is strong after all…Good. I'll have to take this more seriously.' A smirk grew across his face and he opened them and looked at his opponent, revealing the black in his eyes had bled away to the red of the Sharingan.

Sakura smiled at seeing this, believing that with this, Sasuke's victory was assured. Lee's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly as he looked into those crimson orbs. 'So that is the famed Shairngan. I'm sorry, Gai-sensei, but I may need to break your rules. I may need to use that move.'

'From the looks of it, he's just using extremely advanced taijutsu.' Sasuke thought to himself as he launched himself back into the fray. 'The Sharingan will allow me to read his moves, no matter how much faster than me he is!'

Lee ducked under a punch from the Uchiha and spun into a low, sweeping kick, which Sasuke leapt over.

As he watched the battle, Naruto's eyes narrowed. Even with the Sharingan active, while he was defending himself better, Sasuke just couldn't get the upper hand. Deciding he wanted to see the battle in more detail, he channeled chakra into his eyes, activating his dojutsu.

His purple orbs widened behind his glasses as he sensed a new presence. Tearing his gaze away from the still ongoing battle, he looked up at the balcony to see that two more spectators had joined them.

One was Tenten and Naruto realized that Lee must be the hot blooded teammate she mentioned, while the other was a boy with long, black hair reaching the middle of his back and was tied back a few inches above the end in a loose ponytail and seemed to wear a small headband under his black forehead protector. His eyes showed he was a member of the Hyuuga clan. He wore a khaki shirt, dark brown shorts with bandages wrapped around his right arm, chest, and right leg.

To Naruto, the Hyuuga's eyes were glowing with chakra, the telltale sign that a dojutsu was active. Veins were bulging around those white orbs and the outline of its normally imperceptible pupil was visible. However, what drew the blond's attention was the fact that the older dojutsu user's intense gaze was focused on him, seeing his eyes and knowing that the blond had a dojutsu as well.

Naruto had read up on dojutsu while looking for information on his own and thus knew about the Hyuuga's Byakugan, though there weren't many specifics about its abilities written down, and was aware that, along with Sasuke's dojutsu and his own, it was one of the 'Three Great Dojutsu', the three known as the most powerful of all eye-based kekkei genkai. He knew that his cover had been partially blown.

Naruto sensed a hint of condescension in the Hyuuga's stare when he noticed his dojutsu, which stemmed from a combination of arrogance, his belief in his eyes superiority and that a failure would always be nothing but a failure. He was well aware Naruto was the dead last of his class, and therefore under normal circumstances, wouldn't have paid him any attention. In response to this, Naruto glared at the white eyes teen.

At the same time, the Hyuuga stared down at the blond with his arms crossed felt a small amount of surprise. He'd had similar thoughts to those of the blond, surprised the rookie facing his teammate was doing so well without his dojutsu, and could now see the glow indicating of an active dojutsu from the younger genin's concealed eyes and his own narrowed as he studied this new development.

As with many great clans, they were quite proud of their bloodline, believing themselves to be the strongest force in the leaf, and thus acquired as much knowledge as they could on their rivals, especially the dwindling Uchiha clan. While that knowledge wasn't complete, there were many dojutsu from other nations that they had vague knowledge of if any at all, they knew that aside from the aforementioned Uchiha and their Sharingan, their Byakugan was the only eye related bloodlines in the village.

So then, how did the blond kid, who he recognized as the dead last of his class and the infamous prankster of the village, have a dojutsu? As far as he was aware, he had neither Hyuuga nor Uchiha blood and the white eyed teen highly doubted he was of either lineage. So what was this new rival to his clan's kekkei genkai?

He also absently noted that the blond's chakra reserves were enormous. He'd never seen anyone possess this much chakra before, not even his sensei.

Suddenly, the blond tilted his head to look at him and his teammate, his eyes focusing on his Byakugan, staring at them with the same intensity as the Hyuuga's scrutinizing gaze. The Hyuuga matched his stare with one just as powerful.

The two glared at each other, almost trying to will the other to back down and avert their eyes as if they were fighting to prove which of their dojutsu was superior, until the sound of an impact and a grunt of pain from Sasuke drew their attention away from their contest of wills.

With Sasuke's Sharingan blazing, allowing him to read his opponents moves like an open book, but he was still at a disadvantage before Lee's greater taijutsu skill, speed and experience.

Sasuke managed to block another high kick from his opponent, but the force of the blow sent back a few feet, skidding across the ground.

"The Sharingan is certainly a useful tool, isn't it?" Lee questioned. "With it, you can read your opponents chakra and decipher his hand signs and movements, allowing you to guess what he's going to do, almost before he knows himself."

"And…? What's your point?"

"My point is that such an ability is pointless if you cannot keep up with your opponent. I use neither ninjutsu nor genjutsu, there are no tricks. My moves are simply extreme taijutsu, and it is the worst match up for your Sharingan. Let me show you what I mean!"