
Naruto : Jinchuriki of the Six Paths ( HIATUS )

When Naruto sees Sasuke seemingly sacrifice himself for him at wave, he awakens the Rinnegan. See how its power affects his destiny. Strong Naruto.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter no.62 An Unbreakable Genjutsu

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With that, he went on the offensive, vanishing in a burst of speed only to reappear behind Sasuke and spin into a sweeping kick, which the Uchiha heir leapt back to dodge.

Sasuke threw a powerful right hook at his green clad adversary, who brought his arms up in a cross guard to block. Lee allowed himself to be pushed back by the attack, jumping back a few feet. Sasuke leapt forward and threw a punch at his face, only for Lee to duck down. Sasuke's eyes widened as they followed him, aware he was wide opened and powerless to do anything about it.

Lee lashed out with a high kick, striking his jaw and sending him into the air, blood flying from his mouth as his lower jaw was slammed painfully against its upper half. 'Damn it! He's too fast! I can't keep up!'

Both the other members of Team 7 watched, mouth's agape as Lee crouched down and vanished in a burst of speed, reappearing directly behind Sasuke in the air. The Uchiha heir turned his head and looked back at Lee out of the corner of his eyes. "This is… Dancing Leaf Shadow!"

"Good eye." Lee complimented. "Sasuke, you are a true successor of the Uchiha lineage, worthy of the title of genius. However, did you know that there are two different categories among ninja? There are those who inherit their power and do not have to work at it… and those who have to train everyday of our lives if we want to get anywhere. My goal is to prove that hard work beats out raw talent. And I'll prove it with this attack!" With that, he clawed out his fingers, causing the bandages around his left arm to unwrap.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted in response, wondering, but having no intentions of finding out what he intended to do with the bandage now trailing in the air behind them. "Nice speech, but don't think it'll be that easy!" He spun in the air and unleashed a kick of his own, which Lee blocked with his knee, maneuvering the bandages to begin to wrap around Sasuke.

Both Naruto and Sakura prepared to move, able to tell that whatever the hot blooded genin was about to do to their teammate would no doubt be extremely painful…

…Only for a pinwheel to come out of nowhere and stick the bandage to a wall just as it was about to enclose around Sasuke for the first time. "That's…!" The large browed genin said.

"That's enough, Lee!"

Everyone present turned their attention to the source of the noise to find a large tortoise with a red shell with a yellow underside and swirls on the top, as well as around his eyes and a konoha forehead protector around its neck.

The bandage stretched as far as it could go, bringing Lee to a halt once it reached its limit. Both Sasuke and Lee flipped in the air, landing on their feet on opposite ends of the room. Sasuke immediately turned, sending a fierce look at his opponent who kneeled before the tortoise as his teammates moved to join him, silently fuming. He knew that if tortoise hadn't interfered, he'd have just lost the fight.

"So you were watching us the whole time?" Lee asked the reptile.

"Of course! That technique is forbidden, Lee, you know that!" The tortoise chastised.

"I'm sorry… It's just that I…"

'He's getting chewed out… by a turtle.' Naruto thought incredulously as he watched Lee the reptile dress down the green clad teen.'It must be his sensei's summon.'

"… Is that a summon?" Sakura questioned as she watched the scene with the same amount of disbelief as Naruto.

"Yep!" They heard Tenten say from behind them. Turning, they saw her and her Hyuuga teammate approaching them from behind. "He's our sensei's personal summon: Ningame." She said before looking to Lee and sighing. "Geez, he tells us that we shouldn't draw attention to ourselves, and not half an hour later he's challenging a rookie and using a kinjutsu… Why's he gotta be like this all the time?"

The Hyuuga scoffed.

"He's obsessed with proving his belief that through hard work, one can move beyond their destined station." He turned a cold eye towards his kneeling teammate. "You know as well as I do how far he'll go to prove his conviction."

Something occurred to Sakura as she looked at the Hyuuga. "You must be Neji. Tenten told me about you."

He nodded curtly. "She informed me of such. You must be Sakura Haruno…" He turned to look at Naruto. "Naruto Uzumaki." Finally, his gaze fell on Sasuke. "… And Sasuke Uchiha."

"Hn." Sasuke responded, still looking at his former opponent while Naruto grinned.

"Nice to meet you! Hey, do you know Hinata?" Naruto asked Neji.

"Yes." He said, his voice possessing a slight edge that wasn't there before causing Naruto to frown. "She's my first cousin."

Before Naruto could say anything else, the conversation was interrupted as the tortoise's voice rose high enough to drown out his next words. "You think you can get away with a bunch of lame excuses like that!? A shinobi never reveals his techniques unless it's absolutely necessary! It's a basic rule, you should know that! Are you prepared for the punishment for your actions?"

"Yes sir…" Lee replied dejectedly, holding his head down.

"All right. If you will, Gai-sensei!" As soon as the Ningame finished speaking, a poof of smoke burst into existence on his shell. When it cleared, a man with attire matching Lee's with the addition of a flak jacket, even possessing the same bowl haircut and, shockingly enough, even larger eyebrows. He possessed a stronger build than his student as well as high cheek bones.

"Hey, everybody! Life treating you good?" The man who was obviously their sensei said with a smile. "Yo, Lee."

All three members of team seven gaped at the jonin. "That's Gai-sensei? H-he looks like an older version of Lee, but his eye brows are even thicker! A- are they even natural!?" Sakura tone held hints of shock and unease. Gai then brought his hand up and made a thumbs up, a spark of light reflecting off his teeth. "S- so lame!"

"That's enough, Lee." Gai waved off the insults, calming his mini-clone.

Tenten sighed. "Here we go…"

Gai suddenly shot forward, rearing his fist back and throwing a punch at the green clad genin's face, sending him flying half way across the room, landing on the ground in a heap. The jaws of the three rookies dropped while Tenten pinched the bridge of her nose and Neji closed his eyes in annoyance.

Gai walked over to Lee and crouched before him as he picked himself up.

"I'm sorry Lee but… it's for your good." He said to his student, his voice cracking slightly at the end.

"S- sensei…" Tears began to stream from the faces of both the student and the teacher.

"Oh, Lee…"


"It's alright Lee, it's over. You don't need to say anymore." Gai said.

Lee suddenly shot forward and into his sensei's arms. The jonin embraced his mini-clone, and the pair tearfully cried out each other's names as a genjutsu of a cliffside sunset, complete with water splashing against the rocks, appeared in the background of this emotional display.

This image horrified Sakura and Naruto, both of whom frantically tried to break the illusion to no avail.

"Kai!... Oh god, why won't it break?!" Sakura yelled, her eyes wide with horror and revulsion.

After his futile attempt to break the genjutsu, Naruto had activated his Rinnegan, hoping the superior vision and genjutsu breaking abilities of his dojutsu could see through this image. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. 'N- no way! Even with the Rinnegan, I can't see through it! What is this?!' At least it was slightly less dreadful in black and white.

Sasuke meanwhile, looked on in annoyance. His mind too preoccupied with another thought to be consumed with disgust and horror at the nightmarish scene. '… How could I lose to someone that lame?'

Of course, this was probably a good thing as he likely would have attempted to use his Sharingan to break the technique otherwise and thus been cursed with its perfectly preserved image for the rest of his life.

Like he needed another mental scar.