
Naruto: Information Broker

What if the Fourth Hokage never died in the Nine-Tails Demon Fox's Attack. What if Konoha's Uchiha Clan Downfall never happens. What if Obito knew Madara was behind everything that happened to him. And while Naruto had both of his parents; but Sasuke lost his father ever since he was a child. What if Danzo was forced to become insane, and even the third hokage has to agree with his own incompetence... What kinda changes would happen to the entire ninja world and Konoha if these things happens. Stick around and find out. _____ This is translation work https://www.69shu.com/txt/46341.htm SUPPORT ME ON - https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda

The_Lazy_Panda · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Uchiha Fugaku

Chapter 4: Uchiha Fugaku


The subtle sound jolted Kakashi, causing him to abruptly rise. His kunai was already poised defensively across his chest.

As he recognized the visitor, Kakashi's confusion set in. "S-Sensei? Why are you here so late?"

Draped in a cloak and wearing a straw hat, Minato's formal attire immediately put Kakashi on high alert. "Has something happened, Hokage-sama?"

Minato gave a slight nod. "I just received information that tomorrow, the enemy plans to release the Nine-Tails. One of their abilities is... the Mangekyou Sharingan."

Kakashi's mind went blank, and he instinctively touched his forehead, beneath which resided Obito's eye.

Observing the scene before him, Minato hesitated, then let out a sigh before speaking. "Time is of the essence. We need to make a trip to the Uchiha clan's territory. On the way, I'll inform you about the enemy's plans and where we need your assistance."


[Simulating future changes for Minato Namikaze]

[Altering established fact of death]

[Changing the fate of the protagonist, Naruto Uzumaki]

[Altering the fate of the protagonist, Sasuke Uchiha]

[Modifying the nested fate of Uchiha Madara]


[Degree of fate alteration for Minato Namikaze: 100%]

[Extracting scroll (Note: Scroll CD refreshes at midnight) (Note: Scroll represents rule evolution)]

[Scroll: Body Clone (Tangible; allows perfect revival within the clone after death; only one clone can exist)]

[Wind attribute chakra (compatible with bloodline fusion)]

[Space-Time Ninjutsu talent]

[S-level reflex speed]

[Rasengan Sealing Technique]

[Flying Thunder God Technique (Minato Namikaze)]

[Rasengan series (including envisioned variations by Minato Namikaze)]

[Body Flicker Technique (Minato Namikaze)]

A scroll?

The flood of information in Yuki's mind left him deep in thought. Is the reason it's called a "scroll" because it lacks an instruction manual? Among the stream of information, it appears that the scroll extraction occurred due to Minato Namikaze's fate alteration reaching one hundred percent.

These additional chips that appear, not inherent to Minato Namikaze, must be truly valuable.

Perfect revival within a clone after death—it grants an extra life! It seems I must sacrifice something from my original plan.

If only I had known, I would have taken further advantage of the situation. Perhaps caused some trouble for them a few years later? Shaking his head, Yuki suppressed the divergent thinking often found in transmigrators and refocused on the eight chips in front of him.

Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, can be considered excellent in telent at the information exchange market, but even he only has seven key items. The Wind Attribute Chakra qualifies due to its compatibility with bloodline fusion.

Now, out of the eight options, I must choose four, excluding one that was already prepared, and add the scroll. So...

The first and most crucial chip: Reflex Speed!

From birth until now, Yuki has understood one thing during his nearly six years in this world—disparity!

The comfortable life of several decades in his previous life prevented Yuki from matching the reaction speed expected at his current age. Even the pre-schooler Naruto, who always trailed behind, effortlessly dashed across a narrow plank.

Thanks to the enhanced physical condition from his soul transmigration, Yuki can catch up with physical abilities after a little training. However, reaction speed has always been Yuki's weakness.

And who possesses the best reflex speed in the Naruto world? Undoubtedly, Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze! The Flying Thunder God technique, following the Body Flicker, and imprinting his seal on obito, along with the Rasengan. Although the Flying Thunder God was invented by the Second Hokage, Minato Namikaze was the one who truly unleashed its full power.

The Flying Thunder God technique allows instant teleportation to designated coordinates. But without the corresponding reflex speed, it's akin to thrusting your head into the enemy's waiting blade.

Second: Space-Time Ninjutsu talent.

Third: Flying Thunder God technique.

Fourth: Shadow Clone Scroll.

With the selection of these four chips complete, the originally planned Sealing Technique is removed.

Numerous sealing options exist: Four Symbols Sealing, Eight Trigrams Sealing formed by Dual Four Symbols, Contract Sealing, Locktail Sealing... the list goes on. However, the most crucial one, the Adamantine Sealing, requires the Uzumaki clan's innate talent.

Consequently, Yuki eliminates the Sealing Technique from his original selection.

The Space-Time Ninjutsu talent and Flying Thunder God technique form a set. Although the Flying Thunder God can be acquired from sources other than Minato Namikaze, the three individuals currently serving as bodyguards for the incumbent Hokage undoubtedly possess it as well.

However, just like Minato Namikaze's situation earlier, Yuki doesn't dare to take that risk.

If the first trade tonight hadn't gone smoothly, Yuki planned to handle the Nine-Tails incident alone, relying on his supporting role's destiny to survive.

But now that the encounter with Minato Namikaze went exceedingly well, leaving everything to chance is no longer an option.


Outside the Uchiha clan's territory, Minato and Kakashi stood beside each other.

"Kakashi, do you think... we should bring a fruit basket or something?" He scratched his head, smiling.

Kakashi, still reeling from the overwhelming information his sensei had shared, was in a state of shock.

"My left eye, the eye Obito left behind, is the Mangekyou Sharingan? Is this the same power Uchiha Madara used to control the Nine-Tails? Does it have any connection to the strange events of that time?"


After being patted, Kakashi snapped back to reality and looked at Minato with a bewildered expression. "Sensei, where can we possibly find fruit baskets at this hour? And as you mentioned, time is running out."

Minato scratched his head, wearing a smile. "Fugaku's youngest son has been born, and I thought of getting a fruit basket to celebrate. You know, he shares the same name as the father of the Third Hokage."

Kakashi rubbed his mask thoughtfully. "Sensei, do you really think a toddler who hasn't even turned one would be awake at this time?"


At that moment, a figure wearing a Jonin vest appeared and bowed slightly. "Hokage-sama, what brings you here so late at night?"

Minato offered his apologies. "I apologize for disturbing you at this late hour, but there is indeed an urgent matter that requires Captain Fugaku's assistance. Is he available?" The Uchiha Jonin shook his head. "The captain is still on duty with the troops, as he has been quite busy recently..."

Without finishing his sentence, the Uchiha Jonin offered to escort them to the Konoha Guard to avoid any further delays.

As the three of them made their way towards the Konoha Guard, Minato noticed the hesitation in the Uchiha Jonin's words and sensed there was more to the situation.

But why would an Uchiha, who seemed reluctant to speak to the Hokage, be at the garrison?


"Captain, the Hokage is here for a visit."

As the door opened, Fugaku appeared inside, displaying a hint of surprise. Nevertheless, he bowed respectfully. "Hokage-sama."

Minato smiled and pondered for a moment before speaking. "I came here late because I need Captain Fugaku's assistance. So... could you please summon Uchiha Shisui for us?"

Fugaku was taken aback upon hearing this and glanced at the Uchiha Jonin who was about to leave.

The Hokage specifically requested to meet Shisui, but did not recognize him? Although Shisui gained the nickname "Shisui of the Body Flicker" during the Third Great Ninja War, it was after Minato Namikaze assumed the position of the Fourth Hokage.

However... what urgent matter required Fugaku and Shisui's presence?