
Naruto: Information Broker

What if the Fourth Hokage never died in the Nine-Tails Demon Fox's Attack. What if Konoha's Uchiha Clan Downfall never happens. What if Obito knew Madara was behind everything that happened to him. And while Naruto had both of his parents; but Sasuke lost his father ever since he was a child. What if Danzo was forced to become insane, and even the third hokage has to agree with his own incompetence... What kinda changes would happen to the entire ninja world and Konoha if these things happens. Stick around and find out. _____ This is translation work https://www.69shu.com/txt/46341.htm SUPPORT ME ON - https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda

The_Lazy_Panda · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Obito

Chapter 3: Obito

Another contract appeared, with cost being two chips.

Catching the attention of Namikaze Minato, who was in deep contemplation. The information it would shared was of great concern to him, as it revealed a hidden power within Konoha.

The implication was clear. If this power could be harnessed, it must belong to someone familiar to him or someone who held goodwill towards Konoha.

And that crucial piece of information...

Controlling the Nine-Tails but not Uchiha Madara...

Though he could make some educated guesses, Namikaze Minato gazed at the enigmatic figure on the other side, aware that the other party's intentions were apparent, yet the full extent of their proposition remained unknown.

This was not a battlefield where he could test the accuracy of the intelligence through combat. It pertained to the future of Konoha, the life and safety of Kushina, and, above all, Naruto!

"Agreed... to the terms of the agreement."

A resolute voice filled with helplessness reverberated as the agreement was established.

Yuki smiled and raised a finger, proclaiming, "The first person you can seek assistance from is... Kakashi Hatake!"

"What? How is that possible?"

Namikaze Minato was taken aback for the first time, never having considered Yuki's focus before, regardless of how astounding the information was.

Minato, well-acquainted with Kakashi's abilities, ranging from his sword technique to the Thunder technique, couldn't fathom how Kakashi could be of aid, especially compared to the intelligence on the enemy he had just received.

Yuki, on the opposite side, waved his hand lightly and explained, "Surprised, aren't you? It is indeed Kakashi himself. Presently, he is unaware of the extent of his own abilities, particularly the power of his Mangekyou Sharingan!"

Mangekyou Sharingan?

Namikaze Minato's mind raced, and for the first time, a hint of surprise flickered across his face.

Another Mangekyou Sharingan, and considering the mysterious encounter with the black shadow earlier, he could now reasonably deduce that the enemy was not Uchiha Madara.

But the agreement to control the Nine-Tails...

Uchiha, the one-eyed Uchiha, the Uchiha who defected from Konoha, or the missing one, no! The lifeless body not engraved on the memorial stone... is it..."obito"!

Yuki continued, "Kakashi's Sharingan had actually evolved into the Mangekyou a long time ago, but due to not being an Uchiha, he remained oblivious to this power for a while." "And now, let me enlighten you. This power is particularly effective against that person. Moreover, with the wisdom of the Fourth Hokage, I believe you might have already guessed his true identity." "As for the second hidden power within Konoha... Uchiha Fugaku, or... Uchiha Shisui."

Observing the shocked Fourth Hokage, Yuki remarked, "Kakashi's ocular abilities require guidance from the Uchiha. As the Fourth Hokage, you have cultivated a strong bond with the Uchiha clan. If you remember this aid in the future, it is possible that the Mangekyou Sharingan, loyal to Konoha, may even surpass three and a half pairs." "This is what I alluded to earlier about the future."

Before the waves in Minato's heart could settle, Yuki continued, "The Third Hokage, once hailed as a prominent shinobi in the world, has grown old. As he watches the children playing joyfully in the village, he silently opposes any factor that could disrupt the peace."

"But in this era, concessions are often equated with weakness. Compromising with former classmates, making concessions to former disciples, and yielding to enemy nations..."

Yuki locked eyes with Namikaze Minato on the opposite side, stating, "You are renowned as the illustrious Golden Flash, the Fourth Hokage, and only you can change this. With your continued presence, countless tragedies can be prevented from recurring." "Every step you take in the future will have a profound impact on this world. There is even a high probability that peace can be sustained."

After the words settled, Namikaze Minato, seated across from him, relaxed, offering a helpless smile to the enigmatic figure, and replied, "Although I do not know who you are, it is truly... humbling to receive such commendation from someone who genuinely desires peace."

"And from your words... I can deduce that you, too, yearn for peace. Therefore, I would agree to the terms of the agreement, even without any bargaining chips."

"So... is there any more gifts? it worthwhile." ^_^

Yuki on the opposite side shook his head slightly, smiled, and responded, "I have already provided you with sufficient information, and you have nothing to offer as leverage."

Namikaze Minato nodded with a smile, stating, "I have gained valuable insights today... Thank you!"

With that, he stood up and vanished.


Within the Uchiha clan compound, Yuki raised his head in his room and glanced at the clock.


As expected, no matter how long one spent in the exchange, the outside world moved only momentarily.

However, the negotiation table seemed to dampen the atmosphere. It might be more effective to transform it into the Hokage Rock next time. It would create a stronger psychological impact on the clients, and the added visual effects in the air would be even more convincing, right?


At the residence of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato:

Minato stood by the bed, lost in thought over the information he had just received, while Kushina, lying on the bed, observed him. Pregnancy hormones surged through her, fueling her anger.



With a single punch, Konoha's Fourth Hokage found himself on the floor!


Who am I? Where am I? What was I about to do just now?

Minato, crawling up from the debris, asked three questions with a bewildered expression, scratching his head in confusion.

Tears welled up in the corner of Kushina's eyes on the bed. "I'm giving birth tomorrow, and I asked you to get a glass of water. You went to the living room and stood there for a while, then came back without bringing it?"

After a moment of daze, Minato recollected that before being caught up in the exchange, he had indeed been preparing to fetch water for Kushina.



"Sniff... I forgive you."

Minato went to the living room once again to fetch water but couldn't help pondering over the information he had acquired.

Only one day left...

The Nine-Tails...

If everything proceeds smoothly...

He must take action now!

"I need to go out."

Kushina, lying on the bed, had just taken a sip of water and asked in a dazed tone, "Is there an emergency at this late hour?"

Her husband, who was also the Hokage, going out at this time, made her anxious, considering tomorrow's due date Minato smiled and held Kushina's hand, assuring her, "Don't worry, trust me! I have made all the necessary preparations. You rest for now, and I will inform you when I return later."

Kushina obediently nodded. When it came to matters of duty, she never held him back.

Minato, owing much of his success as the Golden Flash and his numerous accomplishments before becoming Hokage to Kushina's sealing technique, donned the Hokage cloak and hat as he appeared in a golden flash at Kakashi's house.

It was a gift from Minato to Kakashi when he attained the rank of Jonin—a Hiraishin Kunai engraved with Minato's unique seal.
