
One peice Will of Fire carried

A/N: Yeah, this chapter was rough and written a LONG time ago when I wasn't as skilled. Sorry for the mess!

EDITOR NOTE / dont worry i will fix everything

The Will of Fire

A few miles outside Saboady Archipelago, Boa Hancock, the only female member of the Shichibukai, was helping Monkey D. Luffy ready his disguise. Far different than he was two years prior, save for his recognizable straw hat, Luffy wore a long-sleeved red cardigan with a yellow sash tied around his waist. During the last two years, he had seems to have gotten only somewhat taller and his hair is also faintly longer. On his chest was the X-from scar he gotten from Admiral Akainu in the war over Marineford.

"That shadow on the horizon is the Shabondy Archipelago," Hancock told Luffy. "This is as far as we can take you. We can't afford to risk our association with you to the rest of the world. You should wear this to stay safe."

"You don't have to do that Hancock," Luffy replied. "Nobody is going find out it's me."

"It's wise you keep it Luffy dear," Hancock warned him. "While the world believes you had died, your face is too recognizable even if two years has passed."

"I guess you're right then," Luffy responded as he put on his disguise.

"And don't worry about your things," Hancock also said as she brought in a very large and heavy book bag. "I have assembled everything that is yours."

"Make it light!" said Old Nyon.

"Thanks for all this you guys," Luffy replied in a gratitude manner.

"Also there is just one other thing I wish to ask you," Hancock, growing embarrassed.

"What is it? I'm still not going marry you." said Luffy.

"No," Hancock half lied, still having the school girl crush look. "What…I'm trying to say…don't say goodbye to me. It will be easier we don't say goodbye to each since we won't be seeing each other again."

"What are you talking about Hancock," Luffy answer in a good manner. "Now that we're friends, I hoping to see you again."

However as Luffy left, Hancock mistaken what he says as a marriage proposal, although Old Nylon told her it wasn't.

Just as Luffy's boat disappeared from sight, someone called out. "There is a ship coming from Sabaody."

Hancock sent a Kuja Pirate to grab a telescope for her while she went to have a look herself. Looking through the telescope, Hancock sees what appeared to be a majestic ship; a massive galleon. Hancock notices that the ship was heading towards them.

"Sister I think that ship is heading tight towards us," said Boa Marigold.

"Is that so," Hancock replied in an emotionless tone. "In that case let's strip everything that ship owns."

"Wait a minute snake princess, said one of the Kuja Pirate name Aphelandra. She was recognizable with her great height over the rest of the Kuja Pirates. She was using the telescope to take a closer look on the ship. "I think o notices someone on the ship that looks familiar.

As the majestic ship came a little bit closer, the whole Kuja Pirates got good look on the people of the deck. That is when they notices two young women that wearing Kuja outfits.

"That looks like Ino and Hinata," said one of the female pirates name Marguerite

"Ino and Hinata?" Old Nylon repeated in surprise. "Those two girls went missing several days while hunting?"

"What are they doing here?" Boa Sandersonia said in confusion

A moment later, after coming abroad the ship, Ino and Hinata was kneeling before Hancock.

"It was reported that you two had been gone missing for five days after you went to the mountains hunting," Hancock spoken down on them with stern tone, eyes motionless. "Where have you two been and what were you doing at Shabondy?"

Both Ino and Hinata were quiet for a moment, as if they were too embarrassed to say anything. From the look on their faces, they feel a heavy pressure under Hancock's gaze. Finally Ino responded in a hesitating tone "We were kidnapped by some slavers Snake Princess."

"That's impossible!" Hancock replied in a disbelief tone. "There was no way any slavers could have kidnapped you from Amazon Lily."

"We thought it was impossible as well Snake Princess," said Hinata. "However we learnt that the slavers use some sort of material to easily sail across the waters of Amazon Lily, immune to the Sea King's senses."

"What kind of material they're using?" Old Nyon asked, sensing something on what Hinata was saying.

"I believe it is seastone material Grandma Nylon," Hinata replied.

Everyone was already aware of seastone material. It is a substance that naturally originated from the seas. It is also the main thing that can cancel out Devil Fruit powers. Because the Calm Belt is infested by countless numbers of sea monsters called Sea Kings, Amazon Lily is naturally protected against outsiders. However, thanks to a brilliant scientist name Dr. Vegapunk, the Marines begin using seastone on the bottoms of their warships, which they escape unnoticed by the Sea Kings.

With their protection now eroded, the only way to keeping outsiders from entering Amazon Lily is for the ruler of the tribe, such as Boa Hancock to uphold her standing as a Shichibukai, and sign a treaty with the World Government for their continued security. But now slavers are using seastone substance to easily infiltrated Amazon Lily. If what Hinata and Ino said is true…

"How did you two managed escape the slaves?" said another Kuja Pirate name Sweet Pea

"The slavers were attacked by someone," Hinata begin to explained. "He single-handily defeated all of them before he disappeared into Shabondy. However…" Hinata was very hesitant as she seems afraid to finish what she said.

"However what Hinata," Hancock insisted. "Did you see your savior's face?"

"I did," said Hinata. "I recognized him from the Wanted posters. He's was regard by the Marines and the World Government as an extremely dangerous Pirate."

"Do you know the name of this pirate that saved you Hinata?" Hancock asked.

"She believes it was "Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto," Ino finished.

The very mention of the name sends a shock wave to all the female pirates, including Boa Hancock, Old Nyon, Boa Sandersonia, and Boa Marigold, whose faces was covering absolute doubt and surprise. Hancock have heard that name before and thought that she wasn't hearing right on what Ino just said.

"Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto?" repeated Marguerite, whose tone was in disbelief and surprise.

"You must be mistaken!" said another female pirate by the name of Ran.

"No we are not," Hinata insisted in her replied. "We saw him last night ago when he saved and freed us from the slavers at Shabondy."

"How do you two know he's the Burning Will?" Hancock demanded. Even though she really didn't believe what Hinata and Ino has said, something inside tells her that they were telling the truth.

"I saw his face perfectly Snake Princess," Hinata gives out the details. "Spiky blonde hair, fox-like whiskers, sapphiric blue eyes…it matches the descriptions on the bounty from the Marines."

"The crew of that majestic ship that drops us," Ino also added. "They turn out to be former slaves that Burning Will freed."

"How do you know that?" Old Nyon asked in an interest tendency.

"We saw the slave marks on their bodies Grandma Nylon," Hinata explained. "It looks like the mark of a World Noble, a bull hoof tattoo."

Although no one seems to notices it, both Boa sisters' faces were growing serious as they understand the truth since she felt the slave mark burning on her back emotionally.

"They claimed that Naruto freed them from the World Nobles and are heading back to a hidden camp of escaped slaves," Ino carry on with her story. "But there is something you also need to know Snake Princess. I fear the man Straw Hat Luffy may be in danger for Naruto is looking for him."

"What was that?" Hancock cried out loud, while quickly standing up. "What do you mean Luffy is in danger? Why would "Burning Will" be looking for him?"

"Based upon what information we got from the crew," Ino comprehensive. "They have seen him carry Luffy's wanted poster with him all long. We don't know why "Burning Will" was looking for him, but the ex-slaves told us that he been traveling across the Grand Line looking for him. Right now we need to return to Amazon Lily and warn Luffy about him."

"You're too late," Ran responded. "Right now Luffy is already in Sabaody as we speak. There is possibility he might run into "Burning Will" Naruto."

"If he's there than we must find him and warn him about Burning Will," said Hinata. "We don't know what his motives are towards Luffy."

Suddenly Hancock bolted from her seat and began walking towards one of the smaller boats of her ship. However Old Nylon stopped her. "I know what you're thinking Hancock and what you're about to do." Old Nylon sternly said to her. "You're planning to go after Luffy and warn him of "Burning Will" is looking for him. If you do that you'll not only exposed Luffy to the world, but you'll exposed Amazon Lily's connection with him."

"But Grandma Nylon," Hinata answered desperately. "Despite Luffy begin a man, he's our friend. He owns him that."

"She right," Marguerite also agreed. "We can't just stand here and do nothing."

"It's out of our hands Hinata and Marguerite," Old Nyon responded. "There is nothing we could do. All we need to do is trust in him in case the "Burning Will" catch up to him"

Although she hates to admit it, Hancock knows Old Nyon is right. The last thing she needs is to attach connection between Amazon Lily and Luffy. If the World Government finds out about it, they wouldn't hesitate to revoke Hancock's membership as a Shichibukai and move into position to destroy Amazon Lily, a pirate nation.

Still, it tormented her deeply with the knowledge that the man she loves is beginning hunted by one of the most dangerous rookie pirates to exist in the world. Hancock has to have faith that man she loves is able to protect himself since he had been trained by Sliver Rayleigh, the former first mate of the legendary Pirate King, on how to master his Haki powers.

Yet she slowly begins to have doubts since Burning Will was looking for Luffy.

After the attack on the capital Mariejoa, a large task force of Marine warships and soldiers was dispatch to go after "Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto," and bring him to Justice. Leading the taskforce was Admiral Kizaru, one of the ultimate powers regarded by the World Government. However when the Marine task force caught up to Naruto, he easily wiped them out.

According to Admiral Kizaru's reports, Naruto was a Haki master having display the three forms of Haki in battle. Kizaru also reported that he inherited the power of the Mera Mera no Mi, the Logia Devil Fruit that once belonged to Luffy's deceased brother. Naruto prove to be too much of a formidable opponent to handle and Kizaru was forced to retreat, begin the only survivor.

As result of Naruto's fighting abilities and crimes, the World Government places a $350,000,000 Beli on his head as Naruto had managed to hold his own against a Marine Admiral. The bounty on Naruto's head was second to Luffy's bounty; $400,000,000 Beli. Yet through her access as a Shichibukai, Hancock learned the reason of the vast bounty was because Naruto killed three World Nobles.

Before Luffy, Hancock felt it was impossible for anyone alive to oppose a World Noble. After she had heard Luffy struck a World Noble, she quickly befriends him, consider him trustworthy outside her family. Due to her feelings, Hancock has a tough time looking at Luffy in the eye due heavy crush she has on him.

Then last year Hancock heard about the attack on Mariejoa. According to the newspapers, a pirate that goes by the name "Burning Will" begins the purge of the capital of the World Government all by himself. During the ravaging of Mariejoa, he freed countless numbers of slaves who escaped to freedom.

To Hancock, Naruto was the second man to attacked Mariejoa.

The first was a Fishman adventure name Fisher Tiger, who invaded Mariejoa and free thousands of slaves. Hancock and her sisters have barely met or seen him only once, as they too were slaves to the World Nobles. They owe him a debt which cannot be repaid. However to Naruto, unlike Fisher Tiger, and despite begin the third man to defy the World Nobles, he was the first man to committed a crime that was unspeakable.

Hancock learned that Naruto had murdered three World Nobles. The killing of the descendants of the Twenty Kings was unheard of unbelievable in this world. It completely shocked Hancock, measure up to to the Marines' and the World Government's as well. Although the killing of the three World Nobles was kept from the public the Marines and the World Government were heavily pressure by the World Nobles, angrily demanding that Uzumaki D. Naruto brought to reprimand for what he did.

Under the pressure of the World Nobles, the Marines and World Government had been using all their resources in looking for Naruto. They'd mobilized their entire forces to look for him, not just in the Grand Line, but also the four other seas such as the East, West, North, and South Blue. However, Naruto had disappeared from public sight following his attack of Mariejoa. Nobody seems to know where he is for the last six months.

Hancock has long thought about the one known as "Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto. In her mind she believes men are degraded, disgusting and vile, that deserved to die, through Luffy had proven to be the opposite of her viewpoint on men. She never met "Burning Will" in person and is unable to tell his true character. However, she has heard how he attacked Mariejoa, free thousands of slaves, and murder three World Nobles. Fisher Tiger did the same thing and Hancock begins to think Naruto was like him, although Fisher Tiger didn't murder a World Noble, especially three of them

"Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto? Hancock thoughts repeated. "What kind of person are you? What are you up too? And why are you looking for Luffy?"

She doesn't know why this Naruto is looking for Luffy. But if harmed the man she love, Hancock vows to avenge Luffy's death, even if it cost her life.


Indeed, Sabaody Archipeligo was the absolute best.

There was food, booze, women, and plenty of entertainment to be had, if you had the coin. And if you didn't, then you were shit out of luck. Naruto mulled it over as he risked a precursory glance to the pouch tied to his belt. One hundred million berry. Someone was bound to try and snatch at it, sooner, rather than later. The same could not be said of his raft however; the light dingy having already capsized during his skirmish with the slavers, practically sinking even as its former master stepped off the mast and onto the dock. Risking a precursory glance back at this vessel, he tipped his head in farewell; because the mast had already quietly dipped below the waters of the pier.

Now it was merely a matter of staying out of sight until he could find what he'd come here for. Of course, there was also the matter of ditching the bothersome wench who'd taken it upon herself to tail him halfway across Sabaody Archipelago. He was nearing grove #47 as planned, but so too, was his pursuer. Now, he'd dodged into one of the many ramshackle establishments set up by the street vendors, chosen a seat, and contented himself to see what it was that fate had in store for him.

That had been nearly an hour ago.

"Something on your mind, stranger?"

Naruto had been ignoring the ruckus outside. It hadn't been any of his concern. Now he creaked an eye open as someone approached the empty seat at his right. He frowned, shifted in his chair, his left eye re-appearing over his shoulder, and immediately regretted it.

He found himself staring at...at...at...


Naruto half-turned, only to find his view suddenly blocked by a large

very large

pair of breasts. Attached to said breasts was a chest, and to that a neck; the latter eventually leading up to a darling pair of jade green orbs that utterly captured his attention and captivated him.


The owner of these eyes met his gaze and smiled brazenly brushing aside a stray strand of sandy blonde hair from that bewitching gaze. She was the girl from the pier; the one who'd been following him. Which if course, didn't sit well with Naruto at all.

"A lot of things." He said, his face betraying nothing, his mind already racing. "And you?"

...more than I'd like to think about." she finished, fixated upon him. "May I join you?"

Naruto yawned.

"Ah, excuse me." he said, pretending to look at the many baubles of the shop. "Sure. I'm

"Temari." She introduced herself abruptly, sweeping into the seat beside him. "And you are?"

"Naruto." He countered, unwilling to give any other reply than a lie. "I'm a traveling merchant."

"Fascinating," Temari smiled warmly, reaching into her right sleeve as she did so. "So tell me, Naruto-kun, do traders such as yourself regularly commit themselves to random acts of piracy?" She emerged with a charred piece of timber and summarily slipped it onto the bar beneath them, her gaze never leaving his, not even for an instant.

"I don't think that's any of your business." Naruto countered, smiling thinly. "Speaking of which, I take it you have a reason for cornering me here, on your home turf?" He did not think she'd be foolish to attack him openly, and so he yawned again. He hadn't freed those slaves because he'd wanted to; it merely been a matter of professional disgust and distaste. There was nothing personal about the way in which he'd slaughtered the slaves. Hell, he even considered saying "I've killed people like you" just to see what her reaction would be.

Oh, if only it were that easy.

"Iie." She shook her head. "You said so yourself; you're no enemy of mine. At least, not at the moment." She was pressing him; not only with her words but her gaze; making it increasingly difficult to look away, despite the ever growing ache in the pit of his stomach. And it wasn't hunger. Her scent, her perfume, her attire, nearly everything about Temari bespoke of it. Not just of anxiety or gratitude

though these too could be seen in the features of her face

but also of vulnerability.

Either she was a damned good liar, or she was deliberately trying to hash it out with him. Regardless of either...

Gods she was cute!

Maybe even too cute; because for every second he spent chatting up this bodacious beauty, Luffy was getting further and further away.

"Well, isn't that wonderful?" Naruto snapped back.

...not really." She turned aside, sparing a longing glance out the port-hole, the smallest of smiles adjourning her features at the sights she found there. "If it's not too much, I have a favor to ask of you." She exhaled softly, and a strong breeze gusted between them. "I understand that you might have some business on Fishman Island sometime in the near future, and

Then she turned chalk white. Her smile shattering like so many shards of glass, her mouth working wordlessly, Naruto eventually found his curiosity aroused. Reluctantly, he allowed his gaze to drift across the table and alight upon the spectacle that had captured her attention so and left her riveted. It must've been something, to stop a woman like her in her tracks.



And it was something indeed.

He felt his spirit sink like a stone as he saw them; marching a steady rank-and-file line across the streets. Marines. So they were onto him after all. Blast. So much for secrecy and stealth. If the marines knew him to be here, then an admiral was likely to be already on the way. Troublesome, as his old friend had once said. So very, very troublesome that for a terrifying second, Naruto considered just wiping out the whole of Sabaody in one giant fireball.

The realization that he'd likely be destroying himself as much as the marines, put a slight damper on that plan. As did any other notion of finding Miss Temari to be incredibly attractive. Now, unless he wanted to tangle with an admira


and risk destroying the Archipelago itself, all plans for leisure would have to be discarded. That meant cutting ties with said buxom blond, and cutting them fast.

Naruto painted a smile onto his face.

"And here I thought I'd kept myself inconspicuous."

Temari smiled thinly, her face only just regaining its usual pallor.

"I could say the same for Monkey D. Luffy."

"I beg your pardon?" Naruto blinked, his composure forgotten.

"Here." His fellow blond offered the unamused logia a poster. "Think of it as...a gift."

"Oh." Naruto read over it rapidly. "I see."

"He's gathering followers here in Sabaody?" Naruto frowned, the words having scarcely left his lips before a fireball ignited within his hand. He smiled at it, twirling it over in his hand as he would a coin. "You've done me a wonderful service, Temari-san. However, whatever your favor on Fishman Island might be, I'm afraid I'm not in the business of simply stealing or kidnapping or whatever it is that you might possibly ask of me."


"No buts."

He leaned forward, breaching the distance between them with a deceptive amount of agility. Temari stiffened. One moment he'd been within arm's reach. The next, he loomed over her, his lips brushing her outer lobe as he spoke


softly in her ear.

There was something seductive, almost primal in his gaze when he spoke.

"If I find out that you had any part in the marine presence here," He purred, tracing a finger over Temari's jawline. "I'm going to find you, rip out your spine, flog you with it, then scour the flesh from your bones until you beg me to kill you." He paused, let it sink in, let the words soak into her features. "And if, by some chance, you had nothing to do with their arrival, then I will be perfectly blunt with you, if I see you again, following me, shadowing me, in any way, shape, or form, I will send you back to your master or masters or whomever it is that sent you to possibly recover any possibly lost property of any possible person that is possibly an owner of a possible ex-slave, in a body bag."

He smiled, apparently amused by the elaborate terms he had used.


She managed a nod.



Naruto clapped his hands together, for the marines had passed. His point was made brutally clear in the resulting blow that chopped across her neck and speckled black spots before her vision; banishing her to the depths of unconsciousness. She didn't even have the time to cry out, and she knew only thus:

Discussion closed.

"Sir?" The shop vendor looked at Naruto questioningly as the blond reached into one of the many racks and procurred a thick, matte-black cloak. Then he saw the slumped girl slung over the shoulder of his would-be customer. He flipped two silvers in the man's direction.

"That's one for the coat." He said. "Another to take care of her until she wakes up."

"Th-Thank you for your business, sir." The vendor replied in a hushed tone, humbling scooping up the money that had been gifted to him. Clearly he recognized the face of the man before him; because that man's wanted poster was strewn all over Sabaody Archipelago. That said man had just bequeathed a substantial amount of coin unto him spoke not only of his generosity, but of his infamy.

Naruto laid Temari down, donned the cloak, and laid another few hundred berri at the man's feet

"This," He began slowly, "Is for your silence." He pushed the stack of bills forward. "You didn't see anything now, did you?"

The man's eyes bulged, his mouth working wordlessly.

"N-Nothing at all." He managed at last.

Naruto smiled.

(EDITOR NOTE/Chrono32 here damn this was a mistake its hard but ill do it for my friend )

"Pleasure doing business with you."

With a small smile, he spun on a heel, flipped up his cowl and headed toward his destination.

At the Sabaody Marine base, platoons of Marine soldiers had begun mobilizing for action, readying themselves for Grove 46#. A scout had reported that the infamous pirate known as Straw Hat Luffy is begin seen at pirate recruit gathering. To the Marine forces of Sabaody Archipelago, this may be a chance to redeem themselves.

The Marines learned that the legendary pirate Sliver Rayleigh was being sold as a slave at the Human Auctioning House. Seeking a chance to capture the right-hand man of the previous Pirate King, the Sabaody Marine forces surrounded it with their troops. Then come the unthinkable thing that occurs… the Straw Hat Pirates attacked the World Nobles.

The Marine Base was ordered by headquarters to prevent them in escaping, however they failed misery as Luffy along with the Captains of the Heart Pirates and Kid Pirates easily defeated them. It was a shame that emotionally burned all the Sabaody Marines. With Straw Hat Luffy now making an appearance after two years, they felt they are blessing with one last chance to take down the infamous rubber pirate. However one other person that arrived in Sabaody Marine base felt their underestimating the Straw Hat Pirates….and his name is Sentomaru

Sentomaru was a very large man, looking like a sumo wrestler. His outfit consists of a shirt that look like a giant brown apron with a symbol meaning "heaven" on the front, and a large red and white rope. He was carrying a very large battle ax and has marine officer coat over his shoulders.

"You're going to mobilize the Pacifistas?" a Marine officer asked with surprised look.

"Of course I 'am," Sentomaru replied. "It seems you guys are underestimating the Straw Hat Pirates. You think they'll be the same as they were two years ago. They must had gotten much stronger which is the reason why they came out of hiding"

"I can't understand what the hell was wrong with Kuma," Sentomaru kept on. "But he seems to lost his personality due his behavior. I knew someday that the Straw Hat Pirates are going show up here in Shabondy Archipelago. This time they won' escape us."

Just then another Marine officer, ranked as a Lieutenant enters the room. His face was cover in panic.

"Captain Sentomaru," the Marine Lieutenant said in a panicking manner. "I have terrible news."

"Whatever terrible news you got it has to wait," Sentomaru responded to the Marine Lieutenant.

"But you don't understand," the Marine Lieutenant pleaded. "I just came from the interrogation room with shocking news of dangerously and powerful known pirate here in Shabondy Archipelago."

"I already know Straw Hat Luffy is here Shabondy."

"I'm not talking about Straw Hat Luffy sir," said the Marine Lieutenant. "I'm talking about "Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto."

"What did you just say?" Sentomaru asked with shocking look on his face.

'I trying to tell you that "Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto" is here on this island." the Marine Lieutenant said again.

"Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto?" the Marine officer repeated in disbelief. "No way…you must be mistaken Lieutenant."

"Do you remember that incident last night at Shipyard Coating?" the Marine Lieutenant begins to verbalize. "There was a survivor from the burning three pirate ships. A pirate captain claimed that he saw "Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto" with his own eyes."

"There no way!" the Marine officer refused to believe it. "He hadn't been seen in many mouths since he—"

"—defeated Uncle Kizaru," Sentomaru finished what he about to say. "Yeah, I know that."

Sentomaru had heard how the rookie pirate driven his uncle into retreating after he wiped out 50 Marine warships and several tens thousands of soldiers single-handily. Based on his uncle's reports, Naruto was far too strong for Kizaru to defeat, and recognizing him as a Haki master. Naruto was the strongest supernova pirate to able to hold his own against a Marine Admiral, far stronger than the supernova 11 that occurred here in Sabaody Archipelago two years ago. It was the reason why the World Government decided to raise his bounty to $350,000,000."

"Do you think he's here to join the Straw Hat Pirates?" the Marine officer asked.

"Its possibility," Sentomaru assumed. "But if he is, then taking down Straw Hat Pirates is going to be harder than thought."

Later at a certain bar of Grove #47, a woman was taking a drink. In her appearance, she was 20 years tall young woman, very lovely with her long orange hair, along with attractive body. Her outfit was a revealing green and white bikini halter top, low-rider jeans that expose some of her hips, orange high-heeled sandals, and a pair of pearl-like earrings. She bore a blue tattoo on her left shoulder which represents mikan and pinwheels.

This, was no ordinary woman, having a conversation with the Bar owner.

"Say have you heard news about the Marines?" said the Bar owner. "They've set up a new headquarters."

"Isn't the Marine headquarters in Marineford, the one near Sabaody?" the orange-haired woman asked the bartender.

"It was, but its switched places with a place called G-1 Base," the bar owner explained. "G-1 Base was once a branch station right on the opposite side of the Red Line. Sengoku's replacement, the new Marine Fleet Admiral is showing the world he means business. We're talking about the Marine headquarters within the territory of the Yoko. As a result, Sabaody Archipelago has become more uncontrollable with pirates being able to act more freely than before," the bartender continued.

"I see what you mean," orange-haired woman replied. "I was wondering why the town has so much wild activity than it was two years go."

Just then someone took a seat next to her. This newcomer was wearing a long black cloak. It was like a shroud, and it hid most of his face, save for half of his mouth and what looked like a whiskered cheek. Roughened blond bangs could just barely be seen if one focused their gaze into the shadows of his cowl. Most, however were simply too intimidated to give the stranger more than a passing glance.

"Pardon the interruption, but, He spoke; his voice tumbling to a low pitch even before the words had left his mouth. "I heard that you sell good ramen here," said the cloaked stranger. "I'll take ten bowls, if you don't mind."


For a moment, orange-haired woman nearly choked on her drink. She rounded on the voice, almost expecting to find him there. Only one person could possibly order, let alone eat, such a vast amount of food. But no, she realized, it was not him, not the man she had been waiting for. If anything, she couldn't possibly have been closer too the truth, and yet, she hadn't a clue as to whom had just joined her at the counter.

"Ten?" The bartender gawked. "Kid, are you sure you can eat that much?"

"I'm more than willing to pay." The voice reassured the baffled owner of the bar. "Please, heat them up right away."

Having a new customer, the bar owner turned round to arranged the cloaked stranger's order. The Orange-haired woman studied the stranger carefully. This man's body, as well as his face, was carefully hidden. That was nothing new. Many a man wanted to keep his identity a secret from those around him. Given the lack of marine presence in Sabaody, it really wasn't much a surprise that he wanted to keep his identity a secret from the general public.

Then she noticed a necklace around his neck. It look like a perfectly-shaped green stone object around the Stranger's neck. Examining the necklace careful, Nami estimated its worth to be lots of berri. That is, if she could manage to steal it. That was also a sizable pouch of coin that he had strapped to his waist...

"Can I help you with something,


She balked. It seemed that her attention hadn't gone unnoticed after all. She'd been noticed as well. Upon raising her gaze to meet his, she was greeted by a small smile, twin ores of pure sapphire, and the strangest inclination that she'd seen this man somewhere before. Or, at the very least, heard of him. When he said nothing further to divulge his identity, she opted to let the matter drop.

"Sorry about that," orange-haired woman replied. "I thought you were someone else. Someone I'm waiting for."

"I see." The cloaked stranger inclined his head in a gesture of minute deference. "You see, I am also waiting for someone. I wonder, might I trouble you for a moment of your time, if you have some to spare?" The ramen was set down on the counter before him then, and his attention swiveled toward his meal. He broke out a pair of chopsticks and, almost immediately, began to quietly partake of his meal.

'Just who is this guy?'

"You seem like the type of person who knows Sabaody Archipelago like the back of your hand," the cloaked stranger began, doing his best to keep his attention fixated on his ramen and nothing else. "I was wondering if you might help me with something." Ten bowls clattered to the counter top, and now, the orange-haired woman truly gawped. In less than ten seconds, he had simply devoured ten bowls worth of ramen.

"Something?" The orange-haired woman inquired.

"Someone." The cloaked stranger corrected. "There's coin in it for you, if you're willing." After a pause, he decided to add that money was of little to no value for him, and she would be well rewarded for her services.

The orange-haried woman considered his offer for a moment.

Obviously, this stranger was searching for something and more than willing to pay for it. The orange-haired woman smiled as she thought what price she wanted. She could, of course, demand all the berri he had in her pouch. Inevitably, her gaze gravitated toward the necklace draped around his neck. An item like that, she mused, would be far more valuable than any amount of berri.

She wanted that necklace.

"Yes I know much of Sabaody Archipelago like the back of my hand," the orange-haired woman replied at length. "But in exchange for some information there is a price."

"What sort of price?" the cloaked stranger asked, half of his face is still hidden. From what she could see, his smile had all but evaporated. And yet he made no move to clutch at the pouch at his waist or count his gold whatsoever. Did he really place so little value in his coin? The orange-haired woman believed his relief would be palpable, therefore, when she met his gaze and named her price.

"That necklace around your neck," the orange-haired woman responded.


is my price."

"You want my necklace?" asked the cloaked stranger. "This old thing?" His words were edged with confusion and, was that amusement she detected in his tone? No, it couldn't possibly be. He was wearing a veritable goldmine around his neck, and there wasn't so much as a glimmer of deception in his eye. Truly, he seemed genuinely pleased by the confusion flitting across her features.

"Yeah," said the orange-haired woman, composing herself. "I'm willing to give you any information you're looking for in exchange for it."

The cloaked stranger rips the necklace from around his neck as if he was ready to give it to orange-haired woman. Just as he was about to handed it over to her he suddenly held it back.

"I'm sorry," the cloaked stranger said. "I don't think I could do that."

"Why not," asked the orange-haired woman. "It's a fair price."

"No," the cloaked stranger said. "It wouldn't be a fair price if I handed somebody their death."

"What!" the orange-haired woman answers back in a surprise tone."Wait minute what do you mean by that? Handed my death?"

"Well," the cloaked stranger began to explain. "This necklace once belonged to my Godmother. She once gave it to her little brother and boyfriend because it is a sign of good luck to help them in their journey. However...


"However," the cloaked stranger continued. "Her little brother, then later, her boyfriend, each died a gruesome deaths. The necklace that she had given each of them the day before that death inevitably returned to her, and she began to view it as some kind of curse." He paused, peering at a point past the orange-haired woman, almost as if he'd seen something there, but he said nothing.

"How come you're wearing it?" Her curiousity piqued, the orange-haired woman couldn't help but broach the subject further. "Or should I expect you to die a horrible death as soon as you leave this bar?" Her concern wasn't entirely feighed; if the necklace was indeed cursed, then she wanted to sell it as quickly as possible before it could be passed on to her.

"Well," the cloaked stranger began to say. "I made a bet with her. I bet her that I would be able to unlock my Haoshoku Haki. She didn't believe I would have it since only one in million people can possess the power."

The orange-haired woman had heard the word Haki before. As she tried recalling her memories on what it was, someone interrupted her thoughts.

"Did I just hear right," someone's loud voice was heard. "$55,000,000 Beli?"


A gunshot was heard that causes everyone in the room to turn their heads. At a table with food and drinks, a large and fat middle aged man has shot a pirate in front of him. He was wearing a straw hat, a shirt that is open and too tight to close due to his overweight figure, and he wearing what appeared to be boots. His legs are thin and hairy. He has an X-shaped scar on his stomach and another scar on his left shoulder.

"Try reading the poster correctly nest time," the fat man with straw hat sneered. "The least bounty is $70,000,000 Beli. I'm not interested in taking Captains with bounties lower than that. But hell I'm amazed you ever made it this far."

"Who is that guy?" the cloaked stranger asked.

"That guy there is Straw Hat Luffy stranger," said the bar owner behind the cloaked stranger and Nami.

"Straw Hat Luffy?" the cloaked stranger responded in an almost surprising tone. "You're telling me that guy is Straw Hat Luffy?"

"A course he is," said the bartender. "He's the son of the infamous Monkey D. Dragon and the grandson of the legendary Monkey D. "Garp the Fist. His bounty was increased to $400,000,000 Beli after his actions between the inescapable Impel Down and the War over Marineford."

'Right now he and his crew are coming out of hiding," the bar owner continues. "They're recruiting a strong crew for the New World."

"Get lost trash!" Straw Hat Luffy cruelty shouts down on the wounded man. "I'm the son of the legendary Revolutionary Dragon, you know!

"We don't have any time for weaklings who are going to slow us down," said a Sniper King. "You've just not at our level. You think we're dumb enough to allow a fool into our crew?"

Turning to another crew-mate Luffy said "Hey Franky how many do we got?"

"The total is about a hundred," Franky replied. "Three full Pirate crews have joined us. Ten of them had bounties on their heads

"And two of them are Supernovas everyone talking about," Luffy sneered. "They are the Brother Captains "Wet Hair" Caribou and "Blood-Splatterer" Coribou. Their bounties are worth $210,000,000 and $190,000,000 Beli on their heads. Those are the kind of guys we needed in our crew."

"Wouldn't it be so much fun if we had "Burning Will" Uzumaki D. Naruto on our crew, captain?" said Nami. "He has the largest bounty of the Supernovas; $350,000,000 Beli, the biggest bounty we've come across so far!"

"Yeah," agreed Sulking. "But nobody's seen him these many months since the incident at Mariejoa last year. However even if he did want to join our crew it will be a big risk since he's been hunted mercifully by the Marines and the World Government."

"Perhaps you're right," sighed Luffy. "Ah, screw it! We got enough bounties to expand our reputation in the New World! Ain't that right!"

Turing to the Bar owner where the cloaked stranger and the orange-haired woman are Luffy shouted "Oi! Bartender! Bring me some rum." He grinned lecherously seconds later as his gaze fell upon the orange-haired woman whom the man had been servicing a moment before."And you lovely lady, it's obvious you've been standing there for a long time. Why don't you come and have a drink with me, eh?"

"No thank you," answered the orange-haired woman curtly. "I'm waiting for someone." Everyone in the room felt their jaws drop and their eyeballs bulge from their sockets. A refusal, a blatant refusal, orange-haired woman had turned down Monkey D. Luffy. To refuse an extremely dangerous pirate with a bounty of $400,000,000 was unwise. So unwise in fact, that the bartender felt inclined to remind the woman of her mistake.

"Listen lady," the bar owner whispered to her on frightening tone. "You'd be better off doing what that guy said. That mad pirate went charging into the middle of the war two years ago. I'm sure you heard about it right?"

She refused to honour him with a response.

"Waiting for someone are you?" said Sniper King as he approached the orange-haired woman. "I'm sure he just a puny weakling who'll be crying on his knees the second he hear Captain Luffy's name. Now get over here right now!" He leaned forward threateningly, clearly believing that the orange-haired woman was about to come to her senses and grovel for mercy at their feet.

Instead, the cloaked stranger deftly placed himself between Sogeking and the orange-haired woman. Now, rather than dragging the vixen over to the captain as Sogeking had intended, he found the hand of that man clamped upon one massive forearm, halting him in his tracks. And to make matters worse, Sogeking couldn't seem to move. Literally his arm-no, his entire body, was suddenly frozen in its tracks as he locked gazes with the man who had dared to assault him.

"Listen friend," said the cloaked stranger. "Why don't we just let bygones be bygones and leave the nice lady alone?" With a deft flick of his wrist he released the Sniper King, a simple backhanding that not only expressed his contempt, but utterly embarrased the famed king of snipers. It was, quite literally, a slap on the wrist. Though this particular slap was heated to nearly ninety degrees Celsius, and therefore, quite warm in its intensity.

For a man of "Sogeking's" calibre, the blow should have been nothing.

Sogeking screamed.

"Ah!" he yowled; it was a planitive, pitiful whine. "Hot! It's


"Shut up, Sogeking!" Franky hissed, seeking to calm the belligerent man. "It's not funny, anymore!"

"It should be." The man lowered a smoking hand, revealing that it was he who had left the red palm-print in the flesh of Sogeking's forearm. "I didn't think that little love-tap would hurt you so much, Sogeking?" He all but spat the last syllable, as if the term itself was poison to him. Abruptly, the humor trickled from his features like so much steam although there was no such thing to be found in this silent challenge.

Suddenly, the silence was deafening.

"You better mind your own business fellow." Luffy warned the cloaked stranger, his contempt evident. "I despise fools, above all fools who don't mind their own business." The thread alone was enough to make the bar patrons quiver in their boots. The orange-haired woman simply arched an eyebrow, took a sip of her drink and wondered at the true identity of this man who had so


come to her aid.

"Fools, you say?" The cloaked stranger scowled, a blood red iris reappearing over his shoulder. "Funny you should mention that." It was then that Luffy had a hard time seeing the man's face. It was carefully hidden by the hood of his black clock, save for his mouth, and he'd gone to great efforts to keep it that way. "I too, despise fools. Above all, a fool who thinks to pose as a pirate and pass himself off as one."

"W-Why are you wearing hood over your head?" Luffy asked, wondering who this cloaked stranger was. "Who are you?"

"I'm keeping my real name and appearance hidden," said the cloaked stranger. "I'm a wanted man by the Marines and World Government. They find out I'm here in Sabaody Archipelago, then they're going sends a heavy amount of soldiers after me." He paused, thumbing his chin, as if in thought. "Perhaps even a Marine Admiral or two."

"You're a pirate?" said Nami.

"Yes," the cloaked stranger responded tersely.

"Then how bout you remove that cloak that covers your face," said Straw Hat Luffy. "And tell us your name and bounty? If your bounty is higher than $70,000,000 Beri maybe I'll even offer you a place in my crew, ha!"

"No!" cloaked stranger shouted.


Everyone panicked as the cloaked stranger said no to the most dangerous Pirate alive.

"Huh?" Straw Hat Luffy replied in confused tone. "What you mean, no?"

"I just said no," said the cloaked stranger. "That's all."

"You think that's the answer I want hear?" Luffy snarled, reaching for his flintlock pistol. "I'm telling you to take off your cloak and reveal yourself! Do you have any idea who I am, who you're messing with, punk!" Everyone but for the orange-haired woman dropped to the floor at the appearance of the pistol. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy! I have a bounty of $400,000,000 Berry, and you

...you're nothing!"

"So you claim."

The stranger didn't so much as flinch; staring down the barrel of the gun with something akin to...resignation? The orange haired woman watched the impending standoff and felt a bead of sweat slip down her neck-had it always been so hot in here-and watched and waited for the standoff to meet its inevitable conclusion. Surprisingly, the man held up a hand palm outward, fingers splayed, then curled into a fist.

"Last chance!" Luffy crowed, ignorant of his own peril. "Take it off or eat lead!"

"I wouldn't, if I were you." The stranger cautioned. "Bullets won't work on me."

With a resounding clack, Luffy pulled back the catch on his pistol.

"Go to hell!"

The man heaved a great and heavy sigh.

"Miss?" He murmured softly.

"Yes?" The orange-haired woman blinked.

"Get down."

And with that, the bar erupted in a curtain of orange flame.

A/N: Mwahaha! I rather like this dark/good Naruto I have crafted! ENJOY! And don't forget to review until my ears fall off! Although, being a skeleton, I have no ears...SKULL JOOOOKE! YOHOHOHO!

damn lucky this dude is my best friend like not that i dont get anything out of it but 3 hours maybe a bit more struggling fixing mistakes and crap my gosh support or ill die dont like hard work support so he can do this him self

Chronos32creators' thoughts