
Naruto: I Quit

On the fateful night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, a foreign soul found itself reborn in the world of the Hokage, merging with the infant Naruto. Yet, hidden beneath the innocent façade of this newborn babe lay the wisdom and experience of an adult soul, a secret known to none. As life unfurled within the Hidden Leaf Village, the unfair treatment and unwarranted hostility that once besieged Naruto now fell upon the new soul. With a resolve that defied the very fabric of destiny, he declared, "Fuck you Konoha, I am not gonna stay in this shithole any longer." ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to 60+ advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: patreon.com/KittyLovesMilk ======= Disclaimer It's important to note that I do not assert any ownership over the material, as they fall under the category of fanfiction, creatively derived from existing works.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

The Change

The Sage of Six Paths had vanished once again. Just like his mysterious disappearance three years prior, Naruto found himself clueless about the circumstances surrounding his departure, uncertain of his current whereabouts, or whether he was still watching over him.

However, the fact that the Sage could manifest instantly upon Naruto mentioning Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and the Ōtsutsuki family indicated his unwavering vigilance over him.

Though the Sage of Six Paths had passed into the annals of history over a thousand years ago, his chakra or soul continued to wander the ninja world. Unlike others, he possessed the unique ability to traverse freely between the mortal realm and the pure land even after death, a testament to his unparalleled Six Paths power.

Indeed, such power could only be described as otherworldly.

While the Sage of Six Paths wasn't physically traveling, he remained an ever-watchful guardian of the Shinobi world. He silently observed the eternal conflict between the reincarnations of the two Chakra-wielding sons, Indra and Ashura, spanning millennia.

Even though Indra and Ashura had long perished, their Chakra had persisted, reincarnating within their respective bloodlines, and continuing their timeless struggle through the art of Chakra possession. In this era, Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke carried the mantle, while in previous generations, it had been Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

The cycle repeated countless times, each iteration beyond count.

So, he was indeed watching over Naruto in silence, only intervening when absolutely necessary. To be frank, it seemed somewhat unjust that Uchiha Sasuke had received nothing in comparison. What would be Sasuke's fate in the wake of the Sage of Six Paths' disappearance?


Following the Sage of Six Paths' vanishing act, Naruto remained in his spiritual realm, pondering the situation. Slowly, he turned and fixed his gaze upon Kurama, who was sealed within a nearby cage.


Naruto approached the cage, peering through the gap at Kurama inside.

Kurama felt a twinge of unease wash over him. Although Naruto appeared to be just a three-year-old, Kurama had witnessed firsthand the immense power bestowed upon him by the Sage of Six Paths.

With his white hair and white robe, Naruto even sported a pair of sharp horns. Most notably, his eyes had transformed into the piercing Rinnegan.

As Naruto extended his hand toward the Truth-Seeking Ball that followed him, it morphed into a sleek, obsidian staff.

Kurama couldn't help but squint his eyes, his scarlet pupils flashing with annoyance. To be regarded with disdain and even mockery by a mere child?

Naruto smiled, his lips curling slightly with a hint of condescension. "Don't be afraid, Kurama. I promised I won't harm you. After all, your demise would mean my own."

Kurama narrowed his eyes, a glint of anger in his crimson gaze. Mocked and scorned by a young boy?

"I'll release you," Naruto suddenly declared, his tone serious.

"One day, I'll open this cage and attempt to make peace with you. We've already entered a symbiotic relationship, whether I like it or not. At that point, you can explore the outside world through me, even granting you some measure of freedom through Chakra sharing. But it all depends on your conduct. I believe you understand what I require."

It was strength.

While the power of Six Paths bestowed upon him by the Sage of Six Paths was undeniably formidable, it remained distinct from Naruto's own power.

In the realm of the Rinnegan, Naruto found himself grappling with the realization that his true strength remained beyond his reach. It was a paradoxical situation for the young ninja, as he was only three years old. The enormity of his potential weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he contemplated his next move in Konoha Village.

Before him lay a ready-made "Power Bank," the formidable Nine Tails, a source of power capable of making him disregard most adversaries and factions in the Ninja world. Naruto couldn't help but address the beast within him, Kurama, with a mix of wisdom and warning.

"Consider your options, Kurama. It's in both our best interests to make a wise choice. Don't wait until I no longer require your strength; by then, I won't be pondering how to harness your power, but rather, how to neutralize the threat you pose."

Naruto's words hung in the air as his ethereal form slowly began to fade, signaling his imminent return to the real world. The shift in his demeanor was palpable. Once, he had resorted to deception to handle Kurama, but now he felt no need for pretense, opting instead for a more candid and pragmatic approach.

While Naruto had once been at the mercy of Kurama's might, he now stood at a crossroads where he could either utilize the beast's power or, eventually, sever the connection entirely. The vulnerabilities of being a Jinchūriki were too great to ignore. What if losing the tailed beast meant his own demise?

Yet, Naruto entertained a more audacious notion – obtaining a second Ten Tails. Ōtsutsuki Kaguya had become Ten Tails through consuming the Chakra fruit, achieving immortality, and sealing her fate. If he could acquire a second Ten Tails and partake in the Chakra fruit, what became of his pledge to the Sage of Six Paths?

He had his own aspirations and a vision for the future. Naruto was resolute in his declaration that he would eventually ascend to the level of Six Paths, surpassing even the original Sage himself. But for the present moment, he recognized the need for discretion.

"Although these powers are now mine," Naruto mused, "I must continue honing myself. The Six Paths' power and ocular techniques should remain concealed for now."

With those thoughts, Naruto's consciousness withdrew from the spiritual world, leaving Kurama behind in the cage. The beast stared at the spot where Naruto had been, unable to shake the gravity of his words.

Kurama grappled with Naruto's sincerity. Was it merely a pawn in the young ninja's grand design, or could there be room for genuine reconciliation? Naruto's approach had been one of coercion rather than mutual understanding, and Kurama found itself torn between annoyance and helplessness.

It pondered why Sage of Six Paths had bestowed such immense power upon a child. Kurama was acutely aware that Naruto was no ordinary child. With the power of the Six Paths and the enigmatic ocular technique, he could potentially dominate it at will. Kurama had been under the control of Uchiha Madara's Sharingan in the past, and more recently, Uchiha Obito's influence had been an agonizing experience. It understood the power these eyes possessed.

Yet, there was a cruel irony—Kurama could not break free from the seal and escape the cage.

"Do I have to bow my head to that troublesome boy?" Kurama muttered, the dilemma weighing heavily on its mind.


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