
Naruto: I Quit

On the fateful night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, a foreign soul found itself reborn in the world of the Hokage, merging with the infant Naruto. Yet, hidden beneath the innocent façade of this newborn babe lay the wisdom and experience of an adult soul, a secret known to none. As life unfurled within the Hidden Leaf Village, the unfair treatment and unwarranted hostility that once besieged Naruto now fell upon the new soul. With a resolve that defied the very fabric of destiny, he declared, "Fuck you Konoha, I am not gonna stay in this shithole any longer." ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to 60+ advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: patreon.com/KittyLovesMilk ======= Disclaimer It's important to note that I do not assert any ownership over the material, as they fall under the category of fanfiction, creatively derived from existing works.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Getting Stronger

Since the day Naruto learned the Shadow Clone Technique from Kurama, his progress had undergone a significant transformation. This wasn't an exaggeration. Notably, his progress in mastering the Rasengan was remarkable. He managed to complete the first stage of practice in less than a day, a testament to the benefits of his newfound skills.

Unfortunately, the second stage of Rasengan training required balloons, and since it was winter, he had to postpone it. But Naruto didn't let this deter him. While he continued to exercise physically, he directed the Shadow Clones to work on various proficiencies.

For example, the Jieyin hand seals, with a total of twelve gestures, were meticulously practiced by twenty Shadow Clones. They diligently worked on perfecting the speed and precision of each seal, circling around a large tree and focusing on the trunk.

In the depths of the jungle, a hundred Shadow Clones engaged in combat, sparring in pairs. This training aimed to accumulate actual combat experience. As Shadow Clones could transfer their memories back to the original body, it didn't matter if it was the feeling of being struck, the strategic thinking required in battle, or the overall combat experience. The Shadow Clones were capable of replacing the body effectively, even when facing off against each other.

Moreover, among the one hundred Shadow Clones in the deepest part of the jungle, fifty activated their Mangekyō Sharingan, while the other fifty unleashed the Gouyu Rinnegan.

Naruto recognized the significance of ocular techniques. Yet, he wasn't certain about the nature of his Mangekyō Sharingan's abilities, and even the basics of the Rinnegan required practice.

Naruto was cautious. He understood the potential drawbacks of the Mangekyō Sharingan, which could lead to blindness if overused. It was a cyclical problem. But he was a clever thinker. He questioned why the Uchiha clan had never considered having Shadow Clones practice these ocular techniques. Shadow Clones were only clones, and even if they were damaged or destroyed, it wouldn't harm the original body.

Had the Uchiha clan ever considered this approach? And what about Uchiha Itachi, often regarded as a genius? Could his illness and near-blindness have been the result of years of intense combat?

As these thoughts swirled in his mind, Naruto continued his daily physical exercises. He also maintained a vigilant watch over his surroundings, not only through the sensory capabilities of the Shadow Clones but also with the intent to detect any approaching individuals within a few hundred meters.

Additionally, he reentered the half-tailed animalization mode. This helped him cloak his Chakra with Nine Tails Chakra, effectively countering any attempts at surveillance by Third Hokage using telescopic techniques activated through crystal balls.

For Naruto, maintaining his secrets was crucial. He was committed to his training, driven by an unyielding desire to grow stronger. Despite being just three years old, he couldn't afford to let his age hold him back.

"I can't let my age dictate my progress, and I can't afford to be patient. Strength is gained through perseverance, and a little hardship is nothing in the grand scheme of things," he mused. "Besides, if I don't train, I'll have nothing to do. It's better to stay busy and make the most of my time."

Naruto's determination shone through, and he couldn't help but feel fortunate that this world lacked the distractions of smartphones and computers, which could have driven him to madness in the midst of his intense training.

With no friends to play with and a world that lacked the diversions of modern technology, Naruto's daily routine revolved around rigorous training. He contemplated whether there were satellites in this world, pondering how TV signals were transmitted. The intricacies of television technology weren't his expertise, but he couldn't help but wonder.

In any case, Naruto set his sights on higher-level training. His plan was to master Mangekyō Sharingan's ocular techniques and unlock all of Rinnegan's abilities as quickly as possible. The anticipation of discovering his unique ocular techniques and the prospect of unlocking Susanoo's power excited him. After all, as the Jinchūriki of the Nine Tails, if he combined Susanoo with Kurama Mode, he'd be a force to be reckoned with. He contemplated the peculiar fact that Sage of Six Paths, despite having Rinnegan, never displayed Susanoo's power.

Nevertheless, Naruto had one unwavering goal: to grow stronger. He craved progression and was prepared to increase the intensity of his training by replacing his current sandbags with heavier ones after the New Year. The speed of his growth was astonishing. In a little over two months, he had reached the point where he needed heavier weights. Wearing 240 pounds of weight at the age of three was something that no one would believe.

Naruto took a moment to express his gratitude to the Sage of Six Paths. The

Ashura Chakra, Kurama's Chakra, and the Six Paths had been like guardians, allowing him to push his limits without his body collapsing under the immense strain. Now, it was safe to say that his body and spirit were indomitable.

"Become stronger, stronger, stronger, keep getting stronger," Naruto shouted and sprinted through the snowy woods surrounding him.

His Shadow Clones glanced up at each other and speculated, "Is the main Naruto finally losing it?"

"Maybe it's because of his encounter with his wife last night, sparking an even stronger determination to fight," another Clone conjectured.

Regardless of the reason, one thing was certain: Naruto was more motivated than ever, his fiery resolve burning brighter.