
Naruto: I opened 100 stores

After traveling to the world of Naruto, Anlan obtained a system called a god-level store manager, and began to build various shops in the Ninja world: gourmet shops, Internet cafes, pet shops, comic shops, custom shops...

Pratik_Subedi · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 4

Heat the oil in the pan.


An Lan stirs the eggs with chopsticks by the side, and when the oil is 60% hot, add half of the eggs and stir fry.


For a good bowl of fried rice, the rice grains need to be distinct and evenly colored.


And the most basic cuisine, egg fried rice, contains more philosophy.


Not only the egg yolk should be fragrant and delicious, the rice should be moderately hard and soft, but more importantly, the aroma of the two should blend with each other, and the egg should be fragrant and not fishy.




Five minutes later, An Lan brought two plates to serve


With the cooking skills provided by the system.


The two bowls of egg fried rice are distinct in grains, and each grain of rice emits a golden luster, like gold.




Naruto and Konohamaru have bright eyes, they have never seen such beautiful fried rice!


As the An described it, every grain of rice glows like gold.


"Eat quickly, you two! Otherwise, it will be cold!"


An Lan reminded them, and this brought the two people back to their senses.


Is it really delicious? You will know after a bite!


Pick up the spoon, scoop up a spoon, put it in your mouth, and chew.




The sweetness of eggs and the softness of rice poured into the mouth.


The nose and throat are instantly filled with a large amount of fragrance, which has been pouring into the stomach along the esophagus, and the taste is better than ever! And there is a warm current moving in the body, this rice seems to have a life!


"This.... this is too delicious!"


"It's delicious! It's so delicious!"


The expressions of Naruto and Konohamaru are just like those of the judges who have eaten the dishes of the Xiaodang family in China.


His face flushed, mesmerized...






The two of them waved their spoons frantically, sending bites of food to their mouths.


Those worries and suspicions just now disappeared!


At this moment, all they have in mind is this bowl of fried rice! So delicious!


Two minutes later...


Naruto and Konohamaru wiped out the fried rice on the plate without leaving a single grain of rice!


If it weren't for fear of being laughed at, the two of them even wanted to lick the plate again!


" Are you satisfied?" An Lan asked with a smile.


"Satisfied! old man, this is the best egg fried rice I have ever eaten!"


"Boss! You really are a super chef!"


Naruto and Konohamaru both extended their thumbs and gave this golden fried rice the highest evaluation.


An Lan smiled faintly and quickly hit the iron while it was hot: "Then...Would you like to order other dishes?"


"Other dishes..."


The two of them were in a difficult position.


After looking up at the menu, it was hard for them to make a decision...


Especially Naruto, he was originally an orphan, and his living expenses were subsidized by the village and he didn't have much money.


To be honest, the bowl of golden fried rice just now has eaten his living expenses for a few days.


Order another dish, I'm afraid the wallet will be too much to eat!


Probably seeing Naruto's difficulties, An Lan sat next to him and explained: "The dishes in my restaurant are more magical and delicious. If you only eat one dish, it's a bit of a loss, and  you have to eat more."


After thinking about it, Konohamaru's stomach is still groaning!


"Then, that's okay... Then order one more..."


Konohamaru glanced at the price list.


I have eaten the golden fried rice, and now there are two dishes left: magic mapo tofu and bouncing turtle soup.


"Brother Naruto, let me entertain you today. You usually take care of me like that. You should repay Big Brother if you are a little brother!"


Konohamaru bravely took out his wallet and said that he was going to pay today.


"Bring one mapo tofu and bouncing soup, give us one each!"


"Good Konohamaru!"


An Lan went to the kitchen to cook.


10 minutes later...


An Lan came up with two plates and two cantaloupes.


Because it is opening today, the raw materials on the shop are well prepared, and most of the ingredients are roughly processed by the system, Anlan only needs to stir the ingredients in the pot, add a little seasoning and, Then just serve it out.


"Huh, isn't it turtle soup? What's the matter with this cantaloupe?"


Both of them were curious about the cantaloupe in An Lan's hands.


"You don't know about that. This cantaloupe is the body of the bouncing turtle soup."


Uncovering the lid of the cantaloupe, Naruto and the others looked down.


They saw that the two cantaloupes were hollowed out, but it was not cold soup, but a deep orange-yellow gel-like jelly.


"This is... jelly?"


Naruto was surprised.


"To be precise, this is called fish jelly. It is the collagen of fish. When it is boiled and cooled to below 25 degrees, the collagen fibers in it are the product of a chemical reaction."


"This soup is made of soft-shelled turtles rich in collagen. It is steamed in cantaloupe at high temperature and then put in ice water to refrigerate. The soup produced by this can not only remove the strong fishy smell of turtles but also Can increase the fruity fragrance..."


The two nodded while listening.


Although they didn't understand what An Lan was talking about.


But it still feels... this boss is amazing!




"This bouncing turtle soup is very flexible, so you have to dig and eat it with a spoon."


An Lan personally demonstrated to the two of them and gently pressed the spoon on the surface of the soup, but even the spoon bounced off!


"I... I have never seen this form of soup!"


"Taste it!"


The two spooned.


Scoop the soup out of the cantaloupe like jelly.


And the way of eating is different from the conventional way of eating, this kind of soup still needs to be chewed.


"Well, it's delicious! It's sour and sweet, so weird..."


"It feels so cool!"


They started to eat faster and faster. Seeing that the turtle soup was almost half-eaten, An Lan immediately stopped them.


"Save the soup for later, eat Mapo tofu first, otherwise it will be cold."