
Naruto: I opened 100 stores

After traveling to the world of Naruto, Anlan obtained a system called a god-level store manager, and began to build various shops in the Ninja world: gourmet shops, Internet cafes, pet shops, comic shops, custom shops...

Pratik_Subedi · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 3

"That's right! This kind of rice doesn't seem to be as good as my family's. "Boss, don't lie to us."


Both of them shook their heads. They were expecting a little bit at first, but they were immediately disappointed when the things An Lan brought out were so ordinary.


Well, it really is a black shop.


"You don't know such advanced things; alas, it seems that I expect too much of you two."


The two were about to leave.


But An Lan didn't leave after being so stimulated.


"Hmph, it's just ordinary eggs and rice; what's so special about it?"


Konoha Maru said this while crossing his arms.


An Lan smiled mysteriously, put the eggs and rice on the table, then sat leisurely on the chair, explaining to the two of them in a leisurely manner.


"My family's golden fried rice uses the best ingredients, which are completely incomparable with the pig feed you usually eat."


"Pigs! Pig feed!


The two were a little confused.


"Take the rice used for fried rice as an example. This is Koshihikari rice produced in Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture. It is known as the world's rice king. This kind of rice must receive 8 hours of sunshine every day for cultivation. The soil is pure black, without any pollution or gold. The water is ice water flowing down from the Tian Shan Mountains. The fertilizer applied is pure cow dung that has not been ridden.


When the rice is mature, it must be certified by WCC International, and the harvester master who has obtained the gold medal qualification certificate will harvest in person!


In an acre of field, only take the most central part and the best-growing half of the rice, and throw away the rest!


After the rice is harvested, 17-year-old girls selected from 200 countries and regions need to use the oldest earth huskers to grind out the rice grain by grain on the mountain blocked by special forces.


The final rice grains are uniform and plump, with thick gelatin and a crystal-clear color.                                   It has a chewy texture and a long aftertaste. It can taste the sweetness of rice without any side dishes. It is regarded as a myth in the rice world.


Ordinary restaurants,

They have never even seen it!

Because this kind of rice is a special supply

among the special supplies, the annual

output of the whole world is less than 20

Tons. The boss, I spent a lot of contacts

get it. It is a luxury to make fried rice! The

The cost of this bowl of white rice alone is

least 500 taels!"


They didn't understand anyway, so An Lan just blew it up!


Sure enough, after An Lan's bragging, the expressions of Naruto and Konoha Maru changed, and they became stunned.


This rice has such a complicated origin!


Just listening to the introduction makes me feel great!


The two of them leaned together to observe carefully; because of psychological effects, it seemed... that these rices were really different from what they usually ate!


The grains are distinct, full, and round, and they seem to exude a kind of fragrance!


a little shaken.


After taking a sip of black tea, An Lan continued to say leisurely:


"After talking about rice, let me talk about eggs." My fried rice uses eggs from imperial concubine chickens. Have you ever heard of imperial concubine chickens? It is native to the British royal family. It wears a phoenix crown on its head and black and white flower feathers. It is naturally beautiful. Royal chickens! "They are only for the royal family to entertain and use, and private breeding is prohibited!"


"Great concubine chicken is a combination of ornamental, gourmet, and nourishing." It has a strong game flavor and is rich in nutrition. Its meat is tender, oily but not greasy, delicious, and tender. It is rich in 17 kinds of amino acids needed by the human body, more than 10 kinds of trace elements, and multivitamins!


And the eggs of the imperial concubine chicken have a lot of background!


From the time each chicken is hatched, it is raised one-on-one by a dedicated person. The feed it eats every day is pure natural spirulina and mealworms without additives, and it drinks pure snow water flowing from the Himalayas. Massage and psychological counseling once a week


In order to make the mother's mood happy, well-known cross-talk actors are invited to perform in the chicken coop from time to time.


When laying eggs, there must be the accompaniment of the Royal Symphony Orchestra of Great Britain, gold-medal nursing, and midwifery, and the laying of eggs in a comfortable and stress-free situation.


Every egg that is laid contains the deliciousness of a whole chicken. "Even if you use raw eggs to make bibimbap, it will cost 2,000 taels a bowl!"


After listening to An Lan's description, Naruto and Konoha Maru were stunned, their mouths wide open in surprise.


They didn't expect that such a small bowl of rice and an egg contained such a profound philosophy!


It's just too exaggerated!


Seeing the startled expressions of the two little ghosts, An Lan smiled secretly, thinking that the wave was stable.


But he was still acting: "Oh, it's a pity that I have such good materials, but there is no one who knows the goods." I thought Konoha's genius was very knowledgeable! "It doesn't look so good."


"You don't talk nonsense, boss!" "I have actually heard of this egg and rice!"


Konoha Maru quickly told a lie.


He can't let the boss look down on him.


"How about... Konoha Maru, do you want to eat?"


Naruto swallowed and leaned closer to


Konoha Maru whispered in her ear.


To be honest, after listening to An Lan's introduction, he kind of wanted to try it.


This legendary egg fried rice, made of special rice and top-quality eggs, shouldn't be really delicious!


"Then, let's have a bowl!" "Hearing what he said is so advanced, I really want to try it."


After making up their minds, the two entered the store and sat down.


     almost at the same time...


The system copied all the abilities of the two of them to An Lan.


Ding! You have obtained the Nine Tails with the Eight Diagrams Seal!


Note: Because Kyuubi has a very violent temper, in order to ensure safety, this system has injected a strong anesthetic into Kyuubi to make it fall into a deep sleep. Kyuubi in the host exists simply as a chakra extraction tool; please use it as appropriate.


Ding! You have obtained the technique of multiple shadow clones!


Touching his belly, An Feng felt a little incredible.


Before, I only heard that the system could copy the abilities of customers for my own convenience, but I didn't expect that even tailed beasts could also copy!


In this way, can he be considered a half-ninja?


"Then you two wait a moment, and I'll go fry the rice right away."



start preparing.


Turn on the fire and heat the pan.


An Feng formed seals with both hands and immediately transformed into a shadow clone to help him.


Hey, the ninjutsu that was given away for free is not for nothing.


Author note: Sorry for the extreme gap between two chapters, but now I will make sure that I post regularly.