
Naruto: I opened 100 stores

After traveling to the world of Naruto, Anlan obtained a system called a god-level store manager, and began to build various shops in the Ninja world: gourmet shops, Internet cafes, pet shops, comic shops, custom shops...

Pratik_Subedi · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: Cooking with Ninjutsu

After a careful inspection, Anlan decided to focus on the kitchen tools.

That's right.

The system not only provided cooking skills but also offered various kitchen utensils.

Generally, Anlan didn't need basic kitchen tools like knives and pots, as they were readily available at nearby shops for much cheaper prices than the system's.

What caught his eye were the legendary kitchen tools from "Cooking Master Boy."

These legendary tools were created by an ancient culinary master using meteorites, resulting in eight magical utensils, each with extraordinary abilities:

Eternal Knife: Specializes in handling seafood, restoring lost freshness to the ingredients.Dragon Pot: Accelerates cooking; ingredients placed inside are instantly cooked.Holy Bronze Ware: Speeds up the soaking process for dried goods like abalone and scallops.Garuda Knife: Specializes in processing poultry and game, purifying the ingredients as it cuts.Greedy Wolf Pot: Automatically processes ingredients; slicing or mincing is done instantly.Spirit Storage: Similar to a refrigerator, it keeps ingredients fresh.Jade Dragon Wok: There are two of these. When a chef uses the other seven tools to make a dish and then stir-fries it in the Jade Dragon Wok, the dish grants immortality.

These tools, although classified as utensils, were categorized under the system's abilities.

Each of the eight legendary kitchen tools cost 30 consumption points to unlock.

Anlan decided to get all eight at once and start working with them.

His plan was to first use these tools to cook a dish and eat it to gain immortality.

Cracking three eggs into a bowl, Anlan formed hand seals and activated the Rasengan.

"Whisking rod!"

The high-speed spinning Rasengan appeared in Anlan's hand.

This technique was perfect for whisking eggs and cream. It was not only efficient but also spared him the trouble of cleaning tools afterward—a win-win situation.

The Rasengan spun in the bowl at high speed, taking only three seconds to whip the eggs into a froth.

Next, he heated the pan, added oil, and began cooking...

After consuming a bowl of golden fried rice, a wonderful warmth spread throughout his body. It felt as if every cell was absorbing rich nutrients, becoming more active.

"I should be immortal now," Anlan said, clenching his fists and feeling a surge of incredible power.

It seemed that his body's aging process had stopped at that very moment.

"I now have the same eternal youth technique as Tsunade and Hashirama."

"Time to start cooking! Spicy Kitchen Special!"

With a flash, the purple Platinum Star Stand appeared with a roar.

The Platinum Star took the knife from Anlan's hand and floated to the countertop, beginning to process the beef.

The Stand, with its superhuman vision, could see scenes miles away and complete a complex sketch in ten seconds. Its precision and accuracy were akin to a humanoid carving machine.

Processing ingredients was a piece of cake for Platinum Star.

With a flash of silver light, the beef on the cutting board was instantly and evenly sliced.

Then, grabbing the bacon and vegetables, it swiftly chopped them into perfectly uniform pieces.

All this was done in about five seconds.

Faster than any conventional meat processing machine!

After patting the beef dry with kitchen towels, Anlan added the bacon and water to the pot, cooking while waiting for noon to arrive.


Time flies when you're busy.

Before he knew it, it was noon.

Customers began to trickle into Anlan's small shop.

Like the previous day, most were deterred by the prices, but a few wealthy patrons dared to step inside and order a dish or two.

Though the seats were never fully occupied, business was steady, and Anlan's income and points gradually increased.

Before long, Kakashi's team finished their mission and returned triumphantly.

Today's mission was a D-rank task to help repair a house, and the client was quite wealthy.

If successful, each member of Team 7 would earn a hefty reward of 10,000 Ryo.

What was supposed to take two days was completed in a single morning thanks to the team's exceptional effort, each member putting in 200%.

As a bonus, the generous client doubled their pay, giving each member an extra 10,000 Ryo.

With a total income of 20,000 Ryo, they could now enjoy a lavish meal at Anlan's restaurant.


"Boss! We're here for lunch!" Sakura called out excitedly before even entering the shop.

They had already discussed that Sakura would treat them this time to accumulate points for the lottery, followed by Sasuke, and then Naruto...

This way, everyone got a chance to win a prize without wasting time.

"So soon? What would you like to eat?" Anlan asked with a smile.

"One golden fried rice, mapo tofu, jumping turtle soup, and that beef dish—one of each!"

"Only one fried rice?" Anlan reminded.

"Oh, right. Four fried rice, four turtle soups. If that's not enough, we'll order more later!"

After placing the order, Sakura clutched her wallet, feeling the sting.

Who would've thought money would disappear so quickly? She imagined the day's earnings would last a while, but a single meal cost more than expected!

Looks like she'll need to take on more missions.


The meal was as extravagant as always.

After stuffing themselves, Kakashi and his team leaned back in their chairs, wearing blissful expressions. They looked so content that any outsider might suspect the food was drugged.

Wiping her mouth, Sakura eagerly approached Anlan to draw her prize.

She had been looking forward to this moment, hoping to win something amazing!

Her hand swirled in the box before pulling out a card...

Hey guys if you really enjoy this novel please let me know by commenting on this chapter..<3 and i am sad to tell you i have some work to do. So, i am unable to post regularly however; if you really want to read other chapter please visit this site below. thank you.


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