
Naruto: I Can Take People Through the Future Shinobi World

My name is Xia Yu, and I have found myself transported to a space-time matrix composed of seven parallel Naruto worlds. The system has informed me that if I manage to unify all seven shinobi worlds, I will achieve transcendence and become an immortal, living forever. The task is dauntingly difficult, but luckily, I have the advantage of being able to bend the rules a bit. So, I've decided to take Hashirama and show him how Tobirama met his end. I'll bring Tobi and reveal to him the moment Black Zetsu stabbed him in the heart. I'll take a young Sarutobi and let him see his defeat at the hands of Orochimaru. I'll accompany Minato to witness the exclusion that Naruto faced. I'll show Tobirama how the Uchiha and Senju clans fell. And maybe, just maybe, I'll bring Boruto back to see the full glory of Naruto during the Fourth Shinobi World War.

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Chapter 2: Your Younger Brother Has Been Killed!

One minute later, inside the Hokage Office.

Xia Yu and Hashirama were sitting opposite each other. Outside the door, Fujino was eavesdropping like a complaining woman.

Hashirama naturally noticed Fujino's imprudence and sighed helplessly:

"Do we need soundproofing?"


Xia Yu didn't intend to hide anything from Fujino, whether he was eavesdropping or not was irrelevant. As long as he could convince Hashirama himself, could Fujino ride on his brother's head?

"Then what exactly do you want to talk about, sir?"

Xia Yu paused and began to explain according to his plan.

"Let's talk about the future of the entire shinobi world."


"One question per person, to make it fair. No pressure to answer." Xia Yu suggested.

For someone like Hashirama, sincerity was often more effective than deception.

Hashirama also relaxed a bit and was more willing to communicate with someone who made sense.

"You first."

Hashirama hesitated slightly but still asked the most pressing question first: "Your eyes?"

"The Rinnegan!"

Xia Yu admitted it straightforwardly. It was naturally best to use these eyes to show off a bit, as it would add some weight to the negotiation.

"The legendary eyes of the Sage of Six Paths, the most exalted of the three great eye techniques. I never thought they actually existed! It seems that the legend is not just a fairy tale. You and the Sage of Six Paths..."

"I know him, but not well."

How could someone who liked to give out gifts not be familiar? Every Naruto fan knows him.

But this answer was terrifying to Hashirama.

This person actually knows the Sage of Six Paths! Knows the founder of the Ninja Clan Alliance! Could it be that he has lived from the legendary era to now?

How is that possible?

But these Rinnegan eyes don't seem to be fake...

"Who exactly are you?"

"A celestial being who doesn't belong to this era."

Xia Yu confessed. In a certain sense, he could also be considered a celestial being, a 'reserved celestial being' on the main quest of becoming a celestial being.

Hashirama was shocked again.

Although he didn't believe everything without question, this shock was indeed not light.

He was already considering how to verify the other party's identity without offending them.

"My turn."

"Please ask."

"Don't you want to go see your buddy?"

"You mean 'Madara'? No hurry, he'll wait for me!" Hashirama patted his chest confidently, confident in his relationship with Madara.

Xia Yu smiled faintly, no longer teasing, and went straight to the point.

"First Hokage Hashirama, what kind of world do you want to create?"

Hashirama's demeanor changed, and he responded very seriously:

"I want to build a peaceful world where children don't have to go to war!"

"Through the village system of the ninja clan alliance that you mentioned?"

"Yes! The Konoha village founded by the Uchiha and Senju clans has gained the recognition of more and more people. The 'Land of Earth' has already given birth to the 'Rock Village', with its leader claiming the title of 'Earth's Shadow.' Other countries are also following suit. As this village system gradually matures, it will definitely replace the chaos of the Warring States era. At least, ninjas won't have to rely on the clans anymore, and they won't have to fight endless wars..."

Hashirama had experienced the darkness of the Warring States era firsthand.

Even the first ninja clan, the Senju, couldn't stay out of it, and only two of Hashirama's five brothers survived.

In the Warring States era, the average lifespan was less than thirty years, and children who could pick up a sword were forced onto the battlefield, and most children were lucky to live past ten years.

It was precisely because Hashirama knew the cruelty of the Warring States era that he worked hard to end it.

He was always a doer, not an empty talker.

And indeed, with his own methods, he endedthe Warring States era and ushered in a new era of ninja villages!

"But how do you ensure that this village system is correct? Will there be larger-scale wars between villages in the future?"

"I can't guarantee the future. But at this stage, this system is effective and can indeed end the chaotic Warring States era! And I am also exploring ways to restrict the future major ninja villages." Hashirama responded sincerely.

In his heart, he also felt a little joy, which was exactly the difficult problem he had been pondering and intended to share and discuss with others.


"I have considered it, but I have not yet specifically contacted all the Nine-Tails. The village is still in the construction phase, and I plan to contact various Nine-Tails after the village stabilizes in a few years."

Hashirama was indeed deeply thinking about the future of the village.

"The last question, what do you want to protect, the village or your family?"

"Of course..."

Hashirama hesitated, and this answer that he would have blurted out a year and a half ago now seemed a bit hesitant.

"Don't rush to answer, let's first listen to the future of Konoha."

"Konoha 17th year, the first ninja world war breaks out."

"Konoha 37th year, the second ninja world war breaks out."

"Konoha 45th year, the third ninja world war breaks out."

"Konoha 68th year, the fourth ninja world war breaks out..."

"In less than seventy years, there have been four ninja world wars, and the intensity and casualties of each ninja world war are no less cruel than the chaos of the Warring States era."

"Is this the peace you mentioned, maintained by the village system?"

Hashirama was stunned, and Xia Yu's words were like a heavy hammer striking his heart.

He had indeed guessed that the future would not be peaceful. The pursuit of resources and power is a human instinct, but he had never thought that the situation would be so severe, with four wars involving the entire world breaking out in just a few decades.

Was the other party trying to deceive him?

Or was the legend of the Rinnegan really able to see the future?

"Wait a minute! What you said is all true? All of this will happen in the future? Can you predict the future?"

"Do you believe it?"

"I... don't want to believe it..."

Hashirama was very sure that as long as he was alive, he would do his best to prevent the outbreak of ninja world wars.

According to reason, wars should not break out so frequently...

Xia Yu saw through Hashirama's doubts and frankly said: "You're right to think that. Konoha 16th year, you die. The year after your death, the first ninja world war suddenly breaks out!"


The door was suddenly pushed open, and Fujino, who had been eavesdropping outside for a long time, finally couldn't bear it.

He couldn't believe that his brother would die so early, and no one in the entire ninja world could match Hashirama.

He wanted to expose this liar's lies!

"Big Brother, don't believe his nonsense!"


Hashirama shouted angrily, apologizing to the other party for Fujino's imprudent behavior.

"Big Brother, I..."

In contrast to Fujino's anger, Hashirama was even more furious, and the killing intent that overflowed from his body almost condensed into a tangible force, directly crushing the wooden floor.

As one of the legendary brother-controllers in the Naruto world, Hashirama's care for Fujino was not inferior to Madara's care for Obito.

Now that he heard his beloved younger brother being killed, he couldn't keep calm.

"Sir, can you explain a bit more clearly?"

"A few sentences won't do it justice, let's just go see it."

"What? Go see it?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Xia Yu's words fell.


Inside the Hokage Office, Xia Yu and the First Hokage Hashirama vanished in an instant, leaving no trace.

This was also one of Xia Yu's system abilities:

He could carry the leader of the faction he was bound to, and travel to other parallel worlds, with a mandatory return after one hour.

It was just right to take Hashirama to see how his dear younger brother was defeated by the Cloud ninjas!