
Naruto: I Can Take People Through the Future Shinobi World

My name is Xia Yu, and I have found myself transported to a space-time matrix composed of seven parallel Naruto worlds. The system has informed me that if I manage to unify all seven shinobi worlds, I will achieve transcendence and become an immortal, living forever. The task is dauntingly difficult, but luckily, I have the advantage of being able to bend the rules a bit. So, I've decided to take Hashirama and show him how Tobirama met his end. I'll bring Tobi and reveal to him the moment Black Zetsu stabbed him in the heart. I'll take a young Sarutobi and let him see his defeat at the hands of Orochimaru. I'll accompany Minato to witness the exclusion that Naruto faced. I'll show Tobirama how the Uchiha and Senju clans fell. And maybe, just maybe, I'll bring Boruto back to see the full glory of Naruto during the Fourth Shinobi World War.

Daoist0Mp4we · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Parallel Shinobi World, Starting with the Rinnegan

The first year of Konoha.

On the Hokage Rock, Xia Yu gazed at the construction of Konoha Village below and couldn't help but be lost in thought.

There was no doubt that he had indeed traversed to another world!

And it wasn't just any ordinary Naruto world, but a space-time matrix composed of seven parallel Naruto worlds.

Each shinobi world was like a normal timeline, only differing in time nodes.

The main quest issued by the system was: [Within each time space, choose a faction and help them unify the shinobi world, ensuring that there is no division for at least twenty years after unification.]

After completing the main quest, the host could achieve [instant enlightenment and eternal life].

The good news: He had a system, and the rewards seemed substantial.

The bad news: The main quest's difficulty was not low, and it was difficult to complete.

This was the world of Naruto!

A high-powered world where celestial bodies explode and giant chakra orbs wipe out the surface!

Just minutes ago, he was just an ordinary modern student. How could he possibly unify the world of shinobi?

And he had to pick a faction to complete the unification, then maintain it for twenty years!

Not to mention that there were seven Naruto worlds in total.

Even though Xia Yu was familiar with the entire history of Naruto, this difficulty was plus·max level.

Fortunately, the system also provided some assistance:

Firstly: He could freely traverse to any time space, with ten chances to do so daily, and there was no limit to the duration of his stay.

Secondly: After binding with a faction, he could obtain a beginner's gift pack.

Thirdly: Each time he completed the unification of a world, he could receive a system reward and unlock new system abilities.

Xia Yu pondered silently, thinking that with these system aids, he might as well give it a try.

After all, the ultimate reward of the system was very attractive, and he had to strive for it! [Instant enlightenment and eternal life] was something worth fighting for!

"Let's take a look at the beginner's gift pack first!"

Xia Yu selected Konoha Village to bind in the system interface of his mind and received the 'beginner's gift pack.'

Why choose Konoha?

Of course, it was to reduce the difficulty.

Although Xia Yu wasn't very fond of Konoha, or more accurately, he didn't like certain individuals in Konoha.

But looking at the entire history of the shinobi world, regardless of the era, Konoha always had top-ranking comprehensive strength and was the best option to unify the shinobi world.

Not to mention, it had produced two generations of Asura and Indra reincarnations.

Other villages and forces, how could they compete with Konoha?

Xia Yu also had no reason to choose a difficult mode when an easy mode was available; he wasn't a masochist, and everything was aimed at completing the main quest first.

[Ding – Beginner's Gift Pack has been opened]

[Congratulations, you have obtained (Rinnegan) a pair!] (Automatically replaced)

[Congratulations, you have obtained a tool (Kunai Bag)]

[Congratulations, you have obtained (Modern Object Voucher) three pieces!]

Xia Yu was overjoyed and quickly took out his phone to take a photo of his own eyes.

A pair of spiral-shaped [Rinnegan] had replaced his own eyes, and his dynamic field of vision ability instantly increased several dozen times, even able to clearly count the compound eyes of a fly flying in the distance.

It took a long time for Xia Yu to adjust and adapt to the terrifying dynamic vision brought by the new eyes.

Other than that, Xia Yu found that he couldn't use the other abilities of the [Rinnegan] yet.

The reason was that he had no chakra in his body, nor did he know the method of refining chakra.

Although Xia Yu couldn't exert the power of the [Rinnegan] now, just having these eyes was enough to deter and convince many people.

Otherwise, purely with the identity of an ordinary person, it would be very dangerous just to approach the likes of Hashirama and other big shots of the shinobi world.

Very good.

The system is quite reliable, and this beginner's gift pack is also very good.

"Let's go. Let's first meet the [God of Shinobi] Hashirama of this era."

Xia Yu stood up and looked at the location of the [Hokage Building].

Logically speaking.

This era was actually the easiest time to unify the shinobi world.

The major shinobi villages had just been established, and Konoha had almost overwhelming strength.

Just Hashirama and Madara alone were enough to sweep across the entire shinobi world.

'It's not just a joke that two people can destroy four countries with the Susanoo wearing the Buddha statue.'

But because of this, the difficulty also lay with Hashirama and Madara.


The Hokage Building outside, Hashirama, who had just finished work, excitedly pushed the door open, and immediately a shout came from inside the room:

"Big Brother, where are you going?"


"It's not going to be gambling again, is it? Don't forget your current status and all the official business waiting for you to deal with!"

"No, no..."

"Could it be to find Madara again?"

"Fujino, how did you know?"

"Hmph! Only when you go to see that guy, do you look so happy!" Fujino folded his arms, dissatisfied, and snorted.

"Hahaha, Madara invited me to meet at the Uchiha's Naka Shrine, probably to discuss something important." Hashirama scratched his head, smiling foolishly.

"The Uchiha's Naka Shrine? Madara has been getting more and more solitary lately, who knows what he's plotting. Big Brother, be careful! Don't let him trick you again!"

Fujino knew he couldn't stop his brother from going to see his old friend, so he could only nag endlessly.

Fortunately, his brother had already become the first Hokage, so Madara wouldn't cause too much trouble.

"Alright, alright!"

"I'm leaving first. Tell Mito for me, I won't be coming back tonight..."

Fujino's face darkened, and he sighed in exasperation.

Just as Hashirama turned around, he saw a figure suddenly appear across the corridor!

It wasn't the Shippuden's Space-Time Technique, it was even more stealthy and abrupt! Without any warning, without any chakra fluctuations.

It made Hashirama freeze in place.

The person had short hair, was dressed in a white shirt, and his style of clothing was completely out of place in the shinobi world.

The most crucial thing was that the person's deep, spiral-shaped eyes resembled the legendary [Rinnegan], which represented the highest level of eye techniques in the legends!

Hashirama immediately tensed up, but he still asked in a friendly manner:

"Who are you?"

"First Hokage Hashirama, do you have time to chat?" Xia Yu asked.

He was right in his assessment; Hashirama was the type of person who had extremely strong physical power but was very restrained in using it.

Otherwise, in the later Five Kage Summit, it wouldn't be Hashirama kneeling to others but the others kneeling to him.

This kind of person was the best to make first contact with.

If it were Madara instead, encountering such an unknown and dangerous presence, he would most likely open his Susanoo and strike first.

Only those who could take a Susanoo strike had the qualification to negotiate with him.

"Big Brother? What's going on?"

Fujino appeared with a flash step, and when he saw Xia Yu, he was immediately shocked and immediately drew his sword.

"Who are you?"

"Fujino, hold on!"

"Big Brother!"

Hashirama shouted loudly, exuding an imposing aura:

"Clear the room, I want to talk to this gentleman, you wait outside!"

Fujino pouted and reluctantly agreed, not daring to argue with his serious brother.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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