

The negotiation between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi broke down because of the appearance of the golden horn and the silver horn brothers. Second Raikage died, and Second Hokage was seriously injured and his subordinates fled. After transmigrating as Shimura Danzō, he already knew the story, and he also knew that he was the future leader of Konoha. On the battlefield, Senju Tobirama looked at his students and asked: Who are you to stay to stop the golden horn and silver horn brothers, and buy us time to escape. [God level selection has been activated] [Choice 1: Hesitate for a second, give the future position of Hokage to Sarutobi Hiruzen, follow the development of the plot; Task reward: Wind Style proficient at full level] [Choice 2: Fight for the position of Hokage and cut off the road of Sarutobi Hiruzen; Task reward: obtain the unactivated sage body of the Uzumaki clan] Shimura Danzō took the lead and stood up and shouted. “ Sensei ! You go! I'll Stay Behind !” Hokage! I will never let you be Hiruzen! **************************************************** [A\N:- Love Interset only two members ] ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 28 : The Hyuga clan's, twins are born [Edited]

Konoha is a bit noisy today, and the streets are filled with some festive atmosphere.

"What happened? It's so lively."

Shimura Danzō put down the file in his hand and looked at the crowd in the distance curiously.

After all, this lively situation is really rare among Konoha.

"Oh! I was negligent!"

"Master Hokage , today the Hyuga clan gave birth to twins. This is an invitation from the Hyuga clan. I hope you can go to the Hyuga clan to congratulate yourself."

The female ninja who was collating files for Shimura Danzō suddenly panicked, and then hurriedly handed Shimura Danzō the invitation that was placed aside.

"It's okay. You have been busy with me all morning. Let's go to rest first. I'll go to the Hyuga clan to see."

Shimura Danzō accepted the invitation with a gentle smile, and didn't blame the other party.

"Many thanks!"

"Then Hokage -sama…I will take these documents back to organize them first, and then sign them when you come back from the banquet."

A gratifying smile appeared on the female ninja's face, she picked up the papers on the desk and bowed to Shimura Danzō and then left the Hokage office.

"Has the two brothers of the Hyuga family been born?"

Shimura Danzō whispered while Ge You lay looking at the ceiling.

Without this little secretary's prompt, he might really not know that Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hiashi would be born today.

He has some knowledge of these two people, after all, they are the fathers of Hinata and Neji in the future.

"Oh, it's rare to be free for a while, so let's go to the Hyuga clan."

"After all, the invitations are all here. If you don't go, I'm afraid it will be really embarrassing."

If the ordinary Hyuga clan were born, then Shimura Danzō would not be eligible to go to the Hyuga clan.

The identities of the two are somewhat different. They are the sons of the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan, which means that one of them is destined to take over the branch house, with a Caged Bird mark on their foreheads.

Shimura Danzō sneered and even mocked the branch house system of the Hyuga clan.

Because of the existence of this system, the Hyuga clan has produced a genius for so many years, a person who can stand alongside Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

And that person is the peak powerhouse of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiroshi!

For this person, Shimura Danzō went to investigate some information, and the system also told Shimura Danzō a lot of information about Hyuga Hiroshi.

Hyuga Hiroshi can be said to be the most glorious Hyuga in a thousand years, possessing the pure Byakugan above Byakugan, a realm that all Hyuga tribes have never reached.

Because he crossed a little late, he had never seen the true face of this Hyuga Hiroshi, only heard of his deeds.

The First Raikage of the year can be said to be full of spirits, but it was defeated by Hyuga Hiroshi.

Even the ninjutsu that their clan is proud of has been easily cracked by Hyuga Hiroshi Eight Trigrams Palms and Gentle Fist.

And that battle let First Raikage deeply understand that Hyuga Hiroshi Byakugan is different from ordinary Hyuga people, and Hyuga also gave an explanation.

Since then, First Raikage has collapsed and died in depression, and Hyuga Hiroshi has also passed away one after another.

But Shimura Danzō knows this person's sturdyness. Uchiha Madara can personally ask if he wants to initiate a coup d'etat to seize power. From this point, we can see how powerful Hyuga Hiroshi is.

It is a pity that after the death of Hyuga Hiroshi, the Hyuga clan tended to faintly decline.

The reason is that this unfair clan and branch house inheritance system, Byakugan's true inheritance ability has been greatly hindered.

Thinking of this, Shimura Danzō reluctantly shook his head and sighed.

Because he couldn't change the concept of the Hyuga clan. After all, the branch house system of this clan has been passed down for thousands of years, and it cannot be changed overnight.

After putting away these messy thoughts, Shimura Danzō left the Hokage office directly to the family land of the Hyuga clan.



"The streets are still quite lively. As expected of Konoha's third clan, it is still quite influential."

Shimura Danzō looked at this scene in front of him with a gratified smile on his face.

From this point, it can be seen that Konoha has not declined under his governance, but has restored the wounds caused by the Ninja World War.

The next thing to do is to strengthen Konoha and make Konoha's overall strength to the next level.

After all, Shimura Danzō himself wasn't sure when the second Ninja War would come. It would be better to plan early.

"Master hokage is here!"

"Quick! Give way to Master Hokage!"

Suddenly a Konoha civilian saw Shimura Danzō's arrival and shouted.

At this time, the crowds that had been rioted and crowded became orderly, and one after another gave way to Shimura Danzō.

And this scene also made Shimura Danzō dumbfounded, only a helpless smile.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just here to attend the banquet of the Hyuga clan. Have fun, everyone."

Shimura Danzō smiled helplessly.

He really didn't want to be so conspicuous, after all, it made him feel a bit domineering.

"Has Lord Hokage come? I have been waiting for a long time."

Suddenly, a tall middle-aged man walked out of the gate, his eyes were white, and his body was filled with a steady aura, and this is also the ability of talents who have been in the top for a long time.

This person is the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan.

"It's disturbing, I'm sorry, Patriarch Hyuga came out to meet him personally."

"This is a gift ."

Shimura Danzō nodded, and then took out the gift that had been prepared.

The Hyuga clan seemed to be showing good to themselves, otherwise they would not invite themselves, and the clan chief would not come out to greet him personally.

"Hahaha, Hokage-sama is able to come to me. The Hyuga clan is already brilliant. That's a nuisance."

"Please come in quickly."

Patriarch Hyuga's tone was humble and respectful.

Obviously, he did not despise the young Hokage in front of him because of Shimura Danzō's age, but treated him as a superior.

This made Shimura Danzō nodded inwardly, and he was completely certain that the Hyuga clan was friendly towards him.

If this is the case, there will be less trouble and more help, and his position in Hokage will become more and more stable.

In this case, it would be much simpler to deal with the problems of the Uchiha clan in the future.

Then, surrounded by the Hyuga chief and the elders of their family, Shimura Danzō stepped into the gate of the Hyuga clan. *


If there are any mistakes please mention thank you