

The negotiation between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi broke down because of the appearance of the golden horn and the silver horn brothers. Second Raikage died, and Second Hokage was seriously injured and his subordinates fled. After transmigrating as Shimura Danzō, he already knew the story, and he also knew that he was the future leader of Konoha. On the battlefield, Senju Tobirama looked at his students and asked: Who are you to stay to stop the golden horn and silver horn brothers, and buy us time to escape. [God level selection has been activated] [Choice 1: Hesitate for a second, give the future position of Hokage to Sarutobi Hiruzen, follow the development of the plot; Task reward: Wind Style proficient at full level] [Choice 2: Fight for the position of Hokage and cut off the road of Sarutobi Hiruzen; Task reward: obtain the unactivated sage body of the Uzumaki clan] Shimura Danzō took the lead and stood up and shouted. “ Sensei ! You go! I'll Stay Behind !” Hokage! I will never let you be Hiruzen! **************************************************** [A\N:- Love Interset only two members ] ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 27 : Hiruzen , I am Hokage! [Edited]

"Hiruzen , I really want to give you Sage of Six Paths ninja tools to study, but there are too many mysteries in this, and it is something passed down from Sage of Six Paths."

"So it's better for me to study it myself. In case you get hurt, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Shimura Danzō looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen solemnly and said.

This tone is all for you, making Sarutobi Hiruzen's face a little gloomy, and the fists in his hands can't help clenching.

He did not expect that Shimura Danzō hadn't agreed, and he still had a good face and tone for himself.

But fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen's castle is deep enough, there is no direct manifestation, but there are some subtle changes.

"But you can rest assured, Hiruzen , if I work out the secrets of the Sage of Six Paths ninja tools, I will definitely inform you the first time."

Shimura Danzō stepped forward and patted Sarutobi Hiruzen on the shoulder and smiled.

"Who makes us good brothers, don't you think so."

After saying this, Shimura Danzō continued to drink tea with a smile, and Sarutobi Hiruzen felt extremely annoyed in his leisurely and relaxed look.

"Danzo, you will regret it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave Shimura Danzō a cold look, then took up the green hat and walked directly outside the door.

At this moment, he could no longer conceal the anger in his heart, and left directly before the anger broke out.

"hiruzen , I am Hokage !"

Shimura Danzō's voice instantly became cold, and there was a hint of warning in his words.

Obviously, he is telling Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is in charge of Konoha now and who is the Third Hokage of Konoha Village.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard Shimura Danzō's words, his figure was startled, and his face became extremely ugly.

Click it! !

The fists couldn't help clenching, and the sound of bone taunting suddenly sounded slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he left the Hokage office building at the fastest speed and walked directly to the Sarutobi clan.

"Hahahaha, Sarutobi, Sarutobi, you really make me laughed ."

Shimura Danzō laughed as he watched Sarutobi Hiruzen's departure.

Fortunately, the soundproofing of the Hokage office is not as strong as usual, so the ninja working downstairs cannot hear Shimura Danzō's faster laugh.

"But I really seem to have forgotten that he didn't mention the Sage of Six Paths ninja tools."

Shimura Danzō laughed and vented his mood, calmed down and thought.

Since becoming Hokage , I haven't checked the Sage of Six Paths ninja tools brought back on the battlefield.

"System, release the Sage of Six Paths ninja tools

Shimura Danzō whispered in his heart.

The backpack function of the system is really convenient and saves Shimura Danzō a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, the body of Senju Tobirama would have to be captured, and he would have to hold Sage of Six Paths ninja tools, which is not realistic at all, unless he has three heads and six arms.

Therefore, the backpack function of the system makes him a lot better.

The golden rope, the seven-star sword, the red gourd, the banana fan, the amber bottle.

Bashōsen ( literally meaning: Banana Palm Fan)

Benihisago ( literally meaning: Crimson Gourd)

Kohaku no Jōhei ( literally meaning: Amber Purifying Pot)

Kōkinjō (literally meaning: Golden Canopy Rope)

Shichiseiken ( literally meaning: Seven Star Sword)

Among them, the three Sage of Six Paths ninja tools, the golden rope, the seven-star sword, and the red gourd, are used together, and none of them are indispensable.

The most powerful thing is the banana fan, which can ignore the Chakra nature and release five kinds of attacks with major changes in the Chakra attributes at one time.

The power can be comparable to the released A-level escape technique, and even more powerful.

The only drawback is that the amount of Chakra consumed is too large, if it is not for Jinchūriki or the Uzumaki tribe, it is impossible to use it multiple times.

After all, not everyone has Chakra as vast as a river, so the conditions are extremely harsh.

The Golden Horn and Silver Horn can be used easily because they have the Chakra of Nine Tails in their bodies, and they also have the vast Chakra of Nine Tails, so they can use them.

"This banana fan seems a bit interesting."

Shimura Danzō did not pick up the banana fan in his hand and murmured with interest.


I saw Shimura Danzō's light wave, and an attack mixed with five Chakra attributes of fire, water, wind, thunder and earth suddenly formed.

Boom! ! !

This attack suddenly shattered the Hokage office door and surrounding walls, and the Hokage Building became a little trembling at this moment.

"Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!"

"What's the situation?? Someone dared to attack the Hokage Building??"

For a while, the people in the Hokage Building became panicked when they heard this terrifying explosion.

Shimura Danzō subconsciously took all the Sage of Six Paths ninja tools except the banana fan into the system space.

"Master Hokage !! Master Hokage !!!"

"Hokage-sama, what happened!!"

Shoo! ! !

Cang! ! Wow! !

In an instant, the glass of the Hokage office was smashed in an instant, and dozens of Anbu ninjas patrolling around entered the Naruto office directly.

When they saw the scene in front of them, the complexion under the mask changed a little, and they looked at the scene in disbelief.

Then after they looked at the ninja in Shimura Danzō's hand, they suddenly realized.

It turns out that Hokage -sama is testing the power of the ninja…Wait, that's not right! Why does he use his office to test the power of the ninja?

For a while, many Anbus became a little messy, and they couldn't understand this Third Hokage's thoughts at all.

"Sorry, I tried Genin's power a little bit, but I didn't want it to be so powerful."

Shimura Danzō looked at the scene in front of him with a bitter smile.

He never thought that the power of this banana fan would be so powerful, and it reached this point with just a swipe.

"This thing is quite suitable for Tsunade, I think she will like it very much."

"Anyway, I haven't given her a gift yet. Give her the banana fan as a gift."

Shimura Danzō smiled lightly in her heart.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen knows Shimura Danzō's inner thoughts, I am afraid it will be really furious.

Shimura Danzō's Sage of Six Paths ninja tools of begging for life and death were given to a little girl so simply.

What about the brothers of life and death?

And Tsunade, who was sleeping on the rooftop, was also awakened by the shock. Looking around at a loss, she found that she was alone on the rooftop, and Shimura Danzō had long since disappeared.

"Teacher? Teacher! Where are you."

Tsunade shouted as he walked to the top of the stairs. *