
Naruto: His Ambition

There is one thing that bothers me about stories with powerful mc's they don't do as they please they seem to ignore there human nature to help others and do the right thing. I hate that, no matter how bad the people where to these mc's they still choose to do "the right thing?" so much wasted potential if i was the protag in one of these stories things would be different. OOHHH so different, I would be a god in human skin Not a push over like these weak and dense Main Charaters. So imagine my suprise when i woke up in the in a random apartment as Naruto. "Well then, Let the Fun. Begin" chapterly word count 900-4500 words. (Also Let me make a few things clear .This story is not made for the purpose of creating revenu i won't do that with most my works. Two this story does not take place on earth and as such earth's rules don't apply. And three if your old enough to die for your country at age 13 then your old enough to do just about everything else. This is a fictional work with FICTIONAL CHARATERS i do not promote any of the things done in this fanfiction it is simply for those who like some spice in there reading. DON'T READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 OR CAN'T STOMACH MOST SEXUAL AND NON-CONSENTIAL CONTENT.) In Case of removal go follow this story on my https://archiveofourown.org account under the same name! A JJK/Naruto story

BlitzKrieG_K · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Capture of Tora the Cat.

(Author Notes)

'Tailed Beast Internal Speech'

"Kurama Talking using a shadow clone/ switched with Naruto"

"Normal People talking"

'Internal Speech'



Notes/Scroll reading


Konoha Hospital:

Near the heart of the village stood the Konoha Hospital, a place of healing with its sturdy walls and bright white exterior. Sakura hurried towards its entrance, her steps quick and filled with a sort of nervous determination. The afternoon sunlight cast long shadows on the tiled path leading inside. As she entered, the scent of antiseptic and herbs filled the air, mingling with the sounds of bustling nurses and patients.

Inside, the hospital corridors stretched like a maze, bustling with activity. Sakura maneuvered through the first floor which was almost like a maze, her emerald eyes scanning the bustling nurses and patients. She then approached the first nurse she saw, a kind woman with a name tag on her chest that read "Hi, i'm your nurse for the day my name is: Nurse Hana" who greeted her with a warm smile as sakura approached her.

"Greetings Nurse Hana, have you seen Tora, the daimyō's cat, around here? A Brown tabby with a single verical and two horizontal black marking across its forhead?" Sakura asked urgently. Nurse Hana shook her head apologetically. "Sorry, dear, I haven't seen any cats today," she replied softly.

Sakura quickly bowed and apologized to the nurse for wasting her time before pressing on, darting through the halls like a leaf in the wind (ahah) moving through the forming crowds within the halls of the hospital. Her eyes darting left and right in search for anything brown for she stopped near a group of nurses and doctors before asking if they had seen tora giving them the same description she had given nurse hana, they apologized not seeing any cats much less the daimyō's cat before pointing her in the direction of the pet clenic section of the hospital.

"while its not as good as the inuzuka pet clinic its closer for most people to come here so if tora is anywhere shes there" one of the doctors told her, causing sakura to nod happily at the information before making her way down the halls again in the direction the doctor pointed her in to find the pet clenic section of the konoha hospital.

Hopefully she would have better luck finding tora there.


Konoha Market District

The Market District buzzed with activity, its colorful stalls drawing crowds of villagers eager to peruse the goods on offer. Sasuke strode through the bustling marketplace with the silent grace of an uchiha, his sharp eyes scanning the faces of passersby while his face was set on his ever passive uchiha brooding face (AN: The Uchiha Eqivalent of a resting bitch face lol).

As he walked, Sasuke caught sight of a young couple haggling over the price of a bundle of vibrant flowers, their laughter mingling with the chatter of the crowd. Nearby, an elderly man sat behind a stall piled high with fresh produce, his weathered hands expertly arranging the fruits and vegetables on display.

Approaching a group of bustling bystanders, Sasuke paused to inquire about Tora, the daimyō's missing cat. "Have any of you seen a cat with brown fur, a line running down her forehead, and amber-colored eyes, wearing a red ribbon?" he asked, his voice still set with the same uncaringness uchiha usually exhibit.

The bystanders exchanged puzzled glances before shaking their heads in unison, telling Sasuke they havent seen any cats prompting Sasuke to continue his search with a grunt. He then vaulted onto a nearby stand, his movements fluid and precise as he scanned the area below from his elevated vantage point. As he scanned the bustling marketplace below within the colorful throngs in each of any hint of the brown feline, his keen eyes momentarily stopping when he spotted brown within the crowd only for his scowl to deepen each time he looked at the object as he realized it wasn't there target.

Undeterred by the false alarms, Sasuke leaped from stand to stand, searching for the missing Tabby, his focus sharpening with each passing moment as he scanned the moving crowds for any sign of tora within the area. When he didnt spot anything however he would move deeper into the market district, before repeating the process over again until with a final leap. Sasuke soared over to the other side of the market place, his gaze sweeping from left to right as he searched for the cat.

And the crowd seemed to part slightly allowing him to see better into the crowd as he scanned for any signs for tora the voices blending into a distant murmur as he pursed the target.


Konoha Village Rooftops

The village streets were alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life from below as Naruto and his shadow clones spread out across the rooftops, their movements synchronized like a well-oiled machine. Each clone taking a different path, scanning the surroundings for any sign of the elusive daimyō's cat.

As they traversed the rooftops, Naruto couldn't help but admire the village for a moment even if he had been here already for atleast 3 years. Even though he had been here for awhile naruto couldnt help but think back for a moment about how his old world and his family is doing. Naruto blinded then scowled he was getting sentimental something that wasn't usually like him before he shook his head to push away any more thoughts like those.

Suddenly, Naruto's senses sharpened as one of his clones vanished in a puff of smoke, caught off guard by something unseen. The blinked scanning through the memories that just popped into his mind and while he didn't get a good look at what attacked his clone the flash of brown before something pierced into the clones eye was more then enough for Naruto to realize it was probably tora's doing. Only for his eyes to narrow as kurama began to laugh within his mindscape.

"Laugh it up" Naurto grumbled at the fox (AN: quick note naruto is currently heavely nerfing himself with his heavenly restriction heal so he is extremely slowed down so atleast mid genin in terms of speed, but also this naruto has trained just about everything other then his reaction speed that is kinda linked to his speed so he hasn't really needed too i guess. but due to the fact he is extremely slowed down from his current low jonin speed his body can't react as fast as he wants it so. and so tora caught his clone off guard +plus naruto put barely just enough chakra into these clones so they are extremely fragile)

Naruto then focused his attention towards the clones like known location as he attempted to use his chakra sensing to locate the cat as his other clones rushed to the location. Only for a frown to cross his features as he realized tora's chakra signature was so low it was masked by the signiture of the konoha citizens.

Refusing to be deterred howered, Naruto snapped his fingers summoning another wave of shadow clones to rush at the cats location as he simply watched them rush a specific roof top from the distance. Each clone moved with purpose, their movements synchronized in a relentless pursuit of their target.

As they scoured the rooftops, until one of Naruto's clones caught sight of something brown flickering in the corner of his eye. Before they could move, Tora emerged from the shadows, her amber eyes gleaming with feral intensity. And with her cat reflexes, she lashed out, almost dispelling the clone with that swift strike as she aimed for the eye.

The Clone dodged to the left before it attempted to grab the cat from the air until it used his clones hand as a platform to push itself off again attempting to jump to another roof top. Only for another clone to grab tora by the scruff of her neck causing the cat to go limp in his grasp. Naruto sighed before he muttered under his breath "stupid cat. and i have a few more weeks of this bullshit before we get that c rank mission".

"Never matter," he uttered with a small hint of frustration, snapping his fingers once more. With that motion, causing most of his clones dispersed into smoke, leaving only the one that had managed to catch Tora still standing. "We need to find the others," he directed the remaining clone, his voice switching to a bored tone. Before the real naruto jumped off the rooftop into the streets below, the lone clone following suit.


Author notes: Ok this was a sort of short chapter as i didnt really have to much time for this lol. But thats fine as this is the last chapter of this ARC! in two days we start the bridge builder arc where i get to put a certain seal on sakura to use and sasuke gets his sharingan! what fun things! so many fun things are soon to come, so many JJK scenes i can't wait to recreate :D ooh what fun.

Now before i go i'll ask what direction do you guys want me to take this in the future? becuase while i have a rough idea of what i want for each chapter thats it. im mostly winging it half the time im not even sure if i want the mc to stay in konoha or defect and later do a few things to get stronger get on the bad side of many different nations then steal the other nations jinchuriki for himself maybe use there chakra to create a weaker ten tails with there chakra (not the tailed beast themselves but maybe most of there chakra they can get back) or many something else like get naruto to take control of things in konoha by basically revealing and using his status as the son of the previous fourth hokage and the only remaining uzumaki to give himself (and sasuke some power within the counsel) before when naruto, sasuke and jiraiya go to get tsunade before naruto does his thing then and we go further from there?

I genually dont know at the moment.

Upcoming Chapters

Escorting the Bridge Builder

Now or never my Urame (18+)

Urame's (Haku's) subservience (18+)

If you guys have any ideas don't be afraid to leave a comment and i'll respond to it :D

Good Day Everyone.

Your up and coming smut fanfiction author


Some of the notes i wrote for this chapter

- Sakura explores the outside of the hospital, asking doctors and nurses about Tora's whereabouts but is repeatedly told they don't know. She then rushes through the hospital halls in search of the cat.

- Sasuke navigates through the crowded market district, questioning bystanders about Tora's appearance. He climbs onto a stand, using the vantage point to scan the crowd for the cat, jumping from stand to stand in pursuit.

- Naruto splits into multiple shadow clones, each searching for Tora across the village rooftops. One clone spots something brown but is attacked by Tora, causing it to disperse. Naruto realizes Tora's chakra is faint, making it hard to track, and decides to chase after the cat with his clones. They eventually corner Tora, and Naruto captures her.

- Sakura runs past nurses and doctors in the hospital, then climbs stairs and searches through various hallways. She reaches the pet clinic and asks the receptionist about Tora's description, waiting while they check records.

- Sasuke walks through the bustling market, questioning bystanders and climbing onto a stand's roof to search for Tora. He jumps from stand to stand, scanning the crowd, but struggles to find the cat.

- Naruto's clone spots something resembling Tora, but the cat attacks, causing the clone to disperse. Naruto realizes tracking Tora's faint chakra is difficult due to the crowded area and his self-imposed seal's restrictions. He chases after Tora with his clones and manages to corner her.

BlitzKrieG_Kcreators' thoughts