
Naruto: His Ambition

There is one thing that bothers me about stories with powerful mc's they don't do as they please they seem to ignore there human nature to help others and do the right thing. I hate that, no matter how bad the people where to these mc's they still choose to do "the right thing?" so much wasted potential if i was the protag in one of these stories things would be different. OOHHH so different, I would be a god in human skin Not a push over like these weak and dense Main Charaters. So imagine my suprise when i woke up in the in a random apartment as Naruto. "Well then, Let the Fun. Begin" chapterly word count 900-4500 words. (Also Let me make a few things clear .This story is not made for the purpose of creating revenu i won't do that with most my works. Two this story does not take place on earth and as such earth's rules don't apply. And three if your old enough to die for your country at age 13 then your old enough to do just about everything else. This is a fictional work with FICTIONAL CHARATERS i do not promote any of the things done in this fanfiction it is simply for those who like some spice in there reading. DON'T READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 OR CAN'T STOMACH MOST SEXUAL AND NON-CONSENTIAL CONTENT.) In Case of removal go follow this story on my https://archiveofourown.org account under the same name! A JJK/Naruto story

BlitzKrieG_K · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Expanding Ones Horizon

"Date is SE 243 Hayabusa, Tsukiday 20th.

This journal entry is encrypted using one of the three currently usable languages I know, aside from kanji that this body currently knows. It has been two months since my transmigration into this new body, progress with learning Fūinjutsu is currently a bust. Even my daily meditation and study, I haven't been able to find a suitable substitute for chakra ink, although I did find an interesting fact: blood from anyone with open chakra points can function as a substitute; however, my own chakra is currently too reactive to be usable (I theorize it has to do with a mixture of Kurama's chakra and my own, I believe it has to do with my transmigration). I have plans to begin training my chakra control soon. Only three methods are known to me: the leaf exercise, tree walking, and water walking, but there must be more. I have plans to break into the genin section of the Grand Konoha Library in the next few days for more information.

End of entry.

I sighed, 'Honestly, learning this world's calendar is a pain in my ass. But there's not a whole lot I can do, so I might as well accept it. But on another note, there is still one thing left to do before I break into that library.' A grin soon spread throughout my face as I crossed my legs.

"I still have the fox to deal with," and with that, I closed my eyes.


(Moments Later)(Mind Scape Kurama's Prison)

As I followed the lead pipes of what was my Mind Scape, I was soon greeted by the sight I wanted: large steel bars leading into a black mass of nothingness until a lone red eye shot open.

"So my Jailer, has finally come."

I simply placed my hands in my pockets. "Good to meet you too, old fox."

Kurama simply glared before speaking once more, "To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you?"

I smirked, "Let's cut the chatter; I simply want to make a deal with you."

"Kurama," I said with a grin.

Kurama growled, "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?" It screamed, rushing the steel bars that served as its cage, one lone bright orange hand rushing out, and a clawed finger stopping in front of me.

"ARA ARA, that's no way to speak to someone, my friend," I said, still grinning at the fox.

Its chakra began to blast me, and I could feel everything in me begin to scream; my fight or flight responses were on full blast, only for them to calm a moment later. 'The best part of transmigrating is being able to feel every minute change in the body and control it.' As I quickly suppressed the pheromones my body was releasing, I steeled myself for my next words.

I narrowed my eyes before speaking, "The Sage would be disappointed in you, Kurama."

He snarled before charging the cage once more, both hands trying to reach for me but just short of reaching me. "You didn't do what he asked of you. You didn't protect your siblings, Kurama; you simply slept and let yourself get captured by humans. And now you are here, in me, your newest prison!" I said while extending my hands outwards.

The rage in the fox's eyes intensified as I spoke, but I kept calm. 'It's the closing act.' "But what if I told you, it didn't have to be this way?" Kurama froze, confusion covering its fox-like features. "What if we could both get what we wanted?" I extended my left hand towards Kurama. "You'll get your freedom and the ability to watch others suffer." I pointed my right hand towards me. "And I get power and the ability to rule over others of my race."

I let my hands fall to my side. "What do you think, Kurama?" I said, the smirk returning to my face. "Tell me something first," it replied. "Anything you want," I said back.

"How do you know my name and what the Sage told me?" My smirk turned into a grin, and I gave the fox an eye smile. "That is quite simple; I'm not from this universe."


"That is quite simple; I'm from another multiverse, one in which this world of yours is considered nothing more than a story for our entertainment, an anime for short. But there are some differences. From what I've seen, this world is much more fleshed out, and there are some differences here and there. So this world's not the same, just close enough," I said, approaching the fox's cage.

Kurama watched me approach, likely thinking about how easy it would be to kill me but reconsidering it due to his piqued interest. "And I'm currently inhabiting the body of the boy who was the main character of this story, the reincarnation of one of the Sage's sons, with the potential of resealing a lone Ōtsutsuki female and fighting several others in the years to come." I said, watching as the fox's eyes widened for a moment before narrowing again.

"Now then, how about that deal?" I asked Kurama, now standing in front of it.

The fox simply stood still for a moment before pouncing on me, both its arms shot forth grabbing me and pinning me to the floor. "You are too arrogant, human."

I simply laughed. "So are you, fox. Killing me won't do you any good; you'll only die for good, unable to return without your other half, your yin half." I laughed again at its outraged expression. "Besides, you are at least somewhat curious about how Ōtsutsuki are returning, right?" I grinned at the fox, who was growling in response before letting go of me. "S-P-E-A-K."

"Gladly," I remarked. "The first one, the Sage's mother, will return in 6 years' time at the hands of the human you hate the most: Madara Uchiha."

"LIES! MADARA IS DEAD!" Kurama screamed.

"That is where you are wrong, my dear immortal fox," I said, shaking my finger. "He is returning very soon. He already has plans for his resurrection. I mean, casting an infinite Tsukuyomi over the entire world using all nine biju sounds crazy, right?" I said, extending my hands to both sides as the fox's eyes widened once more.

"And what's more, after it is done and Madara becomes the jinchūriki for the ten tails, what can only be called the dear brothers of the Sage of Six Paths will kill Madara using it as a vessel for the unsealing of the one woman to give birth to the great sage!" I said with a maniacal laugh. "So then, Kurama, I'll ask again? Do we have a deal?" I questioned, extending my hand towards the fox.

It narrowed its eyes before raising a single paw and extending a lone finger to my outstretched hand. I grinned. "Let me introduce myself; my name is Naruto Uzumaki."

"You already know mine," the fox responded.

"That's true. So then, Kurama, do you know the hand seals for the,

Kage Bunshin?"