
Naruto: Hatake's Demon Son.

A young boy harboring a dying desire for transmigration yearned to embody Kokushibo. Miraculously, his wish for transmigration was granted, yet his new destination was the Naruto universe, diverging from the Demon Slayer realm. By a twist of fate or perhaps through a series of ill-starred circumstances, he found himself under the wing of Hatake Sakumo through adoption. Thus unfolds the tale of the transformation of one of the mightiest demons from the 'Demon Slayer' series, now intertwined with the Ninja world. Witness the extraordinary synergy as his potent abilities are amplified by the infusion of Chakra, revealing the newfound heights of power he achieves in this Naruto world. ---- (A/N: I will try to utilize the full potential of the demons and their abilities.)

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Ch-47 Brothers meet.

(Announcement: I am happy to announce that, as a Tier I Patreon member, you can enjoy a 7-day free trial to read all of my work. )

You can read 26 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




Might Guy, driven by a surge of fiery determination, launched a punch at the Chunin who had insulted his father. It was a bold move, but the odds were stacked against the young boy. The Chunin, with years of training and experience, easily countered Guy's attack, redirecting it with a single fluid motion. In an instant, Guy found himself sprawled on the ground, his attempt thwarted before it even began.

As Guy lay there, dazed and defeated, his father, Duy, moved with urgency to rush to his side. But before he could reach his fallen son, a group of Chunin intervened, blocking his path.

"Brat, you've got some nerve attacking me, a Chunin. Now, you'll have to face the consequences of your actions," the taunting Chunin declared, a menacing air about him. He raised his fist, poised to deliver another blow to the fallen Guy.

Just as the Chunin's fist hovered halfway toward Guy's face, a powerful grip seized it mid-air, stopping the attack dead in its tracks. Sakumo, who had been prepared to intervene himself, wore a subtle smile as he observed the unfolding events.

A chilling voice cut through the tension, "How dare you lay a hand on someone I've considered my younger brother since the day he was born?"

The startled Chunin turned to face the speaker, his face a mask of fear. "Blood Demon," he stammered, his voice quivering with dread, then quickly corrected himself, "I mean Jonin Michikatsu! What are you doing here?"

Michikatsu, his presence commanding and imposing, glared down at the trembling Chunin. "I've just returned from the battlefield," he stated coldly. "Now, tell me, you piece of trash, what were you attempting to do to my younger brother?"

Fear and remorse flooded the Chunin's face. He quickly bowed his head, his voice trembling with sincerity, "I am deeply sorry, Michikatsu Jonin. I had no knowledge that he was your younger brother. I swear, even in my wildest dreams, I would never dare to lay a hand on him. Please forgive my grave mistake."

As Michikatsu released his grip, the Chunin breathed a sigh of relief, realizing the gravity of his actions and the formidable reputation of the man he had unwittingly provoked.

"Apologize, not to me, but to Mr. Duy and his son," Michikatsu sternly commanded, his gaze unwavering.

Not only did the chastised Chunin who had attempted to harm Guy offer his apologies, but the others who had blocked Duy's path also stepped forward to express their regrets. They recognized the gravity of their actions and sought to make amends.

"Get out of my sight and stand somewhere where I can't see you," Michikatsu ordered, his authority compelling them to leave the scene promptly. In compliance, the Chunin dispersed and retreated.

With the troublesome situation resolved, Michikatsu turned his attention to Guy. His voice held a note of admiration and caution as he spoke, "Your courage and determination are admirable, but your actions were impulsive and unwise. If you lack the strength, refrain from such reckless endeavors in the future. A mistake like this on the battlefield could cost you your life."

Duy, who had witnessed his son's impetuousness, approached Guy and delivered a resounding slap to the back of his head. "Say thank you to Michi and promise that you won't engage in such folly again."

With humility and respect, Guy bowed before Michikatsu. "I will heed your words, Brother Michikatsu."

Michikatsu acknowledged Guy's promise with a nod, then shifted his gaze to Duy. "It's been quite some time since I saw you, Mr. Duy."

Duy smiled warmly. "Indeed, Michi. You've carved out quite a reputation for yourself on the battlefield. Whenever I hear about your exploits, I can't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that I was once your sparring partner and played a small role in shaping your strength."

Michikatsu shook his head, dismissing any notions of inferiority. "Don't sell yourself short, Duy. You've played a pivotal role in my journey."

Michikatsu then turned his attention to his father, Sakumo, and his younger brother, Kakashi. As he approached, Sakumo greeted him with a warm embrace.

"It's been nearly two years since we crossed paths on the battlefield," Sakumo remarked, his voice filled with affection. "You've grown considerably, Michi."

Michikatsu returned the hug with a sense of nostalgia and familial closeness.

Sakumo reluctantly released Michikatsu from his embrace and inquired, "You were supposed to leave yesterday. How did you manage to arrive today?"

Michikatsu smiled warmly as he responded, "I sought permission from Tsunade-Senpai to return early. I couldn't bear to miss the day when Kakashi enters the ninja academy."

Turning his attention to Kakashi, Michikatsu couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. "It's been such a long time," he mused, "the last time I saw you, you were so small, fitting easily into my arms, and all you did was cry."

Kakashi, never one to back down from a challenge, retorted with a grin, "Weren't you a crybaby when you were a newborn, too?"

Michikatsu chuckled heartily at the witty comeback. "HAHA! Feeling embarrassed, are we?" he teased, his laughter filling the air.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Michikatsu enveloped Kakashi in a warm, tight hug. "You have no idea how much I've longed for this moment," he admitted, his voice filled with affection.

Kakashi, while normally reserved, simply nodded within the embrace of his older brother, the unspoken bond between them rekindled and stronger than ever.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)