
Naruto: Hatake's Demon Son.

A young boy harboring a dying desire for transmigration yearned to embody Kokushibo. Miraculously, his wish for transmigration was granted, yet his new destination was the Naruto universe, diverging from the Demon Slayer realm. By a twist of fate or perhaps through a series of ill-starred circumstances, he found himself under the wing of Hatake Sakumo through adoption. Thus unfolds the tale of the transformation of one of the mightiest demons from the 'Demon Slayer' series, now intertwined with the Ninja world. Witness the extraordinary synergy as his potent abilities are amplified by the infusion of Chakra, revealing the newfound heights of power he achieves in this Naruto world. ---- (A/N: I will try to utilize the full potential of the demons and their abilities.)

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Ch-46 Elder Brother's Strength?

(Announcement: I am happy to announce that, as a Tier I Patreon member, you can enjoy a 7-day free trial to read all of my work. )

You can read 25 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




In the midst of the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, a hush settled over the camp of the ninja army.

Michikatsu approached Tsunade, eagerness in his eyes. "Can I leave today?" he asked, urgency lacing his voice.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "Today? What's the rush?" she inquired, curious about the urgency in his request.

Michikatsu took a deep breath before responding, "If everything here remains calm, then I want to leave today. The day after tomorrow, my younger brother Kakashi is set to enter the Ninja Academy. I'm his elder brother, and I want to be there for him."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Tsunade's lips. She understood the importance of family and brotherly bonds. "Is that so?" she mused. "Alright, I'll take care of all the necessary formalities so that you can depart."

Michikatsu's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you very much," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Tsunade chuckled softly. "Just a thank you?" she teased.

A smile crept across Michikatsu's face as he responded, "When you return, I'll treat you to the most expensive barbecue in Konoha."

Tsunade's interest was piqued, and she extended her hand towards Michikatsu. "Deal," she agreed, sealing their pact.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Michikatsu wasted no time. He gathered his belongings and left the border camp for Konoha, his heart brimming with excitement and the promise of a reunion with his brother.

As the dust settled in his wake, Tsunade returned her attention to her duties, her thoughts briefly distracted by the anticipation of a future barbecue feast.


In the heart of Konoha, amidst the bustling streets, a father and his son strolled along, their footsteps echoing in sync with their thoughts.

"Father," Kakashi inquired with curiosity lacing his voice, "when do you think my brother will return? I've only ever seen his photos."

Sakumo, his father, considered the question for a moment before answering, "He should be returning soon. I received information that his squad will be back in Konoha within the next three to four days."

Kakashi's eyes lit up with excitement. The prospect of finally meeting his elder brother, a figure he had only heard tales of and glimpsed through photographs, filled him with anticipation.

"Father," Kakashi continued, "everyone always says that my elder brother is the biggest prodigy Konoha has ever seen. Is it really true?"

A subtle smile crossed Sakumo's face as he recalled the remarkable feats of his elder son. "At the age of one," he began, his voice carrying a tone of pride, "he accomplished something that remains a secret known only to your mother and me. He killed a Chunin. Such extraordinary talent, hidden away from the world."

Kakashi's eyes widened in astonishment as he absorbed this revelation.

Sakumo continued, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and amazement, "By the time he turned five, he had bested two brilliant graduates from the Ninja Academy, both of whom possessed skills comparable to a Chunin. And in the same tournament, he defeated a Chunin who had experienced real battlefield combat. He entered the Ninja Academy at the tender age of five and graduated just six months later. Two months after his graduation, he faced an ambush by Sunagakure's Anbu. Alone, he fought and vanquished every single one of them."

Kakashi's young mind struggled to comprehend the sheer magnitude of his brother's abilities.

Sakumo concluded with a sense of finality, "And now, his current strength is such that few can match. Only someone with the strength of a Kage could possibly hope to defeat him. You can imagine, my son, the true extent of the genius that is your elder brother."

As they continued their walk through the bustling streets of Konoha, Kakashi's mind was filled with a newfound awe and respect for the sibling he had longed to meet, realizing that his brother was not just a legend but a living testament to the boundless potential of a ninja.


Two days from the present, the area outside the prestigious Ninja Academy buzzed with excitement. A multitude of people had gathered, drawn together by a significant occasion—the arrival of new students eager to embark on their ninja journeys. Parents accompanied their children, creating a vibrant crowd that spilled beyond the academy's gates.

In the midst of this anticipation, Kakashi and Sakumo, father and son, blended seamlessly into the diverse assembly.

Amidst the throng, a distinctive pair drew attention. Clad in matching green, tight-fitting jumpsuits, they were none other than Might Guy and his father, Might Duy. The enthusiasm in Guy's eyes was palpable.

"Father," he declared with unwavering determination, "I will work tirelessly and become a distinguished ninja of Konoha."

Duy enveloped his son in a warm embrace, his voice filled with pride and encouragement. "I have complete faith in you, my son. I know you will."

However, not everyone in the gathering shared their positive sentiment. Among the onlookers, a few Chunin chose to belittle Duy. Mocking voices crept through the crowd.

"What can the son of a useless person achieve?" one Chunin jeered.

"Even at his age, he's nothing more than a Genin," another chimed in with a disparaging comment.

Unperturbed by the taunts, Duy responded with a thumbs-up, a wide smile adorning his face. "Thank you for your support," he quipped, a hint of amusement in his voice.

His response irked one of the Chunin, who couldn't fathom Duy's resilience in the face of ridicule. "HMPH, useless waste," they muttered under their breath.

Guy, unable to contain his anger, confronted one of the Chunin directly. His voice rang out with determination, "How dare you insult my father? I'll take you on in a fight if that's what it takes to defend his honor."

As the tension in the air simmered, the stage was set for a different kind of spectacle—one of unwavering determination, familial pride, and the unbreakable bond between a father and son.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)