
Naruto: Hatake's Demon Son.

A young boy harboring a dying desire for transmigration yearned to embody Kokushibo. Miraculously, his wish for transmigration was granted, yet his new destination was the Naruto universe, diverging from the Demon Slayer realm. By a twist of fate or perhaps through a series of ill-starred circumstances, he found himself under the wing of Hatake Sakumo through adoption. Thus unfolds the tale of the transformation of one of the mightiest demons from the 'Demon Slayer' series, now intertwined with the Ninja world. Witness the extraordinary synergy as his potent abilities are amplified by the infusion of Chakra, revealing the newfound heights of power he achieves in this Naruto world. ---- (A/N: I will try to utilize the full potential of the demons and their abilities.)

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Ch-16 Minato wins.

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At this moment, from the stands where the Hokage and the envoy of Sunagakure were seated, Hiruzen stood up and stepped forward, ensuring he was visible to everyone. He began to speak, "Today marks an auspicious occasion as our ally, Sunagakure, has also joined us to observe and participate in our village's graduation ceremony. With this, I hope that our alliance will grow even stronger."

The envoy from Sunagakure happened to be none other than Chiyo's younger brother, Ebizo. He also rose from his seat and added, "We, the people of Sunagakure, also aim to uphold and nurture our positive relations."

Hiruzen nodded appreciatively and continued, "Today's event will be divided into two parts. The first part begins now, where students from our ninja academy will compete against each other. The top five among them will be selected, and these academy graduates, who rank in the top five, will then face the graduates from Sunagakure tomorrow."

With the Hokage's opening remarks concluded, the matches for all the contestants were announced. One by one, the matches were held, thoroughly enjoyed by the watching civilians. Finally, it was time for the ultimate match: Namikaze Minato versus Nara Shikaku.

Inside the arena, Shikaku voiced his thoughts, "What a drag. I really don't want to fight, but if I don't, my mother will undoubtedly bar me from entering the house." He said while scratching back of his head.

"We should give our all for the village and fight with everything we've got," Minato stated.

"I'd rather be sleeping. Let's get this fight over with," Shikaku yawned, displaying his characteristic nonchalant demeanor.

Minato simply smiled, understanding that Shikaku's attitude wasn't about overconfidence but was inherent to his nature.

"Let the fight begin!" announced the Jonin, the match's referee.

The moment the match commenced, Shikaku swiftly deployed a smoke bomb, tossing it to the ground before retreating and performing a hand seal. He executed the 'Shadow Imitation Technique,' causing his elongated shadow to extend towards Minato. However, Minato's swiftness allowed him to effortlessly evade the encroaching shadow. His perception enabled him to pinpoint Shikaku's location. Capitalizing on this advantage, he hurled kunai at Shikaku, who expertly dodged them one after another.

Recognizing an opening, Minato seized the opportunity to charge in Shikaku's direction while clutching a kunai. Shikaku, too, realized Minato's approach and employed the 'Shadow Imitation Technique' once more. A dark line trailed Minato's shadow, aiming to restrict his movement. Minato acknowledged the danger, as a touch to his shadow would result in his loss for this match.

Dashing along a wall, Minato successfully evaded the shadow line's pursuit. With proximity achieved, he flung shurikens toward Shikaku. While constrained by the 'Shadow Imitation Technique,' Shikaku's mobility was limited, and Minato calculated that dodging the projectiles was challenging after executing the technique. Shikaku, however, skillfully manipulated his shadow, extending it to immobilize the shurikens and kunai mid-air.

With his gaze shifting skyward, Shikaku delved into deep contemplation. Minato, determined not to offer Shikaku time to strategize, renewed his assault by launching kunai from multiple directions. His intent was to prevent Shikaku from employing the 'Shadow Imitation Technique' to halt the weapons.

Perceiving Minato's tactics, Shikaku swiftly employed the 'Body Replacement Technique,' evading the projectiles by replacing himself with a wooden decoy.

Shikaku reappeared, shrouded in shadows, while Minato stood illuminated by the light. Fully aware that the fight was reaching its climax, Minato gripped his kunai tightly in one hand, poised for an attack. It was his last kunai.

Employing the Shadow Imitation Technique once again, Shikaku's actions prompted Minato to shake his head. He remarked, "Shikaku, your chakra is running low. This might be the last jutsu you can muster with your remaining energy, and it won't reach me."

As Minato predicted, the length of the shadow line eventually reached its limit. However, Shikaku maintained his composure and retorted, "Minato, are you absolutely certain?"

Confused by Shikaku's unwavering confidence, Minato became alert. He recognized that Shikaku wasn't someone who boasted without reason. Suddenly, a cloud drifted over Minato, and a knowing smile crossed Shikaku's face. Minato's expression shifted, and just as he was about to retreat, his body stiffened. His shadow connected with Shikaku's.

"Shadow Imitation Technique, complete. Minato, you lose," declared Shikaku.

Shikaku began to move, and to Minato's astonishment, his own body moved in perfect sync with Shikaku's actions. Shikaku manipulated his hand in a way that directed Minato's kunai toward his own body.

However, a voice reached Shikaku's ears, accompanied by a kunai pressed against his neck. "Are you certain you've won?" the voice questioned.

With a sigh, Shikaku admitted defeat, releasing the Shadow Imitation Technique. Minato, who had been immobilized, regained his freedom.

The referee announced, "Winner: Namikaze Minato."

As the referee proclaimed the outcome, the Minato standing behind Shikaku dissolved into a cloud of smoke.

"When did you use the Shadow Clone technique?" Shikaku inquired.

"Right at the beginning, when you used the smoke bomb," Minato disclosed.

"At least I gave it my all, and I've managed to evade my mother's lecturing," Shikaku mused.

"Thank you. Through this battle, I've learned a great deal," Minato expressed his gratitude.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)