
Naruto: Hatake's Demon Son.

A young boy harboring a dying desire for transmigration yearned to embody Kokushibo. Miraculously, his wish for transmigration was granted, yet his new destination was the Naruto universe, diverging from the Demon Slayer realm. By a twist of fate or perhaps through a series of ill-starred circumstances, he found himself under the wing of Hatake Sakumo through adoption. Thus unfolds the tale of the transformation of one of the mightiest demons from the 'Demon Slayer' series, now intertwined with the Ninja world. Witness the extraordinary synergy as his potent abilities are amplified by the infusion of Chakra, revealing the newfound heights of power he achieves in this Naruto world. ---- (A/N: I will try to utilize the full potential of the demons and their abilities.)

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Ch-08 Loosing Trust.

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In the Hokage office, Hiruzen was seated when an Anbu ninja appeared before him, kneeling on one knee and saying, "Hokage-Sama, someone has attacked Sakumo-senpai's house."

"What?" exclaimed Hiruzen in shock. "When did this happen? And how is that even possible?"

"We don't have any further details, as Sakumo-Senpai mentioned he will report this matter to you personally," replied the Anbu ninja.

"Hmm, go and assist Sakumo," Hokage nodded, waiting.

The Anbu ninja acknowledged with a nod and departed from the Hokage's office.

After half an hour, Michikatsu finished bathing and getting freshened up. Sakumo led Michikatsu to another room to sleep. This time, Sakumo strategically placed traps all around his house, ensuring that if another attack occurred, he would have the opportunity to react instantly.


In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen was seated, while Danzo and others stood. At that moment, Sakumo entered the office and knelt on one knee.

"Sakumo, I heard that your house was attacked. Is everyone alright?" Hiruzen expressed concern as soon as Sakumo entered.

"Yes, Hokage-Sama. My house was attacked by a ninja—an attempt to assassinate my son. Sadly, my maid, Shi, was killed by the assailant," Sakumo explained.

"It's unfortunate to hear about your maid's demise. However, your son is safe, correct?" Hiruzen inquired.

"Yes, Hokage-Sama. I had set up traps in my son's room and taught him how to use them for defense. Thanks to that, I had enough time to reach my house," Sakumo replied.

The revelation left everyone present astonished. What Sakumo's son had accomplished was something usually taught to new students during their four-year tenure at the ninja academy.

"It appears that your son is quite the genius," Hiruzen praised Michikatsu.

"Yes, apart from my son's vulnerability to sunlight, I can confidently say he's even more of a prodigy than Orochimaru," Sakumo confidently stated.

Upon hearing this, most in the room thought Sakumo was boasting. After all, Orochimaru had graduated at the age of 6, became a Chunin at 10, and a Jonin at 13. Sakumo's claim that his son surpassed Orochimaru was met with skepticism.

"That's quite a audacious assertion, Hatake Sakumo," Danzo remarked.

"I've never spoken nonsense or boasted about anyone in my entire life. Let time prove the accuracy of my words," Sakumo retorted.

"So, Sakumo, did you bring the perpetrator's body? Hand it over to the Anbu department. They can extract information from their mind," Hiruzen directed.

"Forgive me, but in my rage, I tortured and killed the ninja who attacked my son and murdered our maid, Shi. However, I did manage to extract some information from him. He was a ninja from Sunagakure, and he had been lurking here in Konoha on the orders of Chiyo. He struck our house when I was absent, having recently acquired the seal code to enter without raising any alarms. Consequently, he targeted my son," explained Sakumo.

Apologizing, Hiruzen responded, "This is a mistake on my part. Please forgive me for this negligence."

"No need to apologize, Hokage-Sama. Errors like this may occur due to the presence of spies. However, I would like to request Mr. Danzo to provide me with the ROOT ninja for interrogation, who was in the vicinity of my house. Despite being well-equipped, he failed to prevent such an incident. I discerned from his chakra that he was at least a Special Jonin, whereas the ninja who attacked my house was a mere Elite Chunin. It should have been well within the capabilities of the ROOT ninja to handle," Sakumo remarked.

Hiruzen cast an unfriendly look at Danzo, suspecting the source of the leaked hand seals for Sakumo's house. It now seemed crystal clear to him that this was the work of someone within their circle.

In a composed manner, Danzo responded, "The ROOT ninja you are referring to was engaged in a critical mission. You are well aware of how ROOT ninjas are trained. Prioritizing his mission is understandable."

"I see," Sakumo responded, knowing he couldn't press further without evidence.

"Don't worry. Nothing like this will ever happen to you again. I will also dispatch a proper burial team to establish a new barrier around your house," Hiruzen reassured.

"Thank you for your offer, Hokage-Sama. However, this time, I will employ my knowledge from my extensive time in the Anbu to create a barrier around my house," Sakumo replied.

Hiruzen was taken aback by Sakumo's response.

Sakumo continued, "Hokage-Sama, my wife and son are tired and alone at home. I must be there with them right now. Additionally, I have another request. Whenever I am on a mission, I'd like a team of Jonin to protect my house. Naturally, it should be at least a B-level mission."

Hiruzen nodded in agreement with Sakumo's proposal and said, "Very well, you may go. Your son and wife must be waiting for you."

Sakumo nodded in acknowledgment and then left the Hokage's office.

After Sakumo exited the Hokage building, he glanced back at it and muttered to himself, "I'm sorry, Hokage, but now I find it impossible to place my trust in anyone for the safety of my son and wife. It was my son's unique abilities that allowed us to overcome this situation. Otherwise, it could have been my son who faced danger today. And if it had been my wife... I can't even begin to imagine what might have occurred."

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)