
Naruto: Hatake's Demon Son.

A young boy harboring a dying desire for transmigration yearned to embody Kokushibo. Miraculously, his wish for transmigration was granted, yet his new destination was the Naruto universe, diverging from the Demon Slayer realm. By a twist of fate or perhaps through a series of ill-starred circumstances, he found himself under the wing of Hatake Sakumo through adoption. Thus unfolds the tale of the transformation of one of the mightiest demons from the 'Demon Slayer' series, now intertwined with the Ninja world. Witness the extraordinary synergy as his potent abilities are amplified by the infusion of Chakra, revealing the newfound heights of power he achieves in this Naruto world. ---- (A/N: I will try to utilize the full potential of the demons and their abilities.)

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Ch-07 Adrenaline Rush.

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A few minutes ago, Sakumo and Kiyomi were shopping at a store.

"Do you think this Kimono will look good on Michi?" Kiyomi asked Sakumo.

"My son looks good in anything he wears. You've been selecting things for him for the past hour. People do say, 'A woman can shop endlessly,'" Sakumo remarked.

"Husband, what did you say?" Kiyomi inquired with a smile, though Sakumo sensed a dangerous undertone in it.

Sakumo responded with an embarrassed smile, "Haha... Never mind. Your selections are always..."

However, Sakumo's expression suddenly shifted to seriousness.

Observing his change in demeanor, Kiyomi asked, "What's wrong, husband?"

"Someone has entered Michi's room without authorization. I need to go there immediately," Sakumo declared and employed the 'Body Flicker Technique' to leave the scene.

Kiyomi dropped the items in her hands and hurried in the direction of their home.

/swoosh...swoosh/ Sakumo dashed towards his house, employing the 'Body Flicker Technique' repeatedly.

"Hmm? Why haven't there been any movements from the Anbu ninja or Konoha Guards? My house is connected to the Konoha barrier. If someone entered without permission, the alarms should have triggered, and the Anbu ninja or Konoha Guards should have been alerted by now. However, there is no sign of restlessness. Yet, the barrier I set up around Michi's room is clearly showing signs of breach," Sakumo pondered.

At that moment, Sakumo spotted a ROOT ninja heading in the opposite direction of his house. Sakumo questioned, "Why is a ROOT ninja near my house?"

However, with no time to spare, Sakumo pressed forward and entered his house compound.

The instant Sakumo stepped inside, a distinct odor of blood reached his senses. "Michi!" He wasted no time and sprinted into the house. Along the way, he detoured through the kitchen, only to find Shi lifeless on the floor. "Shi!" Sakumo urgently scooped her up, quickly confirming her demise. With a heavy sigh, he gently laid Shi's body down and hastened to Michikatsu's room.



"Did you kill this person?" Sakumo asked.

"Yes," Michikatsu nodded.

Sakumo was shocked and questioned, "How?"

"It's because of my Kekkei Genkai. Plus, this Chunin ninja broke the fundamental rule of being a ninja – he allowed his emotions to take over during his mission," explained Michikatsu.

Sakumo was taken aback by this revelation. He grew perplexed, wondering what kind of Kekkei Genkai Michikatsu had awakened. Despite being only one year old, Michikatsu had managed to kill a Chunin. This also conflicted with Sakumo's previous assumption that Michikatsu's Kekkei Genkai involved regeneration and that his illness was related to that Kekkei Genkai. It turned out that Michikatsu possessed another Kekkei Genkai related to fire control.

"Did this ninja mention anything relevant?" Sakumo inquired.

Michikatsu nodded and responded, "Yes. Apart from spouting nonsense and taking pleasure in seeing me injured, he mentioned one name. He said Chiyo-Sama would be delighted and would reward him generously. But I used my Kekkei Genkai to kill him, which is..." Sakumo raised his hand, signaling Michikatsu to halt.

"No need to elaborate on your Kekkei Genkai," Sakumo interjected.

"You're not a stranger, Father. I can confide in you," Michikatsu insisted.

"I understand, my son. However, I'm also a ninja who regularly undertakes missions. There's a possibility I might be captured by ninjas from other villages. If they were to discover information about your Kekkei Genkai and use it to harm you, I would never forgive myself," Sakumo explained solemnly.

"As you wish, Father. By the way, Father, who is this Chiyo?" Michikatsu inquired.

"Chiyo is an elder from Sunagakure. In one of my missions, I killed her son and daughter-in-law. Because of this, she holds a grudge against me and is willing to do anything to cause me pain," Sakumo explained.

"Before he entered my room, I smelled the scent of blood. Aunt Shi went to the kitchen to prepare milk for me. Is she alright?" Michikatsu asked with concern.

Sakumo sighed and remained silent.

"I understand. May her soul rest in peace," Michikatsu responded with a sorrowful expression.

At that moment, Kiyomi entered the room, breathing heavily. "Michi, are you alright?"

"No need to worry, Mother. I am perfectly fine," Michikatsu reassured her.

Kiyomi took a moment to compose herself. After both Michikatsu and Sakumo assured her that everything was fine, she gradually calmed down. However, as soon as she regained her composure, she fainted.

"It might be the result of an adrenaline rush. When I mentioned that someone had entered your room without permission, she must have hurried here to see you. Now that she knows you're safe, she fainted," Sakumo explained.

"Hmm," Michikatsu nodded in understanding.

"Alright, you go wash up first. I'll take your mother to her room, and I'll handle everything here," Sakumo instructed Michikatsu.

"Yes, Father," Michikatsu acknowledged before leaving the room.

Sakumo carefully placed his wife in the room. Just then, a team of Anbu ninja arrived at his house.

"Sakumo-senpai, what happened? We saw you rushing towards your house," one of the Anbu ninja inquired.

"Someone from Sunagakure attempted to assassinate my son, and I had to eliminate the threat. I will provide a detailed report to the Hokage. For now, please take care of disposing of the bodies. In the kitchen, you will find our maid who was killed by the intruder. Arrange for an autopsy," Sakumo instructed.

"Yes!" all three of them nodded in acknowledgment and proceeded to carry out their tasks.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)