
Naruto: Greatest Swordsman Template

Kaze gets this awesome power called the Sword template system, letting him master all sorts of Sword Technique from different anime. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Link: patreon.com/THE_NOVELIST_ .......................................................... Hello everyone, I'm currently engaged in translating this novel and making sure to eliminate any instances of racism, nationalism, or similar themes, ensuring a more inclusive and enjoyable reading experience for all. Original Source: 木叶,开局融合五条悟

THE_NOVELIST_ · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 I am peng clan young master

With a hint of smoky odor and a trace of dissatisfied envy, Yaiba Kaze locked eyes with Asuma Sarutobi.

After glancing briefly at the "No Smoking" sign prominently displayed by the dumpling shop owner, Kaze suddenly smiled.

So, this is the Hokage's son? Asuma Sarutobi.

In the anime, he's rather unremarkable, often used as a filler character known mainly for his mustache. What struck Kaze the most about him was his nonchalant death, leaving behind a widow—a somewhat laughable scene.

Looking at Asuma Sarutobi's record, he rebelled and left Konoha in his youth, becoming one of the Guardian Shinobi, foolishly treating the daimyo as the "king" his father Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke of. Only in his final moments did he think of Kurenai Yuhi and understand that children are the precious "king."

But seeing him now, smoking openly in the dumpling shop, it's clear he's still just a kid. His death in the anime was portrayed movingly, but as Kaze grew older, he found himself indifferent to the character. Both are sons of the Hokage, yet Asuma is worlds apart from Naruto. As a man, he never even gave his woman a proper status, leaving her unmarried and pregnant. From any perspective, he's a failure.

The Hokage's son, how laughable.

"Cough, cough!" 

Smoking is prohibited in public places for a reason. Anko and Kurenai clearly found the cheap tobacco smoke unbearable, coughing with displeased expressions.

Any sensible person would extinguish the cigarette and apologize at this point. But Asuma, thinking he looked just like his father, took a deep drag instead. Always seeking his father's approval, he didn't learn much from the Third Hokage, like mastering all five elemental releases, but he sure learned how to smoke.

Sometimes a man smoking looks cool, but other times, it just causes discontent. What a laughable Hokage's son. As Asuma prepared to exhale a large puff of smoke, Kaze suddenly looked at him with a calm smile.

"Either put out the cigarette or leave."


Kaze's sword flashed, piercing the table as a grimace appeared on his face. "You made Anko choke!"

You made Anko choke!

Kaze's bond with Anko was undeniable. It was hard to imagine what life was like for him before she took him in. From strangers to true family, Kaze had long considered Anko the most important person in his world, someone to protect. Anko was the softest spot in Kaze's heart. At the very least, she gave Kaze a warm home. A home where he could rest peacefully after each day of training.

"Kid, what did you say?" Asuma finally spoke, holding in a mouthful of smoke. As he did, a dense cloud of bluish smoke billowed towards Kaze's face.


A cold flash swept by, and Asuma felt a slight chill on his cheek. His painstakingly maintained beard, along with the cigarette, was cut in half. His chin was then forcibly grabbed, making him open his mouth.


The still-lit cigarette, along with the nasty stubble, was shoved into his mouth.



The sound of the cigarette extinguishing was clearly audible as his jaw clenched shut.


A final kick sent Asuma flying out of the dumpling shop, completing Kaze's seamless move. No hesitation, even though Asuma was the Hokage's son. The moment he made Anko choke, his fate was sealed.

Calmly sitting back down, Kaze picked up a dumpling, pouring chili oil over it amidst the terrified gazes of the onlookers in the shop, and swallowed it in one bite.

Others might not know, but Might Guy, watching from a distance, was stunned.

Sweet dumplings with chili? Can you really eat that? Or was the kid trying to suppress his fear of attacking the Hokage's son?

Indeed. Asuma Sarutobi, the Hokage's son!


Anko, unsure what to say, hugged Kaze's arm in gratitude. Though the arm was still small, it was completely reliable. Beside her, Kurenai's gem-like eyes shone with a strange light. This kid's demeanor suggested that no matter who you were, if you messed with his people, you'd pay the price. A very promising young man indeed.


In the next second, the pleasant atmosphere was broken. Kaze handed the chili-covered dumpling to Anko. 

Is this for me?

Anko's face was filled with terror. Her favorite dumplings, combined with her most hated chili. Can this even be eaten?

"To avoid the day when I can't wrap my arm around your waist, please eat it."

"From now on, limit your dumplings to ten a day."

"That's that."

Indeed, she had already downed ten skewers since they arrived at the shop. It was clear the culprit behind turning the young girl into a plump lady had been found.

As Anko reluctantly put the dumpling in her mouth, Kaze stood up and looked at the dumpling shop owner.

"Five skewers to go."

Of course, these weren't for Anko. They were a gift for Kaze's only friend outside his family. After all, thinking about it, that unfortunate kid who loved sweets had endured a lifetime of hardship.