
Naruto: Greatest Swordsman Template

Kaze gets this awesome power called the Sword template system, letting him master all sorts of Sword Technique from different anime. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Link: patreon.com/THE_NOVELIST_ .......................................................... Hello everyone, I'm currently engaged in translating this novel and making sure to eliminate any instances of racism, nationalism, or similar themes, ensuring a more inclusive and enjoyable reading experience for all. Original Source: 木叶,开局融合五条悟

THE_NOVELIST_ · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 just living

"Did he try anything with you?"

After a day of training, Kaze returned to the home he shared with Anko.

Although he was a bit tired, breaking through 1000 slashes and achieving 2000 had elevated him considerably. Every breakthrough was a form of purification for himself. Kaze enjoyed this process.

Instead of collapsing into bed upon arriving home, he carefully washed up. He happened to meet Anko as she returned from Orochimaru's place.

Calmly putting on his loincloth, Kaze asked.

The girl blushed slightly, her eyes darting around before finally settling on Kaze.

After all, living in the same house, this wasn't the first time she had seen such a scene.

But as they grew older, things were becoming more awkward.

Women in this world were notoriously precocious.

For example, Hinata fell for Naruto at the age of three. While it seemed a bit off, that was the beauty of the anime world.

Anko was no exception.

Now, in the prime of her youth, her body had already developed quite a bit, ranking among the best in the early stages of the Naruto series. Especially her knack for adorning herself with fishnet stockings at such a young age—a wild charm.

Such sensibility was not something ordinary people could compare to.

As for her transformation into an overweight woman in Boruto, it could be managed and corrected, so there was no need to worry.

"You mean him? Are you talking about Orochimaru-sensei?"

After a moment, Anko asked, puzzled, "Hey, he's my teacher, you know. Can you keep your thoughts a bit healthier?"

Saying this, the girl rolled her eyes.

Kaze didn't bother to explain.

Calmly, he walked over to Anko, gently brushed aside her hair, and leaned down to inspect her neck.

What was he doing?

Should I resist?

Or should I put up a token resistance and then give in?

Anko's face reddened even more, making her look like a freshly baked bun.

But she had clearly misunderstood.

After stroking her fair, pink neck and finding nothing unusual, Kaze left her embrace.

Perhaps he was being overly cautious.

Sighing with relief, Kaze turned and headed towards his room.

Naturally, he was checking for a curse mark.

That was the evil force that had altered Anko's life.

The malevolent power that transformed a lively girl into a reclusive woman.

This time, he wouldn't let tragedy strike again.

Anko's life was rather peculiar.

Initially, she was a fierce proctor, but she was easily defeated by Orochimaru in a single move.

Later on, she was merely a tool for Orochimaru's resurrection.

A particularly unpleasant tool.

he couldn't accept this.

Change would come gradually.

Orochimaru's defection from the village without taking Anko was a heavy blow to her.


Just as Kaze was about to enter his room, Anko suddenly called out.

This time, she didn't call out with a commanding tone as an older sister, ordering her younger brother around.

She simply called his name.


Turning slowly, Kaze looked at her calmly.

"Accompany me."

"To eat dango, okay?"

For some reason, after what had just happened, Anko suddenly felt shy and uncertain.

Even her tone, when asking Kaze to accompany her for dango, carried a hint of pleading.

A few seconds later, just when Anko was feeling a bit disappointed, Kaze nodded and gave her an affirmative answer.



The dango shop in Konoha.

It was a rather remarkable place.

Often, notable figures would come here to relax after missions.

For instance, right now.

As he pushed open the shop door, Kaze saw a few familiar faces.

The first one to catch his eye was a man in a bright green tracksuit with a bowl haircut.

The man who would become renowned for his dynamic kicks, the youthful Might Guy.

Further inside, Kurenai Yuhi was being pestered by Asuma Sarutobi, looking rather distressed. Upon seeing Anko, she quickly approached as if seeing her savior.

Scanning the area, Kaze retracted his gaze.

He had no interest in the other insignificant characters.

Finding a random spot to sit down, Kaze rubbed his aching shoulders.

After all, there were few of Anko's peers here.

For example, Rin Nohara, that innocent girl, was absent.

And the introverted, current Anbu member guarding the wife of the Fourth Hokage, Kushina Uzumaki, the Copy Ninja Kakashi Hatake, was also missing.

Speaking of which, Minato was somewhat over the top.

He hoped the new life would break through Kakashi's inner gloom.


Was this really the right way?

Having a person who lost his father and comrades watch your family being warm and happy?

Wasn't that a bit too much?

With a slight sigh, Kaze looked outside.

The seasons in the Naruto world were strange. Although it was supposed to be spring after the New Year Festival, it was still snowing.

At this time, Kakashi was likely still crouched by the Fourth Hokage's window, guarding Kushina.

But speaking of Kushina, a glint flashed in Kaze's eyes.

The Nine-Tails' attack was approaching.

This troubled village of Konoha.

Shaking his head, Kaze's mouth curved into a mocking smile.

As for whom he was mocking, no one present could tell.

However, because Anko and Kurenai were sitting beside Kaze, Asuma Sarutobi, who had followed them, was right across from him.

He saw that mocking smile clearly.

What does he mean by that?

Asuma's face darkened.