
Naruto: Greatest Swordsman Template

Kaze gets this awesome power called the Sword template system, letting him master all sorts of Sword Technique from different anime. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Link: patreon.com/THE_NOVELIST_ .......................................................... Hello everyone, I'm currently engaged in translating this novel and making sure to eliminate any instances of racism, nationalism, or similar themes, ensuring a more inclusive and enjoyable reading experience for all. Original Source: 木叶,开局融合五条悟

THE_NOVELIST_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 Zaraki Kenpachi!

As a transmigrant, he naturally had his own cheat!

The Super God Swordsmanship System was the means by which Kaze Yoru became strong, and it was the existence of this Swordsmanship System that gave him the confidence to tell Itachi that he was destined to reach the pinnacle.

Nothing fancy.

Simple and brutal, just slashing.

And Kaze Yoru was very lucky that the first character ability he unlocked was Zaraki Kenpachi from the Bleach universe, known for his swordsmanship or just sword strength.

In Bleach, battles are fought using spiritual pressure and Zanpakuto abilities.

But Zaraki Kenpachi was different; from start to finish, he had only one move—slashing.

Even his Shikai and Bankai simply increased the power of his slashes.

The Swordsmanship System is just like that.

The daily task might seem simple, but given his young age, it took a long time for him to adapt to such high-intensity training.

From being completely exhausted at the start to now just feeling a bit tired.

In between.

He experienced a lot and grew a lot.

Don't underestimate Zaraki Kenpachi's 2.8% strength.

He was a renowned battle maniac in Bleach, and once in combat mode, his terrifying combat power was not to be underestimated.

The daily task will upgrade after each stage, the effects are yet to be seen.

As for sudden tasks, he hadn't encountered any yet. According to the system, sudden tasks would reward Swordsmanship Points, and 1000 points could be exchanged for a 1% template progress or any item in the system store.

For example, Kaze's Alcohol was exchanged from the system store.

The store had everything, including this world's Rinnegan, but the prices were beyond his reach.

For now, the simplest way to improve his strength was to complete daily tasks.

And Kaze also enjoyed the feeling of daily improvement through training.

This is a dangerous world.

Don't be fooled by Konoha's peaceful appearance.

The darkness hidden under the sun is the most terrifying thing.

Shaking his head, Kaze lay down to sleep.

Swinging the sword a thousand times daily was no small burden for someone his age.


The next morning, a new day began.

Kaze Yoru opened his eyes, looking somewhat helplessly at Anko, who had wrapped herself around him.

How many years has it been?

She was used to it.

She probably drank too much and entered the wrong room again last night.

"Ugh... brat, come with me to meet my Jonin instructor."

Yawning and feeling herself being pushed away, Anko said.

"Your Jonin instructor..."



"Itachi, you have gone too far."

On the same morning, in the Uchiha clan's compound, within the clan leader's courtyard, the atmosphere was far from harmonious.

Itachi knelt silently, receiving a scolding from his father. However, the stubborn look on his young face indicated he believed he had done the right thing. Even if it meant his parents' reproach, he was willing to bear it for the sake of friendship.

Drinking that sip of liquor cemented his friendship with Kaze.

But he had underestimated the strength of the liquor. When he returned home, he had tried to sneakily get a drink of water, only to fall asleep in the living room.

He had slept deeply until now.

The alcohol was strong, but the taste lingered in Itachi's memory.

There was no other reason.

Ever since his father had taken him to the battlefield, he hadn't slept so soundly for a long time.

It was truly refreshing.

A time when he didn't have to think about anything was such a joy.

Sleeping so peacefully.

He wasn't jolted awake by contemplating the meaning of life.

Nor did he have to wonder why his father's gaze wavered when he looked at the village.

And he couldn't hear the whispers of people outside talking about the Uchiha clan.

These things, he couldn't explain to his father.

He could only bear his father's rebuke.

But, he knew he should drink less in the future.

Itachi understood this much.

"Alright, let's leave this matter here. I have other things to discuss with you today."

Looking at his silent son, Fugaku's anger gradually dissipated.

His wife was pregnant, and there was no need to overly reprimand his very promising son in front of her.

"The Ninja Academy will start a new round of enrollment soon. I have already registered you."

"Remember, outside, you represent the Uchiha clan, you represent our entire clan."

Fugaku said, heavily patting Itachi's shoulder.

"Yes, father, I understand."

Itachi nodded, the confusion in his eyes momentarily flickering.

Do I understand?

Do I really understand?


Why does the clan only think about the clan and not the whole?

He didn't understand.

Wasn't the Uchiha clan part of Konoha?