
Naruto: Greatest Swordsman Template

Kaze gets this awesome power called the Sword template system, letting him master all sorts of Sword Technique from different anime. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Link: patreon.com/THE_NOVELIST_ .......................................................... Hello everyone, I'm currently engaged in translating this novel and making sure to eliminate any instances of racism, nationalism, or similar themes, ensuring a more inclusive and enjoyable reading experience for all. Original Source: 木叶,开局融合五条悟

THE_NOVELIST_ · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 Ninja Scientist

In a certain training ground in Konoha, Kaze continued to slash at a wooden stake, seemingly venting his frustration. However, from the intense expression on his face, it was clear he was enjoying this mechanical exercise.

The daily task had refreshed.

Today's daily task made Kaze very happy.

Two thousand slashes!

The task reward was 0.2% template progress!

Upon completion, he would have 3% of Zaraki Kenpachi's power.

Of course, having and utilizing that power are very different.

Given his young age, the actual power he could wield was likely very limited.

Therefore, using this repetitive slashing to train his will and body was necessary.

To Kaze, the daily tasks were no longer tasks but necessary steps for growth.

Even so, his strength among his peers was unmatched. To say he was invincible among his age group was not an exaggeration.

"So, why do you insist on me accompanying you?"

During a break in the slashing, Kaze looked at Anko, who was sitting on a rock watching him.

There was no doubt that Anko's teacher was Orochimaru.

The undisputed scientist of the ninja world.

A man who yearned for immortality and loved to research ninjutsu.

The value of Orochimaru needed no explanation.

The changes in Konoha after Naruto became Hokage showed this.


Even trains were developed—it was absurd.

"You idiot, Lord Orochimaru is one of the legendary Sannin. If I bring you along, maybe he'll take a liking to you and give you some pointers. He might even take you on as well."

Anko rolled her eyes.

This time, the mischievous Anko was genuinely concerned for her brother.


The opportunity to get guidance from him was rare.


However, the expected excitement from her brother didn't appear. He continued his task calmly.

Drawing the sword, slashing, sheathing the sword.

Repeating the same action over and over.

There was no excitement at the prospect of being guided by Orochimaru.

You must be kidding.

Was Orochimaru's ninjutsu important to him?

With his cheat ability, Kaze didn't need anyone's guidance.

He was the King of Swords.

No need for fancy techniques.

As for chakra, spiritual pressure, and physical issues, once he unlocked 5% of Zaraki Kenpachi's template, the system's swordsmanship traits would provide the answers.

The system had told him this.

In short, he didn't need any teacher.

No one in this world was worthy of teaching him.

He just needed to keep slashing to get stronger, it was that simple.

"Impressive mental fortitude."

Suddenly, a cold voice filled with strong interest appeared.

Kaze's hand holding the sword paused slightly, then continued slashing.

Behind him stood Orochimaru.

Clearly, he had been there for a while, just not revealing himself.

A very promising little brat.

Orochimaru's tongue extended, deliberately licking his lips in a way that made people nauseous. His eyes, filled with wildness and danger, evaluated Kaze as he continued his slashing.

Orochimaru's defection timeline isn't clear, but it isn't now, though it's not far off either.

Anko is a year younger than Kurenai Yuhi.

After graduating, Anko became Orochimaru's disciple, receiving his teachings.

In the same year, she became involved in Orochimaru's experiments and learned many things.

She even received Orochimaru's cursed seal.

That was the beginning of her nightmare.

Soon after, Orochimaru defected, using forbidden techniques to cruelly erase Anko's memories.

This meant that at this moment, Orochimaru had already started down a dark path.

Human experiments had already begun.

It seems that after failing in the competition for the position of Hokage, Orochimaru started his latest research, with Danzo's backing providing him ample resources.


This cold and terrifying man once aspired to be Hokage.

Just this fact alone could probably make Naruto jump out and yell, "I forgive you!" and give Orochimaru a redemption arc.

However, this had little to do with Kaze.

But Anko's cursed seal was a problem.

That thing wasn't good at all.

As long as the cursed seal existed, Orochimaru could forcibly resurrect himself.

Very troublesome.

"Lord Orochimaru..."

Anko swallowed nervously, clearly anxious.

Not everyone could become Orochimaru's disciple.

She didn't know why the Third Hokage arranged this.

After watching Anko for a day, Orochimaru seemed to lose interest.

In Orochimaru's view, becoming a guiding Jonin was merely a waste of time.

But he had to accept this arrangement, at least to give the Third Hokage the illusion that he was busy, so he could conduct his human experiments in peace.

As for the cursed seal on Anko in the original story, that was just an accident.

Even Orochimaru himself didn't expect Anko to survive.

The first survivor of the Cursed Seal of Heaven—perhaps that was Anko's value.


Stopping his slashing, Kaze took a breath, his eyes finally meeting Orochimaru's.

Their gazes locked, but no sparks flew.

In Orochimaru's eyes, Kaze saw a hint of interest.

"Let's go, Anko."

With a playful lick of his lips, Orochimaru turned and left.

What a pity.

Lord Orochimaru ultimately didn't take an interest in her brother.

Anko sighed, her purpose in bringing her brother was still unfulfilled.

She was a bit slow.

She couldn't see the meaning in Orochimaru's eyes.

For a first meeting, considering Orochimaru's nature of toying with others' minds, this was just the beginning.

For instance, after Orochimaru left, a small white snake crouched in the corner of a nearby tree.

If Orochimaru truly targeted someone, he would observe them first.

He wasn't as blatant as he would be when the plot began.

This was a decision he made after observing Kaze for a while.

The seemingly simple slashing was incredibly precise. Each swing seemed random, yet gave the impression that his blade could strike at any angle!

This wasn't something a boy of his age should possess.

So, Orochimaru became curious.

Kaze dismissed the observation.

If you want to watch, go ahead.

Just don't get scared.

There are many ways to slash.

The system never restricted him to one method. The previous slashing was just a warm-up.

Even with his mature mindset, repeated slashing could become tedious.

If he added some other elements during the slashing, he wouldn't mind.


He was waiting for someone.


A figure landed beside Kaze.