
Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me

Yasao found himself transported to the world of Naruto, equipped with a unique deduction system that granted him the uncanny ability to analyze and acquire the powers from any anime. In this new world, he had the power to summon and nurture various creatures as his companions. Among his chosen allies were Kumoko, Beerus, Fox Demon, and even Godzilla. What set Yasao apart, however, was his unparalleled craftsmanship. The weapons he forged by hand exceeded the quality of even the legendary weapons of the Sage of Six Paths of the ninja world. Gradually, he established enigmatic factions, each one more secretive and powerful than the last. His personal strength grew to rival even Kaguya Otsutsuki. But one fateful day, a live broadcast emerged, unveiling the taijutsu skills, weaponry, pets, and apprentices from every corner of the ninja world. And in that moment, Yasao, who had been shrouded in secrecy, was revealed. It was then that everyone realized that he was the enigmatic mastermind behind the scenes, the true puppeteer pulling the strings in the ninja world!

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

Chapter 37 : Shameless Nine Tails

"Almost there!"

Yasao said casually.

"Hahaha, I, Garaga, am about to become famous!" Garaga exclaimed with excitement.

At that moment, Golden List chimed in with a reminder.

[Rewards obtained from the pet list belong to the Pets themselves but can also be transferred to their owners or former owners.]

[Gamabunta: This reward is quite something; unlike weapons, it can be claimed by both the owner and the Pet. ]

[Gamakichi: I don't like the term 'Pet.' How about 'Summoned Beasts List'? ]

[Nine Tails: Our tailed beasts aren't just any Summoned Beasts. Does the Summoned Beasts List exclude us? Hmph, whether they are Summoned Beasts or tailed beasts, they all have owners; 'Pets' works just fine. ]

[One Tail Shukaku: Hey, Fox, remember who initially protested against being a part of this 'Pet' list? ]

[Nine Tails: Like you'd do a better job taking care of it? ]

[One Tail Shukaku: Gaara, if I make it onto the list, I'll share the benefits with you, so these pesky little organizations can't snatch them away! ]

[Gaara: Shukaku, if you manage to secure a treasure, keep it for yourself. ]

[Monkey King Enma: I was on the weapons list before, can I join the 'Pet' list now? ]

[Third Hokage Sarutobi: Enma, the Adamantine Staff is the one on the weapons list; it has nothing to do with you, Monkey King Enma. ]

[Monkey King Enma: Sarutobi, you've got a point there. The Adamantine Staff is on the weapons list, and I'm Monkey King Enma. It seems I'll be on the 'Pet' list for sure. ]

[Manda: Monkey King Enma, you're shameless. You'll never make it onto the 'Pet' list. With my strength, I should easily make it into the top ten. ]

[Gamabunta: Haha, Manda, are you the only one aiming for the top ten? Keep dreaming! ]

The live broadcast room had turned into a gathering of Summoned Beasts and tailed beasts, all engaged in lively conversation.

Mount Myōboku.

The Great Toad Sage was also following the live broadcast and was the first to hear about the 'Pet' list's opening.

"Can I be part of the 'Pet' list?" the Great Toad Sage wondered aloud.

He had once served the Sage of Six Paths and was considered a Summoned Beast of the Sage. By the 'Pet' list's standards, he might be classified as a Pet.

"If I make it onto the 'Pet' list, I wonder how I'd compare to Katsuyu and the old white snake. Who's number one, who's number two, and who's number three?" the Great Toad Sage pondered.

Ryūchi Cave.

The White Snake Sage was also pondering the same question.

"The old toad's strength can't possibly surpass mine. He's only slightly stronger. As for Katsuyu, her sheer size gives her a formidable advantage, even without offensive abilities. I might not necessarily beat her!" the White Snake Sage mused.

Nevertheless, in the ninja world, when it came to Summoned Beasts, tailed beasts, and other Pets, her strength was undoubtedly among the top three.

Not even the Nine Tails intimidated her.

During this time, the tailed beasts weren't taking the pet list rankings seriously and were still debating who should be considered the top 'Pet.'

[Nine Tails: Hahaha, enough talk! Your uncle Kurama wants to be the top 'Pet.' Anyone who opposes that will face the consequences! ]

[One Tail Shukaku: I disagree. Gyūki is just as formidable as you. ]

[Nine Tails: I possess limitless chakra. Remember when the chakra was distributed? I was the one to receive the most, didn't I? ]

[Three Tails Isobu: Damn it, Kurama, you bring up the past. Initially, you proposed we share chakra. As a result, you and Gyūki shared; you got one, Gyūki got one. Then I shared chakra with Chōmei, one for Chōmei, and one for you. Ultimately, all eight of us tailed beasts shared one pool of chakra, and you ended up with eight portions of chakra, granting you unlimited chakra attributes. ]

[Eight Tails Gyūki: Kurama, you're shameless. If it's about chakra, I'll beat you with raw power! ]

[Seven Tails Chōmei: Kurama as number one, and I, the Seven Tails, as number three, is that alright? ]

[One Tail Shukaku: Huh? What's with this ranking based on tails? By your logic, I should be the last of the tailed beasts. Except for Kurama and Gyūki, I won't concede to anyone, and my strength definitely earns me the third spot! ]

[Six Tails Saiken: Shukaku, you claim to be third? Why? Aren't you just bulky? ]

[Nine Tails: Hehe, Shukaku, you've been silenced; stop embarrassing yourself! ]

[One Tail Shukaku: Kurama, don't get too cocky. Someday, you might be captured too! ]

[Nine Tails: Am I, the Nine Tails, afraid of being captured by anyone? If needed, I'll make Naruto go berserk, and I'll be invincible! ]

[One Tail Shukaku: You're delusional. Remember when you were caught like a chicken? ]

[Senju Hashirama: Did someone mention my name again? ]

[Nine Tails: Shukaku, are you asking for trouble? Without the help of Jinchūriki, none of us tailed beasts can fully unleash our strength. Otherwise, Hashirama wouldn't have defeated me so easily. ]

[One Tail Shukaku: If you lose, you lose. Don't make excuses! ]

Shortly after the tailed beasts' lively discussion, the 'Pet' list rankings began to be revealed.

[Number 100 on the 'Pet' list: Ninja Turtle, owner: Might Guy]

[Might Guy: I never expected my Summoned Beast to rank 100th! ]

[Kakashi Hatake: Guy, your turtle made it onto the 'Pet' list? ]

[Ninja Turtle: Kakashi, are you underestimating me? ]

As the 'Pet' list continued to unfold, one powerful Summoned Beast after another secured their spots. The weaker ones had no chance at all.

[Gamakichi: It seems I won't make it onto the 'Pet' list. I just became Naruto's Summoned Beast. It'll take some time for me to grow stronger. Give me a few more years, and I'll surely make it onto the list! ]

[Gamabunta: Son, don't be discouraged. Train hard and aim for the next list. ]

[Gamakichi: Dad, I understand! ]

Time ticked away, and the 'Pet' list reached number 60.

Now, numerous formidable Summoned Beasts were making their appearance.

[Number 60 on the 'Pet' list: Nightmare-Eater, Baku, owner: Danzo Shimura]

The release of this ranking immediately stirred Danzo's dissatisfaction.

[Danzo Shimura: What? My Nightmare-Eater, Baku can only secure 60th place? This list is clearly biased! ! ! ]

Danzo believed that his Summoned Beast deserved a spot in the top 30, and ranking 60th was unjustifiably low!

[Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi: Danzo, your Nightmare-Eater, Baku Summoned Beast is fairly average; it's not bad to be placed 60th. ]

[Fourth Raikage A: Be satisfied with 60th place, Danzo; at least you made the list! ]

[Terumi Mei: Danzo, don't forget that there are numerous famous tailed beasts and Summoned Beasts ahead of you; you're lucky to be at number 60! ]


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