
Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me

Yasao found himself transported to the world of Naruto, equipped with a unique deduction system that granted him the uncanny ability to analyze and acquire the powers from any anime. In this new world, he had the power to summon and nurture various creatures as his companions. Among his chosen allies were Kumoko, Beerus, Fox Demon, and even Godzilla. What set Yasao apart, however, was his unparalleled craftsmanship. The weapons he forged by hand exceeded the quality of even the legendary weapons of the Sage of Six Paths of the ninja world. Gradually, he established enigmatic factions, each one more secretive and powerful than the last. His personal strength grew to rival even Kaguya Otsutsuki. But one fateful day, a live broadcast emerged, unveiling the taijutsu skills, weaponry, pets, and apprentices from every corner of the ninja world. And in that moment, Yasao, who had been shrouded in secrecy, was revealed. It was then that everyone realized that he was the enigmatic mastermind behind the scenes, the true puppeteer pulling the strings in the ninja world!

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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271 Chs

Chapter 35 : Might Guy's True Strength!

"Kabuto, get out of the way!" Orochimaru ordered.

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama!" Kabuto stepped back, watching the battle unfold.

Orochimaru stood atop a giant snake, charging towards Might Guy and Kakashi.

In this critical moment, Guy activated the Eight Inner Gates, reaching the Seventh Gate. 

Against a formidable opponent like Orochimaru, opening the Seventh Gate was essential, or Orochimaru wouldn't feel threatened at all.

Kakashi, on the other hand, drew the White Fang's blade and infused it with the power of Raikiri, creating a powerful surge of electricity through the blade.

The battle erupted in an instant!

Boom! The densely packed snakes poured out of Orochimaru's mouth, forming a formidable wall of serpents known as Orochimaru's Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes. 

Facing such a nightmarish array of serpents, even those without ophidiophobia would tremble in fear.

Might Guy, confronting the multitude of snakes, unleashed a technique from the Eight Inner Gates. 

His fists moved at supersonic speeds, creating a trail of flames as they struck the air. The peacock-like flame shockwave incinerated a significant number of snakes into ashes.

Kakashi activated his Sharingan, discerning Orochimaru's weaknesses and utilizing Raikiri to strike at him. Just as a crucial moment approached, the tail of the Ten Thousand Snakes attacked.

With a single stroke of the White Fang's blade, Kakashi left a bloody gash on the Ten Thousand Snakes' body. 

Using the Body Replacement Technique, Kakashi swiftly retreated, temporarily forsaking the attack on Orochimaru.

Unexpectedly, a sword emerged from the mouth of one of the snakes – the Kusanagi Sword. It extended rapidly, piercing the air at supersonic speeds and targeting Might Guy.

However, Guy deftly evaded the Kusanagi Sword with his instantaneous body technique.

Observers of the Golden List Live Broadcast chimed in:

[Ninja A: "Although Orochimaru's strength has been compromised, Might Guy's power is still below Orochimaru's without unlocking the Eighth Gate. Kakashi's strength currently falls short of Might Guy's as well. There's no need to worry for Orochimaru!"] 

In their view, Orochimaru had a good chance of winning.

[Fourth Raikage: Kakashi and Guy are cooperating well, but their strength is still somewhat lacking.]

[Tsunade: Keep watching, I have faith in Guy and Kakashi!]

[Hidan: Orochimaru seems to have the upper hand! The Eighth Inner Gate can't remain open for long, and delaying Orochimaru is the best strategy!]

[Hoshigaki Kisame: Orochimaru has nothing to fear as long as he doesn't open the Eighth Gate. That's all!]

At that moment, Might Guy unleashed his Day Tiger technique!

Day Tiger!

A tremendous pressure erupted, forming a fearsome tiger. Might Guy charged towards Orochimaru in the form of this mighty tiger, with the snakes attempting to resist him.

However, after the collision with the Ten Thousand Snakes, it was the snakes that were sent flying.

[Fourth Raikage: Such incredible power! Might Guy's Day Tiger sent the colossal snake summon flying!]

[Hoshigaki Kisame: I underestimated Might Guy; this is incredible!]

[Third Raikage: As expected of the Day Tiger, ranked eighth on the Taijutsu list; its power is truly astonishing!]

[Uchiha Itachi: Orochimaru appears to be in trouble!]

[Hyuga Hiashi: I also believe Orochimaru will lose!]

[Zabuza Momochi: It's too early to declare a winner!]

"It actually sent Ten Thousand Snakes flying!" Orochimaru exclaimed, retreating with a concerned expression.

Had it not been for the Ten Thousand Snakes shielding him from the Day Tiger, Orochimaru would have sustained severe injuries.

Kakashi activated his Mangekyō Sharingan. "Kamui!" he invoked, causing Orochimaru's surroundings to distort as if being devoured by space itself.

"This can't be!" Orochimaru's face paled; he hadn't expected Kakashi to possess such a technique.

Watching the live broadcast, Obito was equally surprised. Kakashi's utilization of Mangekyō Sharingan could only distort and sever Orochimaru's arm, sending it into the Kamui dimension.

"Damn!" Orochimaru cursed. He quickly performed the  Eight Branches Technique, transforming into the eight-headed Orochi with the power of the White Snake and Chakra. The colossal serpent roared, creating a vacuum wave that extended for hundreds of meters.

The  Eight Branches Technique was one of Orochimaru's trump cards, but it consumed a considerable amount of Chakra. He wouldn't resort to it unless absolutely necessary.

Kakashi, exhausted and drained of Chakra, fell to the ground. Kamui had exacted a heavy toll on him. Moreover, the Sharingan belonged to Uchiha Obito, not him.

"Guy, it's up to you!" Kakashi urged.

"Kakashi, you're about to witness my true power!" Might Guy smiled.

He revealed his weighted clothing, which he had kept on until now.

[Third Hokage: Are those weights? Has Guy been wearing them all this time?]

[Tsunade: So, Guy has been holding back his full power!]

[Hidan: How is this possible? How can Guy be so strong?]

[Fourth Raikage: Don't forget that several of Guy's Taijutsu techniques are ranked in the top ten. The enhancements he's gained are unimaginable. With these boosts, can you imagine how much stronger he's become?]

[Uchiha Obito: Orochimaru is in trouble, completely defeated!]

Might Guy removed the weights, becoming incredibly light, and his speed increased exponentially. The power he unleashed was awe-inspiring.

"This can't be! He's fighting under pressure!" Orochimaru exclaimed in disbelief.

"Day Tiger!" Might Guy activated the Eight Inner Gates technique once more. He transformed into a tiger and launched himself into the air, creating powerful shockwaves as he moved.

Under the  Eight Branches Technique, Orochimaru controlled the eight-headed serpent to confront Might Guy.


The resulting explosion shattered the air for several kilometers, obliterating trees and sending shockwaves rippling outward.

When the smoke cleared, Orochimaru had been hurled away by the severely wounded Ten Thousand Snakes. He mounted the snake and fled at tremendous speed.

Might Guy was also catching his breath. Using Day Tiger twice in succession had drained him considerably. However, this victory over Orochimaru solidified his reputation as a formidable ninja throughout the Shinobi world.

"Guy, you've surpassed me completely," Kakashi admitted.

Guy smiled and replied, "Kakashi, you're impressive as well. You concealed the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Return to Konoha quickly!" Kakashi urged.

"Understood!" Guy carried Kakashi and rushed back to Konoha.

Orochimaru's defeat sent shockwaves through the ninja world. Despite Orochimaru's strength and his previous victory over the Third Hokage, he had been soundly defeated by Might Guy of Konoha, tarnishing his reputation.

Might Guy, who had only opened the Seventh Gate, had displayed incredible power. 

It was easy to imagine how fearsome he would become once he unlocked the Eighth Gate and utilized ultimate techniques like Night Guy!


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