
Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me

Yasao found himself transported to the world of Naruto, equipped with a unique deduction system that granted him the uncanny ability to analyze and acquire the powers from any anime. In this new world, he had the power to summon and nurture various creatures as his companions. Among his chosen allies were Kumoko, Beerus, Fox Demon, and even Godzilla. What set Yasao apart, however, was his unparalleled craftsmanship. The weapons he forged by hand exceeded the quality of even the legendary weapons of the Sage of Six Paths of the ninja world. Gradually, he established enigmatic factions, each one more secretive and powerful than the last. His personal strength grew to rival even Kaguya Otsutsuki. But one fateful day, a live broadcast emerged, unveiling the taijutsu skills, weaponry, pets, and apprentices from every corner of the ninja world. And in that moment, Yasao, who had been shrouded in secrecy, was revealed. It was then that everyone realized that he was the enigmatic mastermind behind the scenes, the true puppeteer pulling the strings in the ninja world!

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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271 Chs

Chapter 31 : Nagato’s Hope!

Akatsuki Base.

Nagato and the others anxiously awaited the arrival of Uchiha Itachi with the Angel Heart. 

This invaluable treasure held immense significance for the entire Akatsuki organization, and for Nagato, it held an even deeper significance.

"Nagato, the Angel Heart may heal your injuries!" Konan's excitement was palpable.

"I hope so. My injuries resulted from the strain of using the Rinnegan forcibly. No amount of medical ninjutsu can heal me, and even the Dew of Life that Uchiha Itachi obtained can't save me. But the Angel Heart might offer a glimmer of hope," Nagato expressed his anticipation for the arrival of the Angel Heart.

Uchiha Itachi had not defected from the Akatsuki organization because of the Angel Heart, and he still intended to return it to Akatsuki.

"I'll test the effects of the Angel Heart," Uchiha Itachi stated.

"Good!" Hoshigaki Kisame responded, though he was somewhat perplexed. Uchiha Itachi had acquired the Dew of Life but hadn't used it on himself. Now, he was willing to use the Angel Heart. 

Kisame couldn't help but wonder if Itachi was reserving the Dew of Life for some future purpose.

"But that's alright. The Angel Heart might resolve Uchiha Itachi's physical condition," Kisame concluded.

With a hum, Uchiha Itachi held the six-sided, white, crystal-like Angel Heart, activating it instantly. 

Countless white lights surged into Itachi's body, and for the first time, he felt an extraordinary comfort within himself. 

The countless hidden wounds in his body began to rapidly heal under the Angel Heart's restorative power. In the blink of an eye, Uchiha Itachi felt physically rejuvenated.

"How do you feel?" Kisame inquired.

"Excellent. My hidden injuries have healed, and using Mangekyō Sharingan within a short period will no longer affect me. However, the Angel Heart cannot replenish my vitality, which is essential for utilizing Mangekyō Sharingan repeatedly," Itachi replied.

"That's true. The Dew of Life can replenish vitality and extend one's lifespan. You should still consider using it," Kisame reminded him.

"I understand," Itachi replied casually.

"Return the Angel Heart to White Zetsu," Kisame instructed.

"Of course," Itachi agreed.


Akatsuki Base.

White Zetsu had retrieved the Angel Heart, and Uchiha Obito employed his space-time jutsu to transport it back to the base with incredible speed. 

The members of Akatsuki convened to discuss how to utilize this precious resource.

"Anyone who needs the Angel Heart may use it," Nagato proposed.

"I agree. There's only one Angel Heart, so we can't divide it. Whoever requires it should use it. And if the Angel Heart's energy is depleted, we must be prepared to sacrifice our lives to replenish it," Kisame added.

"I don't really need something like the Angel Heart. I have an immortal body and heal quickly," Hidan chimed in.

Kakuzu agreed, "I don't need it either."

"I concur. Let's follow the leader's suggestion," Deidara added, "Although this treasure suits me perfectly. With the Angel Heart, I won't fear death and can even detonate myself. It might come in handy for future major missions."

"Very well," Uchiha Obito nodded.

At that moment, Konan spoke up, "Nagato needs the Angel Heart now."

"Nagato, I know you require the Angel Heart. I agree," Uchiha Obito stated. Despite the uncertainty of their future relationship, Nagato remained a crucial force in the present.

"Agreed," White Zetsu and Black Zetsu nodded in unison.

The others concurred, and the Angel Heart was entrusted to Nagato's care.

Meanwhile, the live broadcast continued to announce the rewards. 

The nineteenth-place reward still belonged to Uchiha Itachi, who received a Golden Body Pill. 

The reward may not be exceptional, but it holds significant value for Uchiha Itachi. His physical prowess is one of his limitations, and improving it could extend his battles.

However, the boost to his combat abilities is rather modest.

Itachi's primary strength lies in his ninjutsu, and enhancing his physical fitness won't significantly impact his ninjutsu prowess, thus hampering rapid progress.

Next, the 20th-place reward was announced, and it was presented to Uchiha Obito.

[Sacred Wood Scepter: Enhances the power of Wood Style]

[Senju Hashirama: This is quite valuable, especially for enhancing Wood Style abilities. It's a boon for me but won't be of use to Uchiha Obito. ]

[Yamato: I've been longing for this Sacred Wood Scepter like reward! It can instantly boost my power. ]

Unbeknownst to many, the Sacred Wood Scepter would indeed be a valuable addition to Uchiha Obito's arsenal because Obito was a user of Wood Style.

"Obito, this is an excellent fit for you. You've lacked a suitable weapon until now, and this scepter fills that void," Black Zetsu congratulated.

Obito summoned the Sacred Wood Scepter and tested its synergy with Wood Style.

"It's a decent weapon, providing a power boost, although not of great magnitude," Uchiha Obito remarked.

Nevertheless, his primary strength resided in his Sharingan, not Wood Style.

Still, being ranked 20th, he considered himself fortunate to receive such a reward.

Moving on to the 21st reward, it was Orochimaru's turn, and his anticipation was palpable.

[Orochimaru: Hahahaha, finally my turn! I hope to acquire a treasure that can heal my hands! ]

[Tsunade: Orochimaru, you're only in 21st place; don't expect a miraculous hand-healing treasure. ]

[Third Tsuchikage: As we progress, the quality of rewards tends to diminish, so manage your expectations! ]

[Orochimaru: Perhaps luck will be on my side! ]

At last, the reward designated for Orochimaru was revealed within the live audience.

[Original Spirit Elixir: Enhances the strength of the soul, ineffective for those at Six Paths level]

[Orochimaru: An elixir that enhances the soul's strength! ]

[Tsunade: As expected, it's not a cure for your physical injuries! ]

[Orochimaru: I can't say for certain. My hands were injured because my soul's capabilities were sealed. Enhancing my soul's strength might offer a chance of recovery for my hands! ]

Without hesitation, Orochimaru eagerly procured the Original Spirit Elixir. 


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