
Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me

Yasao found himself transported to the world of Naruto, equipped with a unique deduction system that granted him the uncanny ability to analyze and acquire the powers from any anime. In this new world, he had the power to summon and nurture various creatures as his companions. Among his chosen allies were Kumoko, Beerus, Fox Demon, and even Godzilla. What set Yasao apart, however, was his unparalleled craftsmanship. The weapons he forged by hand exceeded the quality of even the legendary weapons of the Sage of Six Paths of the ninja world. Gradually, he established enigmatic factions, each one more secretive and powerful than the last. His personal strength grew to rival even Kaguya Otsutsuki. But one fateful day, a live broadcast emerged, unveiling the taijutsu skills, weaponry, pets, and apprentices from every corner of the ninja world. And in that moment, Yasao, who had been shrouded in secrecy, was revealed. It was then that everyone realized that he was the enigmatic mastermind behind the scenes, the true puppeteer pulling the strings in the ninja world!

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

Chapter 29 : I’m Uchiha Obito!

Uchiha Itachi drew a question card and read it aloud.

Suddenly, there was a question in the live broadcast room.

[Q: What are the names of all the official members of the Akatsuki organization?]

[Fourth Kazekage: Akatsuki? That organization seems unfamiliar.]

[Fourth Raikage: Akatsuki is like a mercenary group; they do jobs for money. Our Cloud Shinobi Village hired them once, but they're quite mysterious. I can't provide a full list of their members.]

[Kakashi: Uchiha Itachi is a member of Akatsuki, though.]

[Orochimaru: This question is too easy. I used to be part of Akatsuki myself. Uchiha Itachi probably knows all the members. It's a bonus question!]

Rain Shinobi Village.

Nagato and Konan exchanged worried glances.

"This question is tricky," Nagato murmured.

Konan nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's really difficult. That masked man isn't Uchiha Madara; I'm sure of that. Even you don't know, Nagato, and Uchiha Itachi is even less likely to know about who he is. The other members don't know about the masked man's existence, so no one can answer this."

Nagato added, "Even if the answer is wrong, that's fine. But will the question and answer card reveal the correct answer? If it does, we'll know who the masked man is."

Meanwhile, Uchiha Obito was growing anxious.

"Why is this question coming up? Damn question and answer card. If it exposes me, it'll be troublesome," Uchiha Obito muttered.

Uchiha Madara was also stunned. The Akatsuki organization was a crucial tool in his plan for resurrection. While it would eventually be revealed, the timing of that revelation was significant.

At this moment, many people in the live broadcast room began discussing the Akatsuki organization, gradually raising awareness about it. However, they still didn't know the full list of members.

The Akatsuki had gone through numerous changes and reorganizations. Today's Akatsuki was different from its initial incarnation. In the past, it was a small group, but now it was a powerful and secretive organization.

"Itachi, this question isn't that difficult. Do you want to answer it?" Hoshigaki Kisame asked.

Answering would expose the Akatsuki organization, and if Nagato found out, he'd be furious. However, not answering could be a waste of this opportunity, and answering correctly could yield a significant reward.

"I need to think about it," Uchiha Itachi replied.

"How about we contact Nagato and get his opinion?" Hoshigaki Kisame suggested.

"Sure," Uchiha Itachi agreed.

Immediately, below the ground, the Gedo Statue emitted light from ten positions. Members of the Akatsuki used their rings to connect with the Gedo Statue's power, facilitating communication.

Nagato, Konan, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Sasori, Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Black Zetsu appeared one by one.

Hoshigaki Kisame couldn't contain his anxiety and said, "Leader, what should we do about the question in the Golden List live broadcast room? If we don't answer, we'll lose the reward, and the correct answer might still be revealed. If we answer, it could expose the Akatsuki organization, but the rewards could be incredible, and it might greatly benefit us."

Nagato replied, "Itachi, I want you to answer, but I'm not sure you have the correct answer."

"What do you mean? How is that possible? It's not just these people. There's also the traitor Orochimaru, but we've already dealt with him. He's no longer an official member of Akatsuki," Hoshigaki Kisame argued.

"There's still one person hiding within the Akatsuki organization. He can be considered one of its founders, and he's been lurking behind the scenes," Nagato revealed.

"What? There's someone hiding behind the scenes?" Hoshigaki Kisame, Hidan, Deidara, and others were shocked.

"Yes, and it's your job to contact him," Nagato said.

"No problem," White Zetsu and Black Zetsu responded in unison.

On the other side, a White Zetsu clone appeared before Uchiha Obito.

"Obito, Nagato is looking for you," White Zetsu said.

"Nagato is looking for me?" Uchiha Obito furrowed his brow. "What's it about?"

"It's about the question in the live broadcast room. You're also a member of the Akatsuki organization, and Uchiha Itachi doesn't know your name. 

If you don't answer correctly, we'll lose this opportunity. You understand how valuable the gold list reward is. If the answer is correct, it could greatly benefit the Akatsuki organization," White Zetsu explained.

Uchiha Obito hesitated but finally said, "If Uchiha Itachi gets the answer right, he must share the reward with the entire Akatsuki organization, not monopolize it. Otherwise, I won't reveal my identity."

Uchiha Itachi remained expressionless but nodded slightly.

"Tell me your real name," Nagato urged.

"I am Uchiha Obito," he confessed, removing his mask.


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