
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime & Comics
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281 Chs

Chapter 92: Making a Scene at Root

In the next instant, Satoru had already appeared at the entrance of Root. The location of Root was in an underground area in the forest of Konohagakure. The roads inside were complex and intertwined, but these complex roads were not a problem at all in front of Hatake Satoru's Rikugan.

"Who's there? This is the headquarters of Root, leave immediately."

Just as he appeared at the entrance, two ninjas wearing Root masks appeared in front of Satoru and stopped him.

"Get out of the way."

Satoru said coldly.

"This is Root, please leave, or don't blame us for being rude."

Hearing Hatake Satoru say this, the two people from Root also frowned.

They both knew Hatake Satoru and had heard of Hatake Satoru's Daimyo, as well as the title of the White Devil.

But at this moment, Satoru didn't plan to waste words with them. With just a flash of his figure, a fist mark appeared on the abdomens of the two people, and they fell down directly.

Then, Satoru swaggered towards the base of Root.

And the members inside immediately noticed this outsider.

"Enemy attack."

Suddenly, several more Root ninjas appeared and surrounded Hatake Satoru.

"Hatake Satoru, this is not a place for you to run wild, leave immediately, or don't blame us for being rude."

Although Hatake Satoru was very famous, all of these Root ninjas were Jonin. They didn't believe that they couldn't handle Hatake Satoru, just one person.

"Where is the child you just brought back?"

Hatake Satoru directly stated his purpose for coming here.

"Please leave here, Hatake Satoru, without Danzo's order, no one is allowed to come to Root without permission."

A member of Root said coldly, but he was already on alert all over his body, ready to take action at any time.

"Since you won't say, then I'll go ask Danzo myself."

Then, a terrifying repulsive force erupted from Satoru's body, and the Root surrounding him was instantly blown away, falling on the ground and the surrounding walls, their life or death unknown.

The vibration here naturally also attracted the attention of Danzo in the underground chamber below.

"What happened?"

Danzo asked directly.

Instantly, a member of Root appeared in front of Danzo.

"Report to Danzo, Hatake Satoru is here."

"Hatake Satoru?"

Hearing this name, Danzo's closed eyes immediately opened, and his face became much more serious.

As for Hatake Satoru, although Danzo hadn't had much direct contact with him, he had heard some rumors about Hatake Satoru. He was very powerful, and the Third Hokage had warned him once, absolutely not to provoke Hatake Satoru, otherwise he would definitely die miserably.

And he had also received some intelligence. Half of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village had fallen into Hatake Satoru's hands, and the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure had also suffered a loss in Hatake Satoru's hands. Moreover, Hatake Satoru also had a very powerful technique.

"What is he doing here?"

Danzo frowned and asked. He shouldn't have provoked Hatake Satoru.

"He's looking for the little boy we just caught."

Recently, they have taken away many talented children from Root, intending to train them into loyal servants of Root.

"What special relationship does that child have with Hatake Satoru?"

"He is the younger brother of Hatake Satoru's former teammate. Unexpectedly, he would make a scene here for a person who has almost no relationship with him."

"Come out with me."

"Yes, Danzo-sama."

Danzo stood up, picked up his cane, and walked slowly ahead. Several members of Root surrounded Danzo in the middle, in a protective posture.

Soon, they arrived at the upper level of Root. What they saw was Root members all over the place, and Hatake Satoru standing in the center of everyone.

"Hatake Satoru, you've gone too far."

Danzo knocked on the ground with his cane, making a 'bang bang bang' sound, and said somewhat angrily, while also raising his regard for Hatake Satoru again in his heart.

Every single one of his Root members is an elite, but in just a few minutes, all of them were knocked down by Hatake Satoru. This is something that even he might not be able to do.

"Oh, you are finally otu, Elder Danzo, I thought you were going to hide like a coward."


Hearing Satoru say this, a member of Root immediately said angrily. Most of the people in Root were successfully brainwashed by Danzo and respected Danzo from the bottom of their hearts.

But just after he finished saying these two words, his body seemed to be hit by something, and he flew backwards directly, hitting the wall behind him, and the whole person was directly embedded in it.

"Who allowed you to interrupt me when I'm speaking?"

The other members of Root made defensive postures one after another. They didn't see how Satoru made his move just now, or how their companion flew out.

"What do you want to do?"

"It's simple, bring me the little boy you just took away."

"Go, bring that little kid here."

Danzo said in a deep voice, his face as black as a lump of ink.


After a member of Root bowed his head and replied, he directly used the Body Flicker Jutsu and disappeared.

About half a minute later, he came over holding a little boy.

Seeing this familiar face, Satoru knew it was Miwa's younger brother, no doubt about it.

"Big brother Satoru."

Seeing Hatake Satoru come, the little boy's panicked expression on his face immediately disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Come here, Eiji."


Then, the little boy ran towards Hatake Satoru.

But just as he ran to Hatake Satoru's side, he suddenly pulled out a Kunai from behind and stabbed it at Hatake Satoru, but it was easily blocked by Hatake Satoru's Limitless technique.


Hatake Satoru directly put two fingers on Eiji's forehead and said.

"big brother Satoru?"

At this time, Eiji's voice rang again, but there was a hint of confusion in his tone.


Then he saw the Kunai in his hand and screamed, and immediately threw the Kunai on the ground.

"You actually used Genjutsu to control a child, you guys are really despicable."

Satoru took Eiji to his back, and said to Danzo and a few people in front of him with an ugly face.

Danzo didn't expect that his plan would fail.

"This is a lesson for you."

As soon as Satoru's words fell, the Root member who had brought Eiji over twisted his body, and all parts of his body disappeared except for his head. From where the head was connected to the body, you could still see the traces of distortion.

After all, they were trying to kill him, so Satoru naturally didn't need to show mercy to them.

"If you dare to hurt the people around me again, the next one will be you, Danzo."

After saying that, Satoru disappeared with Eiji in his arms.

"Damn it."

Seeing Hatake Satoru leave, Danzo clenched his fist and said angrily. This was the first time he had suffered such a big loss.

(End of the chapter)

300 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter 

500 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapter

900 Power Stones = 3 Extra Chapter

or you can read to chapter 100 at my patreon.com/YeyeQiu