
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

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283 Chs

Chapter 248 Hatake Satoru VS Gojo Satoru.

Hearing this, Fushiguro Megumi immediately became alert, because from what Gojo Satoru said, it meant that there was someone around them who had been observing them all the time, and he hadn't noticed at all.

"Sure enough, you've discovered me a long time ago."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Fushiguro, and Fushiguro's reaction was not slow, he turned around abruptly, and immediately prepared for the Cursed Technique with his hands.

However, when he saw the face of the person who came, his eyes unconsciously widened a lot.

"Gojo-sensei? No, who are you?"

Gojo Satoru is clearly behind him, but the man in front of him looks exactly like Teacher Gojo, and now his brain is a bit dizzy.

Whether it's a curse spirit or a curse user, there are many weird Cursed Technique, and it's not impossible to have a Cursed Technique that changes a person's appearance, so he has subconsciously regarded Hatake Satoru as an enemy.

"Is the person who saved Zenin Maki and Inumaki Toge you?"

Gojo Satoru stared at the man in front of him who looked seven or eight points similar to him with a serious expression. Originally, from the description of the two of them, Gojo Satoru thought it was a person who transformed into his own appearance.

But when he really faced this person, he couldn't help but be shocked in his heart. The aura in his body, the feeling it gave people, and the eyes under that eye mask, were all exactly the same as him.

"If you're talking about that man and woman, then you're right."

Hatake Satoru said with a hand spread out.

"Although I'm very grateful that you saved them, impersonating me is an unforgivable thing."

"Impersonate you?"

Hatake Satoru sneered.

"I'm very sorry, I was born looking like this, and maybe you're the one who is impersonating me."

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru also laughed speechlessly.

"Fushiguro, take Itadori further away, the next battle is not something you can watch."

Gojo Satoru said this, and Fushiguro's reaction was not slow, he directly carried Itadori on his back, and then jumped down from the top of the teaching building, leaving the rooftop to these two people.

"Then let's see the truth under our hands, impersonator."

Gojo Satoru said, and then directly stretched out his palm towards Hatake Satoru.

"I've been wanting to compete with you for a long time, Gojo Satoru."

Hatake Satoru also made a motion exactly like Gojo Satoru, the two of them are the same height, so the height of the two palms is exactly the same.

The ground under their feet shook violently in an instant, and a shallow pit appeared. If this pit were a little deeper, then the two of them would directly fall into the teaching building.

But when the palms of the two were ten centimeters apart, both of them felt the aura of Neutral Limitless: Infinity at the same time.

"I didn't expect you to really have the Limitless technique."

Gojo Satoru said in shock, although he had a premonition in his heart, but when he really felt the Limitless technique appear on the other person, his heart was still full of shock.

"I didn't expect that one day I would fight with you."

Then the two of them put away their hands at the same time, then turned around and gave each other an elbow strike. This time, the arms of the two collided solidly, and they could all hear a 'pop' sound.

"Who on earth is that person, who can actually fight with Gojo-sensei to this extent?"

At this moment, Fushiguro Megumi on the school playground heard the noise coming from the rooftop, and was extremely shocked in his heart, because this was the first time he had seen Gojo Satoru take so long to deal with an opponent.

And now there is no sign of the fight coming at all, Fushiguro, who originally thought it was safe on the playground below, is also constantly retreating with Itadori, and soon left the school, but he still feels that this is not a safe distance.

Suddenly, in Fushiguro's naked eye, he saw that more than half of the teaching building had disappeared out of thin air, and the two people were already fighting in the air at this time.

"It's really cool, it's been a long time since I had such a refreshing fight, Gojo Satoru."

Hatake Satoru said excitedly, the fight with Gojo Satoru made Hatake Satoru feel more excited and more excited than when he fought with Otsutsuki.

"Me too, what's your name?"

Gojo Satoru also asked Hatake Satoru with an excited face.

"Hatake Satoru."

Hatake Satoru answered truthfully.

"Hatake? Good name."

Perhaps because the other person's name has Satoru in it, Gojo Satoru praised Hatake Satoru's name.

"You can also use the Blue just now, does that mean you can also use Red or even Purple?"

Gojo Satoru asked Hatake Satoru.

"Of course."

"In that case, if I want to defeat you, I can only use that move."

After saying that, Gojo Satoru directly took off his eye mask, and then, Hatake Satoru also did the same action.

Two pairs of identical eyes met directly.

"Domain? But do you think I can't use the domain?"

Hatake Satoru smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and hearing this, indeed made Gojo Satoru a little unsure, he dared not imagine what would happen in two Limitless Void.

Lightly, one person dies, heavily, they die together.

Originally, before meeting, Gojo Satoru had absolute confidence in himself, but when he met Hatake Satoru and fought a battle, his heart was not so confident.

And not only Gojo Satoru's heart is not sure, Hatake Satoru's heart also has no confidence at all.

Because he is not sure whether his domain is as powerful as Gojo Satoru's domain, all his abilities are inherited from Gojo Satoru, in the final analysis, he is really a counterfeit.

"But let's stop this fight here, if we continue to fight, then this city will probably be gone in a while."

Then, Hatake Satoru spoke up, saying that all he needed now was to know Gojo Satoru's strength, and there was no need to fight to the death with him.

"I have the same intention."

Seeing Hatake Satoru back down first, Gojo Satoru also gave himself a way out, but what Hatake Satoru said was the truth. The two of them had been holding back in the fight just now, otherwise, it would definitely not be as simple as just destroying a school building.

"You're not from this world, are you?"

Just then, Gojo Satoru suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, Hatake Satoru's body trembled for a moment.

"It seems I was right."

A smile of realization appeared on Gojo Satoru's face.

"In one world or one era, there will only be one person with Rikugan. Through our competition just now, I also found out that your strength is indeed trained with confidence, and Rikugan is not transformed by Cursed Technique Lapse."

"So that's how it is."

"So, who exactly are you?"

"If I have to give an explanation, I could say that I am you from a parallel universe."

"A parallel universe? That's interesting."

The smile on Gojo Satoru's face grew bigger, as if he had discovered something incredible.

(End of this chapter)


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