
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

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Chapter 163: Kakashi Resigns as Anbu Captain.

Half a year has passed since Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui left Konohagakure. During this half year, Konohagakure village has gradually returned to calm. Except for the Uchiha clan, the other people in the village have almost forgotten about this. After all, many Uchiha clan members died, and the only outsider who died, Shimura Danzo, had no dealings with ordinary people. Some people even didn't know who Shimura Danzo was.

A month after the two left the village, Shisui sent a message to Minato. The Akatsuki organization had invited Uchiha Itachi to join, but for some reason, they refused Shisui.

Hatake Satoru had some guesses in his heart. It might be that Uchiha Obito knew about Shisui's Mangekyou Sharingan ability. Because he was afraid of Shisui's Kotoamatsukami, he did not let Shisui join the Akatsuki organization.

If Shisui directly used Kotoamatsukami on Pain, wouldn't his years of planning be in vain?

But Hatake Satoru's guess was indeed correct. He did know about Shisui's Mangekyou Sharingan ability. That perverted ability made him a little curious. But without a one-shot kill, Obito didn't dare to do anything to Shisui.

Because he knew very well about the ability of Mangekyou Sharingan. As long as the other party saw your eyes, you would be hit.

Although Shisui did not join the Akatsuki organization, Minato felt a bit regretful. But fortunately, they had already planted a mole. In this way, his worry about the Akatsuki organization was much less.

After Itachi left, Tenma also trained desperately. He wanted to become stronger. He wanted to bring Itachi back.

And the person who had the same idea as Tenma was Uchiha Sasuke.

Since Uchiha Fugaku had issued a ban, no one was allowed to discuss Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.

He had no idea why his older brother would kill those elders. He now only wants to bring Uchiha Itachi back to the village and let him admit his mistakes in front of his father. At the same time, his heart is full of anger and a hint of hatred towards Itachi. He wonders why he left without taking him along.

Every time they see Sasuke training hard by himself, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto feel very heartbroken because they can say that they only have this one son left.

Whether the other son can return to Konohagakure is an unknown.

Every time they see Sasuke return home with a weary body, Mikoto would shed tears on the side, but she did not blame the Hokage because she knew that this was Itachi's own decision.

Fugaku now also places all his hopes on Sasuke, often teaching Sasuke to practice, even official duties have been put in second place by Fugaku.

But after all, Sasuke's talent is not as good as Itachi's. After being accustomed to Itachi's talent, looking at Sasuke again, even though Sasuke's talent is already very amazing, it is still not enough.

Mikoto has more than once persuaded Sasuke not to be so tired, but every time Sasuke verbally agrees, he still undergoes high-intensity training the next day.

And Hatake Satoru's life now is also a two-point-one-line, at home, in Sakumo's shop. Although Minato had planned to help Sakumo clear the conspiracy a long time ago, it was rejected by Sakumo himself.

The reason given is that he is used to his current life. This peaceful and quiet life gives him a different feeling.

Since Sakumo didn't agree to do that, Satoru and Minato didn't say much either, they support Sakumo's decision.

But Minato still helped Sakumo clear the injustice of the past, but did not announce the news that Sakumo was still alive.

And the Third Hokage didn't know where he learned the news that Sakumo was still alive, and always went to Sakumo's place from time to time.

As for the Third Hokage's contact with Hatake Sakumo, Minato is not worried at all, because he believes that a person who objectively framed him, Sakumo will not have a good impression of him.

Today, when Hatake Satoru returned home, he rarely found Kakashi at home.

"Yo, it's really a rare guest, I didn't expect you to be at home."

Seeing Kakashi lying there leisurely, Hatake Satoru teased in a weird tone. After all, as the minister of Anbu, it is normal not to see a figure.

Hearing Hatake Satoru's tease, Kakashi directly gave Hatake Satoru a dead fish eye, then turned around and picked up the latest edition of "Intimate Paradise" and read it with relish.

"What? You, the dignified Anbu Captain, are not busy today?"

Seeing Kakashi ignoring him, Satoru continued to speak. His younger brother has become less and less cute since he grew up. He rarely feels the superiority of being a brother.

"I have resigned from the position of Anbu Captain."

Kakashi said calmly.


Satoru directly made a surprised sound.

"You are not staying in Anbu anymore?"

"Yes, the teacher said that my personality is no longer suitable for staying in Anbu."

"Indeed, if you stay in Anbu any longer, you won't be like a normal person."

Hatake Satoru nodded in agreement. After staying in Anbu for so long, Hatake Kakashi's personality has become more and more solitary. Apart from Hatake Sakumo and Hatake Satoru and his few close friends, Kakashi rarely talks to outsiders.

Even if someone calls him with a respectful tone, the response is only Kakashi's cold gaze. Even ordinary Jonin would tremble a bit when they encounter Kakashi's gaze, let alone others.

These are all sequelae of staying in Anbu for a long time, let alone Kakashi, the Anbu Captain who often handles various dangerous tasks.

"So what are your plans for the future?"

"The teacher wants me to be a team leader like you used to be."

"Team leader? You? Hahaha, don't make me laugh."

After hearing Kakashi's words, Hatake Satoru burst into laughter. If anyone becomes Kakashi's disciple now, it would be more uncomfortable than death.

Kakashi now can't lead anyone at all. The only people he can lead now are cold-blooded killers.

Seeing Hatake Satoru's undisguised laughter, Kakashi directly had a full head of black lines.

"What are you laughing at?"

"If you teach students now, I guess those students won't survive a day under you. Let's go."

Suddenly Hatake Satoru said to Kakashi.

"Where to?"

Hearing Satoru's last inexplicable two words, Kakashi asked in a puzzled tone.

"Take you to see your future students."

Hatake Satoru hooked his hand at Kakashi, and then the two slowly came to the entrance of the ninja school.

At this time, it happened to be the end of school for the students. Looking at the lively expressions on the faces of these students, Kakashi's face was momentarily stunned.

It seems that such a lively expression has never appeared on his face.

(End of Chapter)