
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

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281 Chs

Chapter 102: Four-Tails Jinchuriki


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"So now this task can only be given to you. Apart from you, I can't find a second person who can rescue Kakashi as soon as possible."

Before Minato finished speaking, Satoru's figure had already disappeared from his sight. As soon as he knew that Minato couldn't be relied on, Satoru had already started to act.

In just a few moments, Satoru had already reached the border of the Land of Earth. Using the ability of 'Blue', Satoru had quietly arrived within the Land of Earth.

However, the area of the Land of Earth is very large. Even if Satoru has Rikugan, it is not so easy to find Kakashi.

"On the way back to the village, they happened to encounter a Jinchuriki, which means that Kakashi and the others should not be far from the border."

Thinking of this, Satoru flew directly into the sky, took off his eye mask, and carefully observed every corner where his eyes could reach. In about three seconds, Satoru had already found Kakashi.

Seeing that Kakashi was safe and sound, Satoru also breathed a sigh of relief.

His figure flashed directly, and Hatake Satoru, who was still in the air just now, disappeared directly. In the next second, his figure had already appeared in a dim cave.

"You really are in a sorry state, Kakashi."

Satoru spoke directly, but his voice was full of a hint of killing intent. Obviously, his mood was very bad at the moment.

"Who is it?"

Hearing this voice, several Anbu showed vigilant expressions one after another, and pointed their short knives at Hatake Satoru.

However, Hatake Satoru's figure flashed again, and he appeared in front of Kakashi in an instant.

At this time, Kakashi's condition was very bad. There were large burns on his right arm, and there was also a terrifying burn in front of him.


At this time, in Kakashi's line of sight, noticing that an Anbu wanted to sneak attack on Hatake Satoru, he quickly shouted.

He had already felt Hatake Satoru's mood. If someone attacked him now, even if it was someone from the same village, Hatake Satoru might not show mercy.

"You're here, big brother."

Hearing Kakashi say this, those Anbu finally recognized who the person was, the man known as the White Devil, Hatake Satoru.

Just now, they had been in a very tense state, so they didn't recognize Hatake Satoru's identity for a while.

"This kind of injury should have been done by the Four-Tails Jinchuriki, right?"

Satoru squatted in front of Kakashi, and although he was asking, he had already confirmed the other's identity in his tone.

"Yes, he is very strong, I am not his opponent at all."

Kakashi's expression was a bit gloomy, and he was not very proficient in Sage Mode.

"Kakashi was also injured so severely in order to save us."

An Anbu also spoke up.

After noticing the identity of the other party, Kakashi let the rest of the Anbu retreat first, and then stayed to hold the other party.

But what they didn't expect was that when they saw Kakashi again, Kakashi was already in this severely injured state.

"This degree of injury can be completely healed by our Konohagakure medical ninjas."

Kakashi comforted the Anbu and spoke up.

But just then, a hot heat wave hit, and a bright light suddenly appeared in the dim space, and the rocks around the light had already been melted.

"I found you, the bugs of Konohagakure."

A man with a big beard and a ponytail appeared in front of several people, but there was a swaying tail behind him.

"Not good."

Just as the Anbu relaxed, they became alert again, their faces became serious again, only Kakashi's expression did not change at all.

"I'm not in a good mood right now."

As Satoru's words fell, that person seemed to have been attacked, his body uncontrollably flew backwards.

Then, Satoru pulled up Kakashi's body and disappeared directly.

"Where is the captain?"

"Did he run away?"

"It's impossible, the captain is not that kind of person, otherwise he wouldn't save us."

At this time, Satoru had already brought Kakashi back to the village and directly took him to the hospital.

Seeing himself suddenly appearing in Konohagakure, Kakashi's face also showed a shocked expression, in just a moment, they had crossed such a long distance.

But soon, Kakashi controlled his inner self.

"Brother, you must bring all my team members back."

"I know, don't worry, just rest and heal, leave everything else to me."


Then, Satoru's figure disappeared again and returned to the cave just now.

"Hatake Satoru, where is our captain?"

Seeing Hatake Satoru appear out of thin air again, these Anbu were somewhat surprised, but they found that Kakashi had disappeared.

"He is now in the village, you guys go back to the village too, leave that guy to me."

"But Hatake Satoru, that guy is very strong, with your strength, I'm afraid..."

Before this Anbu finished speaking, another Anbu directly put his hand on his shoulder.

"Then I'll leave that guy to you, Hatake Satoru."

After saying that, several Anbu left directly.

"Hey, why did you stop me just now, do you want to watch Hatake Satoru die?"

After leaving, the Anbu who was halfway through speaking asked somewhat puzzled.

"No, on the night of the Nine-Tails, I saw Hatake Jonin take action, so I am very clear about how strong he is. That Jinchuriki is definitely not Hatake Satoru's opponent. What we need to do now is just to protect ourselves."

While the Anbu of Konohagakure retreated, the Jinchuriki jumped back again, but this time, apart from Hatake Satoru, he did not find a second person.

"Hey, kid, are you the one who is holding the rear this time? How is the white-haired kid who held the rear last time?"

Hearing the other party's somewhat mocking tone.

Hatake Satoru directly gritted his teeth, his body instantly appeared in front of the other party, swung a punch, and the terrifying power directly knocked the other party's body tens of meters away.

"You hurt my brother, so I'm in a very bad mood now."

Satoru pursued the victory and directly stepped on the other's head and said.

"Damn it, who are you?"

Obviously, the other party also realized that Hatake Satoru was not simple, magma flowed out of his body, and Hatake Satoru also took a step back.

"Don't you recognize me? It's okay, dead people don't need to know my name."

In Hatake Satoru's mind, the other party is now a dead person. Anyone who hurts his loved ones, Satoru absolutely cannot forgive.


Only to see two more tails growing out of the other's back, his body was already covered with dark red tailed beast chakra, and now it can be said to be in a semi-tailed beast state.

(End of the chapter)

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