
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Is The Strongest

Translate During the battle against Sukuna, Gojo Satoru was cut in half. “If I have to do it again, I will never lose.” After Gojo Satoru died, he was reborn in the world of Naruto. Initially, he became a disciple of Jiraiya. In this life, he will write the strongest myth. Uchiha Madara: “Gojo Satoru, I, Madara, want to call you the strongest!” Might Guy: “Gojo Satoru is the end of my blazing youth!” Nagato: “Brother Gojo, he is a god.” Otsutsuki Kaguya: “Is that human truly an inferior creature?” Gojo Satoru: “It doesn’t matter, because you are too weak.” Access more chapters: bit.ly/Candra24 Donate: paypal.me/andicand

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

The Masked Man

"Let them commit suicide. After the incident is over, Konoha's assistance will surely be needed."

"As for the red-haired one, I accept." Danzo stood beside Hanzo, staring at Yahiko and Nagato with cold eyes.

Upon hearing those words, Konan, who was tied beside him, suddenly changed her expression.

Her eyes widened with horror as she looked at Yahiko and Nagato.

Was Hanzo actually working with Konoha?

Their target was Nagato's Rinnegan!

Konan looked at Yahiko and Nagato at the foot of the cliff, wanting to warn them, but her entire body felt weak, and she didn't even have the strength to speak.

Her heart was filled with despair, her body collapsed weakly, and her consciousness gradually blurred.

Before she passed out, she faintly saw a white-haired masked man standing beside Hanzo.

That white hair... looked very familiar.

Then, Konan fell into a total coma.

"What are you waiting for!" Danzo impatiently shouted, his eyes gleaming with greed.


At this moment, a calm voice sounded in his ears.

A warning bell suddenly rang in Danzo's heart, his eyes abruptly turned, and he shouted loudly, "Who is that!"

As his voice fell, a pair of iron-like hands tightly grabbed his neck, he felt himself being lifted by tremendous force.

Danzo's feet left the ground, everything in front of him became blurry, and he could only struggle desperately to breathe.

The ninjas around were stunned by this sudden change. They didn't expect that someone could calmly approach Danzo under their tight protection.

A moment later, they quickly recovered from their shock and drew their weapons to prepare for battle. However, at this moment, a cold voice sounded, stunning everyone.

Hanzo turned around and looked at the ninjas around him with cold eyes, ordering them, "Amegakure ninjas, leave none of the Konoha ninjas alive."

There was no emotion in his voice, but it sent shivers down the spines of everyone who heard it.

The Amegakure ninjas were shocked. They didn't understand why two allies would suddenly become so hostile in such a short time. But Hanzo's order was like a divine decree to them; they had no doubt and immediately launched an attack on the Konoha ninjas around them.

Only Hanzo and Satoru knew about this, and they didn't inform the ninjas below.

They knew that Amegakure had hidden agenda in Konoha. If this news leaked out, their plan to capture Danzo would fail completely. Therefore, they had to be extremely vigilant to ensure that the information didn't leak.

Under Hanzo's command, the Amegakure ninjas and the Konoha ninjas began a life-and-death battle.

With shining kunais and swords, flesh and blood flying everywhere, this was a merciless battle.

Under the cliff, Yahiko and Nagato watched the sudden chaos above, momentarily stunned. Then, without hesitation, Nagato quickly leaped up the cliff, firmly carrying the unconscious Konan, and returned to Yahiko.

During this period, Hanzo did not stop him.

"What's happening?" Nagato asked uncertainly.

Yahiko shook his head, "I don't know, let's wait and see first, then talk."

"Let me go!" Danzo's neck was tightly choked, his face turning as red as a pig's heart, and he couldn't breathe.

The surrounding battle became more intense, and the person holding Danzo tightly was none other than Satoru, who was hiding beside Hanzo.

He pretended to be an Amegakure ANBU and followed them to the meeting place.

But Danzo didn't show up halfway, so Hanzo and Satoru used their plan to lure Danzo out on his own initiative.

Satoru stared at Danzo through the mask, his eyes full of danger, "It's you, you want to wipe out the Akatsuki organization in one move."

"Old man."

For Yahiko and the others, Satoru regarded them as friends and indispensable partners in life; they grew up together and experienced joys and sorrows together.

In his heart, Yahiko was a person with aspirations who steadfastly pursued peace, and Satoru himself chose to be the sharpest blade to realize those aspirations.

After experiencing life and death, Satoru knew that he couldn't change the world's pattern alone, so he placed his hopes on Yahiko.

And he himself was committed to becoming the sharpest blade in the world, removing all obstacles for Yahiko, so that the dawn of peace could illuminate the world.

Walk the strongest path to achieve the desired peace.

Whether it was in the past or in this life, this was his goal.

But Danzo in front of him was a major obstacle in their journey towards their goals. With his ambition and cruelty, he sought to kill Yahiko and the others.

Currently, Satoru's heart is filled with a strong intent to kill, with only Danzo in his sight, and he wants to eliminate this threat to Yahiko and the others.

As time passed, the sound of fighting around them slowly subsided.

In the Amegakure territory, the Konoha ninjas were no match for the Amegakure ninjas.

"You..." As soon as Danzo's words came out of his mouth, he swallowed them back.

Although Satoru had not fully recovered to his original peak condition, he was still more than enough to face Danzo.

He suddenly tightened his right hand.

Suddenly, a strange whirlpool appeared from the thin air around Danzo.

Before Satoru could react, Danzo in his hands had been completely swallowed by the strange whirlpool and disappeared without a trace.

"What happened?" Hanzo's shocked voice sounded beside him. He clearly didn't expect this sudden change.

"Intriguing." Satoru's eyes narrowed as he concentrated, sensing subtle changes in the surrounding space. Suddenly, his figure disappeared from its place in an instant.

At the other end of the forest, a black-masked man suddenly emerged from the whirlpool.

"Who is this person?" The masked man was full of doubt. Not long ago, when he came to find Yahiko and the Akatsuki organization, he didn't know the whereabouts of this person.

"Is he an ANBU from Amegakure?" The masked man muttered to himself, but this time, a strong sense of crisis overwhelmed him.


A deafening sound pierced the sky. In an instant, the place where the masked man was swallowed by a massive explosion.

The dense forest turned into ruins under the blaze and thick smoke, as if it had been swept away by an invisible giant's hand.

Trees around collapsed due to the impact of the explosion, and the fire spread rapidly, turning the entire forest into a sea of flames.

Waves of hot air rolled, as if to swallow everything.

Satoru appeared to defy gravity and floated in the air, facing the forest below.

Through the flickering flames, he saw the figure. The masked man stood in the midst of the flames. As the fire gradually subsided, the masked man stood unharmed.

At this moment, the two were going up and down, forming a subtle confrontation between the air and the ground.

Through the mask on the man's face, Satoru saw blood-red eyes behind it.