
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Is The Strongest

Translate During the battle against Sukuna, Gojo Satoru was cut in half. “If I have to do it again, I will never lose.” After Gojo Satoru died, he was reborn in the world of Naruto. Initially, he became a disciple of Jiraiya. In this life, he will write the strongest myth. Uchiha Madara: “Gojo Satoru, I, Madara, want to call you the strongest!” Might Guy: “Gojo Satoru is the end of my blazing youth!” Nagato: “Brother Gojo, he is a god.” Otsutsuki Kaguya: “Is that human truly an inferior creature?” Gojo Satoru: “It doesn’t matter, because you are too weak.” Access more chapters: bit.ly/Candra24 Donate: paypal.me/andicand

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

The Bait

When Hanzo returned to Amegakure, the entire village was surprised.

They remembered the battle where their leader was mercilessly defeated by the enemy. However, Hanzo in front of them seemed relatively unscathed, his eyes still sharp and a confident smile on his face.

Ninja and villagers gathered, looking at him in awe, wondering what was happening.

Hanzo looked at them, feeling a little moved in his heart.

He knew very well that these villagers were the source of his strength and his existence that he must protect.

"Don't worry, the enemy has been dealt with." Hanzo said loudly, trying to calm the tension among the villagers.

His voice was so strong that no one doubted him.

Upon hearing the news, the villagers were excited. They cheered and shed tears of joy.

Hanzo's subordinates, the ninja who followed him through life and death, were even more enthusiastic.

They were proud to have a strong leader.

During this special period, Hanzo met with the Akatsuki organization, discussing the possibility of coexisting peacefully and agreeing on the next meeting.

Time passed, and the agreed-upon day arrived in the blink of an eye.

A ninja wearing a cat-faced mask knelt halfway in front of Hanzo and reported respectfully, "Danzo-sama believes that the scope of the Akatsuki organization's activities is expanding, and he believes that now is the best time to take action."

This ninja was from the ANBU of Konohagakure and also a member of Danzo's Root.

His words were full of loyalty to Danzo.

Hanzo fell silent for a moment, his eyes deep. After a few moments, he nodded. "I understand."

"Recently, many ninja have disappeared in Amegakure. Upon investigation, it was indeed the Akatsuki organization." There was a hint of seriousness in the ninja's words.

Hanzo stood firm, and the scythe beside him seemed to merge with him, guarding him faithfully.

"It seems it's time to take action against the Akatsuki organization." He said firmly.

"Please inform Danzo that today is the second meeting between the Akatsuki organization and me. Today is the time for a decisive battle." Hanzo's words were full of strength and no doubt about it.

The ninja nodded in agreement and quickly disappeared into the rafters.

Only Hanzo remained in the attic.

"Today's plan."

Satoru's figure emerged from the darkness, holding his forehead, clearly dissatisfied with Danzo's way of doing things.

"Danzo, that old fox, only sends his subordinates to deliver messages." There was a hint of sarcasm in his words.

Hanzo greatly respected Satoru, and he knew how powerful this boy was.

"The ANBU of Amegakure has been heavily infiltrated by Konoha. Danzo may have also received news that I was attacked, so he dared not act recklessly."

Hanzo knew in his heart that it was Satoru who allowed him to find himself again and see hope for peace.

He was no longer the Hanzo blinded by pride and arrogance, but a leader willing to give everything for Amegakure.

His strength was no longer as good as it used to be, in front of Satoru, he would only feel deep powerlessness.

This feeling of powerlessness made him realize that he had to follow this boy and fight for the future of Amegakure.

Because Satoru rarely appeared in front of others, no one in Amegakure knew his true identity.

The ninja who came to monitor Hanzo also died unexpectedly, causing Hanzo's "heroic deeds" to spread throughout the village.

However, Danzo always remained vigilant and prepared for the worst in everything.

"It seems we can only proceed according to plan." Hanzo took a deep breath.

"Let's go."

Following his orders, a group of ninja immediately took action.


At the same time, Yahiko led Konan, Nagato, and members of the Akatsuki organization on their way to the meeting location.

"Where's Satoru?" Yahiko looked around.

"That guy probably doesn't know where he's going." Konan shrugged helplessly. She had long been accustomed to Satoru's presence.

Since childhood, Satoru's behavior had always been unpredictable, so Konan and Nagato often couldn't understand his decisions and actions.

"Seriously, he doesn't show up for something as big as this!" An Akatsuki organization member complained dissatisfiedly.

"Let's go." Yahiko glanced at the sky and saw that the day was starting to darken.

He didn't want to delay this important meeting by waiting for Satoru. There was a mixture of anxiety and anticipation on his face, and he was looking forward to the outcome of this meeting.

Hanzo planned to support the Akatsuki organization with the strength of Amegakure this time. There was no doubt that this was a great opportunity for Yahiko and the Akatsuki organization.

Therefore, he had high hopes for this meeting.

Shortly afterward, everyone arrived at the negotiation location.

It was a steep cliff, with the wind howling and raindrops constantly falling.

"Here?" Yahiko looked around but didn't find Hanzo's figure.

A feeling of unease crept into his heart, and the raindrops hitting his body seemed to signal a bad omen.

"Where's Hanzo?" Nagato also noticed something strange, and he observed his surroundings with his unique Rinnegan eyes.

Suddenly, a large number of ninja appeared!

Their appearance came without warning, catching Yahiko and the members of the Akatsuki organization off guard.

"It's an ambush!" Yahiko exclaimed, realizing that he and his friends were in danger.

However, due to the vastly outnumbered situation, the Akatsuki organization quickly suffered losses, and its members fell one by one, leaving only Yahiko and Nagato still standing.

Konan was also missing.

"What's going on!" Yahiko's heart was filled with anger and anxiety. He couldn't understand Hanzo's behavior.

At this moment, Hanzo's figure slowly emerged on the cliff, followed by a large number of ninja.

Konan, on the other hand, appeared in front of them bound.

"Yahiko." Hanzo looked down at the two below, his eyes deep, revealing indescribable emotions.

"Hanzo!" Yahiko stared angrily at the other party with widened eyes, "What do you mean!"

"Are you going to tear up our contract?"

Hanzo shook his head slowly, "You naive little troublemaker."

"For me, your organization is too much of an obstacle." His words were cold, then he shot a kunai and stabbed it forcefully in front of Yahiko and Nagato.

"If you want to save this girl, as the leader, you must commit suicide here." Hanzo's voice was cold and cruel.

"No, Yahiko!" Konan wailed painfully, tears falling down her cheeks.

Yahiko froze in place, longing in his heart completely shattered by the current reality.

"Do it quickly." At this moment, a fox-masked ninja walked to Hanzo's side.

He gently removed the mask from his face, revealing the scar that extended from his mouth to his chin.

This person was none other than Danzo.

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