
Naruto:God level Reward System

SUMMARY After staying at home for a month, in addition to playing games, watching live broadcasts, and watching videos, I eat and sleep every day! The bored Masao was going to review the classic anime “Naruto”, however, he passed through as soon as he opened the video. Moreover, a god-level reward system is also bound! The first reward: ①【Increased talent by 100 times】 ②【Chakra up to 100 times】 ③【The power of one tailed beast 】(i.e. one-tailed beast Shukaku chakra) The second reward: ①【Talent increased by 1000 times】 ②【Chakra increase up to 1000 times】 ③【The power of two tailed beast】(namely Matatabi Chakra) … So far, Masao has started a legendary life in Naruto World!

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Looking at the sky above, Sasuke and Naruto were shocked by the…clear sky hammer condensed from various colors.

The trio who was hiding in the ground were all in a deep shock.He obviously didn't expect a genin to master such a powerful ninjutsu.

", what does he want to do?"

he spoke out.

"Isn't it just used to hammer our clone"

he murmured.

"No, run away!"

However, as soon as his voice sounded, Toki had already controlled the "Colorful Clear Sky Hammer"

Fell down.

Shoo!! Shoo!! The air was squeezed away when it fell, and there was a sound of breaking wind.

Boom! With a loud noise, the Clear Sky Hammer hit the dozens of Chakra clones without any suspense.

Suddenly, smoke and dust are everywhere.

The surrounding shrubs and gravel could not support the spreading energy ripples, and they were directly swept away.

After a while.

After the smoke dissipated, a huge pit appeared on the ground.

In the deep pit at this time, the dozen or so Chakra clones had long since disappeared, leaving only three corpses embedded in the mud.

There was still blood flowing in it, and it was obvious that the dead couldn't die anymore! After Naruto was stunned for a long time, he said, "Toki, you are too handsome with ninjutsu."

"Well, I am quite satisfied myself."

Toki responded and said, "Naruto, go get the scrolls from them."

"Didn't we have gathered two kinds of scrolls"

"If you say you are stupid, you still don't admit it!"

"If we don't take the scrolls away, wouldn't it be cheaper to pass by other candidates here? Once they get the two types of scrolls together, we will have more opponents in the next level. Would you like to see such a result?"

Hearing Toki words, Naruto nodded with a sudden realization.

Immediately after.

After Naruto's body search, two scrolls were also found on the trio 3, both of them are (Book of the Earth).

It can only be said that this team is really back! The first team killed is the same as their own scroll, so they can only stay here and wait for the next arrested person.

The tragedy was that they had waited until Toki was this abnormal! Now Toki and the others already have six 66 scrolls in their hands, three volumes of the [Book of Heaven] and three volumes of the [Book of Earth].

Because of this, Naruto was suddenly curious.

Toki, what do you think is written in this [Scroll], ah, why did sensei not let us open it"

"There is something like [hypnotism] in it."

Toki said.



Toki nodded, and then said: "According to the information I have collected, last year some examinees opened the scrolls out of curiosity, causing them to sleep in the [Dead Forest] for five days and five nights."

"Uh, isn't the exam over!"

"Otherwise, how could it be included in the elimination rules? If you are unlucky, it may become a beast's dish."

Hearing Toki words, Naruto and Sasuke took a breath.

Especially Naruto.

He was fortunate that he was the " prince of intelligence" in his team.

, Otherwise, he might really be curious to open it.

"Okay, let's go."


After solving the three , this area is a safe zone.

And just as Toki trio was about to leave, they suddenly heard a huge roar.


This voice obviously didn't come from a human being, and if nothing else, it would be a beast.

It's just that Toki was puzzled that the beasts couldn't scream for no reason, unless they were in danger or they encountered prey.

"We used to look good."

As Toki voice fell, the trio 3 also went directly to the source of the sound.

And as soon as they rushed to the scene, things were as good as Toki guessed.

Sure enough, this sound was made by a wild beast, and it was also made by a huge brown bear.

At this time, in addition to the brown bear's roar, there was also a scream.


The owner of this voice is a female ninja from Kushi nin Village, with black-rimmed glasses and red hair.

Others didn't know the identity of the latter, and Toki spotted it at a glance.

Uzumaki Karin ! Toki didn't expect to meet the latter in this place adjacent to the Central Tower, and she seemed to be alone.

Looking at the brown bear that rushed towards him, she originally thought she was going to die in the bear's belly.


A figure fell from the sky, kicking the huge brown bear to the ground with one kick.

Boom! Looking at the motionless brown bear in the smoke and dust, she was also very relieved.

There is no doubt that she has recovered a life! And when the smoke and dust completely dissipated, the figure standing on the top of the brown bear was also caught in the eyes of karin.

This figure is naturally Toki! If Toki didn't make a timely move just now, Karin would undoubtedly die.

Da! Toki jumped off the brown bear and gave a cry of condolences.

"Are you OK"

"It's okay."

Wasn't there a blush on karin face between the words, and her beautiful eyes didn't dare to look at Toki.

At this moment, two more slight landing sounds sounded.

Da! Da! Immediately, there were two more figures in karin eyes. They were Sasuke and Naruto who had just arrived.

At this moment, Naruto looked at the huge brown bear on the ground and couldn't help but sighed for a moment, and then they turned their attention to karin.

"Hey, why are you here alone"

"Where are your teammates"

Hearing Naruto's words, karin glanced at Toki and said slowly.

"You are not here to grab my scroll, are you"

It's no wonder that karin would think like this, after all, now in the exam, all candidates are fighting for the scroll.

In her eyes, Toki Trio 3 is no exception! "We don't need scrolls anymore."

Naruto grinned.


Naruto also dazzled the six 66 scrolls in his hand to the astonishment of karin.

Knowing this result, karin was also extremely shocked! It was difficult for others to get a scroll, but I didn't expect that the three people 3 in front of them already had 6 scrolls.

At this point, she couldn't help but think of a reason.

That is: they don't need scrolls, but they may not let others have them, so that they can prevent more people from advancing.

"Don't worry, we won't steal your scroll."

"It's just a way to save you. If there is nothing wrong, we will leave first."

Hearing Toki words, karin was also startled, but there was still a trace of worry in his heart.

She didn't come back to her senses until Toki trio 3 left! She wanted to ask Toki name, but it was a pity that she was already far away, and this result made her extremely disappointed.

Can only look stupidly at the direction in which the three of them disappeared, secretly

As for the three of them .

There were no more obstacles or accidents along the way, and he arrived directly at the [Central Tower].