
Naruto: Genshin Impact Player of Konoha Village

 When the desire is too strong, the gods will cast their eyes. Those who hold [God's Eye] are called - Yuanshen! Because of a model souvenir of [God's Eye], he accidentally traveled to the world of Naruto, but the traveler Qianquan Aoki discovered that he could cultivate himself like a Yuanshen character? Ordinary Kunai is a two-star weapon, a chakra knife is a three-star weapon, an old man’s pocket watch on the street is a one-star relic, a ninja’s forehead is a holy relic, and the most outrageous thing is that the flowers used to sweep the grave are also holy relics? ! Aoki, who is a player of the original god long grass, feels that his goal in this life is to become a god. But before that, maybe we should set a small goal, for example, to get together a set of five-star holy relics? ! PS: This is a story about a Genshin Impact player who bought the genuine [God's Eye] and traveled to the Naruto World to cultivate himself into a "God".

noob_battle29 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

People die if they don't sleep


  When the first ray of sunlight arrived in the dark room with a loud noise, Aoki was lifted off the quilt and dragged off the bed.

  "Ahahahaha! Sure enough, you haven't woken up yet, Aoki."

  Aoki turned over with difficulty, squinting at the person who came to greet him,

  "Good morning, idiot Shengshu."

  Suddenly called a fool, Shengshu will Throwing the pillow to Aoki, he shouted:

  "I'm not an idiot! And it's already evening outside, good morning, you bastard! Get up quickly, you bastard slacker Aoki!!!

  " You know how hard I work."

  Aoki wrapped his hands around the pillow, looked at Rope Tree with a mocking expression, and said disdainfully, "Have you seen Konoha Village at four in the morning? And I haven't slept enough for twelve hours today! "

  If you don't sleep, you will die!"

  "Really! You, Aoki, can often say some strange things without shame, but you have the nerve to say that others are stupid. I think you are the real stupid!

  " Besides, open your eyes and look at me, you bastard!"

  "Also, don't do it every day... Forget it."

  Rope Tree, who had an angry expression just now, seems to have lost his breath, and put his hands behind his head. , silent for a moment. Turning to pull up Aoki excitedly, he dragged Aoki out without saying a word, and said mysteriously as he walked:

  "Aoki, you can't guess what I met at school today, I..."

  Aoki was quilted He couldn't resist, but...

  "Let me get dressed, bastard!!!"

  Aoki squinted, lowered his head, and listened to Rope Tree's boast with a serious attitude.

  "...School is amazing, Aoki!"

  "Aoki! Aoki! Hey, Aoki, are you listening to me!"

  "Hey! You bastard!!!"

  After Aoki regained his senses, he looked at Shengshu's "Are you playing me for a fool" about to explode, and didn't panic at all.

  Although he didn't hear what Rope tree said at all, but as a small boy who grew up with Rope tree, Aoki has a unique skill to deal with Rope tree.


  Aoki coughed lightly, widened his eyes, stared at the rope tree with admiration, and praised with exaggeration and emotion: "Wow! As expected of the future Hokage-sama, Sbarasi!"

  " Ahahahaha Aoki, right? Sure enough, Aoki, you think I'll be Hokage too!"

  Seeing Rope's hands on his hips and looking up with a smile, Aoki sighed softly, then continued to narrow his eyes again, letting go of his mind and getting closer to nature.

  It's tiring to keep your eyes open!

  After a long time, Aoki felt sleepy again.

  Seeing that the rope tree was still immersed in his own world, he even muttered something like "I am the fourth Hokage" "I need to carve my statue bigger"...

  Aoki took a deep breath and left a sentence After speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the bedroom.

  "I'm going to practice."

  After finally waking up for a while, Aoki wanted to quickly take the opportunity to refine chakra. After all, in the next second, he may fall asleep again.

  Shengshu noticed Aoki's departure, but he looked at Aoki's eyes with obvious dark circles, opened his mouth, but still didn't stop him.

  "Okay! I'm going to start training too!"

  Shengshu patted his face and cheered up.


  'My sister wrote to say that she has finished her mission and will be back tomorrow. I remember Aoki said that she would tell him as soon as she had news about her sister. '

  'Hmm! Go to practice first, and tell him this surprise tomorrow! '

  Rope tree's footsteps became more and more brisk, walking towards the direction of the training ground.


  At this time, Aoki didn't realize that Rope Tree had pitted him invisibly.

  Of course, this world is already pitiful enough for Aoki.

  When he returned to the bedroom, he sighed heavily.

  Speaking of which, it has been five years since Aoki traveled to this world. Because he was a baby who was born and raised in ninja education, Aoki has almost adapted to this world... a ghost! ! !

  This is the world of Naruto, where the eyeballs decide the fate, the blood decides the future, and the nesting dolls cycle around the world!

  The strong can collapse mountains and reclaim the sea, level forests, and split the moon in the blink of an eye. The weak can only be used as chess pieces at the mercy of the strong, no, they are not even qualified to be regarded as chess pieces, they can only live numbly and die helplessly.

  And the strong do not have an absolute sense of security in the Naruto world, and if you are not careful, you may be calculated by the old coins in the dark.

  Heartbroken Warning.jpg!

  For Aoki, who grew up in a peaceful country in his previous life, probably he will never adapt to this world.

  Although Aoki has been taught the knowledge and concepts of ninjas since he was a child, after all, Aoki has his own mature worldview.

  Five years into this world, Aoki has already decided one thing, and that is to live no matter what!

  At least in the natural lifespan, live!

  Although there is Hei Jue behind the ninja world who has been calculating, and there will even be peeps from the Otsutsuki clan in the future, but these are too far away from Aoki.

  The top priority for Aoki is how to deal with the second and third ninja wars that are bound to break out in the future!

  Don't look at Aoki as a childhood sweetheart who grew up with Shengshu. He also has the blood of the Qianshou family, and has a good relationship with Tsunade. His father died in battle to protect the second generation of Hokage...

  This is not a guarantee that Aoki can survive, even , is the boost to push Aoki to the battlefield!

  First of all, with the sacrifice of the second generation of Hokage and the death of a large number of stoic people in the First Ninja World War, the Senju family has lost the concept of a clan.

  The remaining three or two cats and kittens are mostly naturalized among the commoners. Even Aoki himself is not called Qianshou Aoki, but Qianquan Aoki.

  In the current Konoha Village, there is no ninja who can bear the title of 'Thousand Hands'!

  The glory of Qianshou in the past can only shine on Tsunade and Naoshu, and Aoki is no different from the commoners of Konoha Village in theory.

  Unfortunately, although he did not enjoy the glory brought by Qianshou, Aoki had to fulfill the obligation of Qianshou's bloodline!

  Other civilians can choose you to become a ninja, stay in the village and choose to be an ordinary resident, but Aoki is destined to become a ninja!

  All in order to uphold the will of fire!

  Fortunately, Aoki has the golden finger of the traverser, the [God's Eye] from the Tivat Continent.

  Although, it was just bought by Aoki at the comic exhibition in his previous life.

  Although, this is a sinkhole.

  Although, it has not been activated yet.

  However, Aoki always believed that he could activate the [God's Eye], so he did not panic, and his heart always remained calm.

  'Small speakers! Small speakers! I beep-! I bet you—! ! '

  He even compliments the air every day.

  It can be seen that he is calm.