
Naruto: Genshin Impact Player of Konoha Village

 When the desire is too strong, the gods will cast their eyes. Those who hold [God's Eye] are called - Yuanshen! Because of a model souvenir of [God's Eye], he accidentally traveled to the world of Naruto, but the traveler Qianquan Aoki discovered that he could cultivate himself like a Yuanshen character? Ordinary Kunai is a two-star weapon, a chakra knife is a three-star weapon, an old man’s pocket watch on the street is a one-star relic, a ninja’s forehead is a holy relic, and the most outrageous thing is that the flowers used to sweep the grave are also holy relics? ! Aoki, who is a player of the original god long grass, feels that his goal in this life is to become a god. But before that, maybe we should set a small goal, for example, to get together a set of five-star holy relics? ! PS: This is a story about a Genshin Impact player who bought the genuine [God's Eye] and traveled to the Naruto World to cultivate himself into a "God".

noob_battle29 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

I Have Been Friends With Nagato God For A Long Time

"The task is hard work, Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya."

  Inside the Hokage Building, the third Hokage - Sarutobi Hizan, who was in his prime, was smoking a dry cigarette, listening to the task of the trio with pride and relief. Report.

  They are Orochimaru with black hair and feminine face, Tsunade with flat blond hair, and Jiraiya with white hair and oil painting face.

  They are the direct disciples of the three generations of Hokage, and they are also the most dazzling ninjas of Konoha Village.

  Both ninja abilities and charisma are impeccable, he is the proudest disciple of Hizen Sarutobi, and the pillar of Konoha's future.

  Sarutobi Hizan thought so! But...

  "Hey - it's so troublesome, haven't you already submitted a mission report, old man? Why do you have to listen to us again! Don't you know how tiring it is to perform a mission?!"

  Tsunade Kuai on the left Stepping forward, his hands clattered on the table, staring at Sandai Hokage and questioning.

  Sarutobi Hizan's smile froze on his face.

  "Hahaha! Tsunade, the report is also part of the mission."

  Jiraiya on the right put his hands on his hips and sneered at Tsunade:

  "It's a shame that you're still Shangnin, don't you even know the basics of ninjas? Board?"

  Tsunade suddenly turned to look at Jiraiya and raised his fist.


  "Hehehe, let me tell you, I also want to finish the task sooner!"

  Orochimaru smiled at the furious Tsunade and Jiraiya who was kicked out, and turned to Sandai. Hokage talked about the mission process.

  Sarutobi Hizan looked at the three in front of him and fell into contemplation.

  "Ha ~~


  At eight o'clock in the morning, Aoki woke up early after a long absence. For this, he plans to reward himself with a breakfast.

  Without further ado, Aoki grabbed the clothes beside him and planned to get up to cook.


  The hand that should have touched the clothes touched something strange.

  Soft, wet, with a touch of warmth...

  it's you, slug!

  "Why are you... bad!!"

  Aoki grabbed the pillow suddenly, and quickly fiddled with the pillowcase, his face gradually became ugly.

  What about money? What about the money I put here? ? !

  "Good morning, Aoki-sama." The

  slug squatted on Aoki's body, and finally lay on Aoki's head, and explained while greeting:

  "Tsunade-sama said that this is the treatment fee for Aoki-sama's treatment, so I took it myself. "

  By the way, Master Tsunade also said that the money from Master Aoki is not enough to pay for the treatment, so you still owe Master Aoki 500,000 taels."

  Slug, although your voice sounded very gentle, But what you said is really distressing!

  Shivering cold, when did I, Aoki, suffer such grievances!

  The more Aoki thought about it, the more angry she became, and she hurriedly dressed and went to Tsunade Theory.

  Then, I ate three bowls of rice at Tsunade's house!

  Although they live in the same clan of Qianshou, Aoki's home is located in the fringe area, and Tsunade and Joshu live in the center of the clan, and they are separated by a street distance.

  In addition, Aoki didn't eat yesterday and this morning, plus he was just persuaded by Tsunade Physics, Aoki turned grief and anger into appetite, and ate three bowls of rice madly!

  "Hiccup! The taste is a little weak, let it go this time, and be careful next time."

  After eating, Aoki slumped on the chair with the slug on his head, watching the nanny clean up the table, and gave them a carefree suggestion. This is what my own home looks like.



  Aoki lay on the ground, covering his head with both hands, Tsunade put one hand on his hips, lifted Aoki and threw it on the chair, waved his hand, and walked out.

  "I still have something to do, I don't have time to accompany you here, you can go home by yourself later, little ghost."


  Aoki stopped Tsunade, sitting upright, face serious, head bowed.

  "Thank you, Sister Tsunade."

  Aoki kept her head down, and after a long time no response, she looked up and saw a pair of sinful hands reaching out to her.

  "What, so you are so polite. What's there to be grateful for? You are also our family."

  Tsunade rubbed Aoki's gray hair with both hands, pretending to smile without caring. . But Aoki still saw that Tsunade was in a good mood.


  "Can you give me the money back?"



  When he got home, Aoki sat cross-legged on the bed and continued to refine chakra, and the slug also lay on his shoulder and transmitted the special chakra in his body to him.

  Aoki hadn't really thought about getting the money back from Tsunade, and that was his real purpose!

  After all, without Tsunade, Aoki would have died long ago!

  When it comes to Aoki, from Hokage to Guoying, everyone knows that he suffers from a strange disease.

  Snooze disease!

  In fact, this is due to the mental weakness caused by the abnormal and rapid loss of the body's vital energy, and has to fall asleep to reduce the loss of bodily functions.

  To be specific, this is caused by the pitiful [God's Eye] in Aoki's body that absorbs Aoki's life energy all the time!

  Huge pit!

  Aoki always felt that he would have enough common topics with Nagato, also inheriting the blood of the Six Paths Immortals, also possessing the "God's Eye", the same white hair... The

  difference is that the [God's Eye] absorbs life energy and does not want to be a foreign golem. Such a big mouth is boring, but the long-running water can sustainably drain the lake and fish!

  Of course, the vitality in the young Aoki is not as strong as that of the adult Nagato.

  But this does not prevent Aoki and Nagato God from dating for a long time!

  To be honest, if it wasn't for Aoki's bloodline of thousands of hands, the life energy and chakra volume of the natural body would be beyond ordinary people. If there were no Tsunade's family who regarded Aoki as a younger brother, if there was no Slug Immortal with natural energy and medical ability. The existence of...

  As long as one of them is lacking, Aoki who died early can no longer die.

  Over the past five years, Aoki has been in a coma for 24 hours a day, gradually reducing to 20 hours, 18 hours, and 15 hours a day. So far, Aoki has been in a coma for less than 12 hours a day!

  Not to brag or black, Aoki feels that this is entirely due to his strong willpower!

  How can normal people's sleep time get shorter and shorter!

  Cough cough!

  Of course, recently, Aoki can also feel that the absorption of life energy by [God's Eye] has been significantly reduced.

  Now that he can eat and drink, and can run and jump is the best manifestation!

  Moreover, Aoki vaguely noticed that the [God's Eye] was emitting a faint light during the meditation, as if he was about to wake up.

  In addition to making Aoki excited, he felt gratified.

  Five years! Five full years!

  In addition to sleeping and eating every day, it is to extract chakra, so that [God's Eye] reduces the absorption of vitality.

  Living like the 007 employees of the Black Heart Factory, they are oppressed physically and mentally by the boss every day.

  Now, the dawn of the revolution is at hand, and a bright future is ahead!

  Aoki meditated, sitting cross-legged on the bed, and cooperating with the slug to deliver the special chakra in his body, extracting his own chakra.

  The [God's Eye] floated leisurely in the body, exuding a green light.


  and a year later, the [God's Eye] awakened!