
Naruto: Gate Of All Dimensions

My name is Asakura Hao,and I have traversed to the Naruto world without kekkei genkai. But! I didn't expect that I got the Gate Of All Dimensions! Not only did I get the Flame Devil Fruit,but also a bunch of other items from other worlds. Things are starting to get interesting! ..... (Uses [Naruto: the law of the devil] as a foundation,you can check that out if you want, Will gradually change more in the future of the story) Read chapters ahead at www.p@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Hao's Strength!

"Hey... you are too careful Kitsuchi."

Feeling the heavy tone of Kitsuchi behind him, the explosion release ninja Gari looked disapproving, his face was filled with a cruel smile. "The support troops are coming soon, and that guy is also on the way.."

"No matter what, today we will completely annihilate the Konoha ninja here and attack the Kingdom of Fire in one fell swoop!"

There are actually reinforcements?!

Hearing the conversation between the Gari and Kitsuchi in front of him, the faces of the Konoha ninjas on the battlefield suddenly changed.

The number of Iwa ninja troops led by the Gari and Kitsuchi itself has an absolute advantage in number, and the Gari and Kitsuchi are also the best among the Jonin ninja level.

If Iwa Ninja reinforcements are on the way at this time, this is undoubtedly bad news for all the Konoha ninjas present.

"It's rude not to attack back when you attacked me... Since you are so welcoming..."

"If I don't show you something , won't I be too rude..."

Just when all the Konoha ninjas were uneasy, Hao standing above their heads removed the huge protective barrier under his feet, he had a dazzling sharpness in his eyes.

Spear of the Flame God!!

When his words fell, Hao above everyone's heads reached out.

The ability of the flame fruit is activated, and a Vanishing Rasengan is instantly released in the palm of the right hand.

Like a whirlwind, it converges and rotates in the palm of Hao forming a thick flame like long spear in the blink of an eye.

Accompanied by Hao falling from the sky, he fiercely bombarded the Iwa ninja troops where Gari and Kitsuchi were located!

"Be careful!!"

Seeing Hao's move from the sky, Gari was suddenly shocked, but Hao's movements were far faster than he imagined.


All Iwa ninja only felt a light coming and hit the explosion release ninja Gari fiercely, the whole ground exploded like a volcano erupted!

"What great destructive power..."

In the gravel splash, he looked at the whole penetrated ground in front of his feet, and was afraid of this powerful destructive power, but looking at Hao falling to the ground in front of him, a cold smile appeared on his face, "But it's a pity that you didn't hit..."

"Pity should be you..."

"Because there is no way to avoid this move."

However, at this time, when Hao who fell to the ground heard the words of Gari, a trace of ridicule suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth.

How can ordinary ninjas avoid the move launched under his Observation Haki insight?

Sure enough, Hao's voice just fell.

The Explosion release ninja Gari only felt countless crimson lights flashing in front of him in an instant. Before he could avoid his body, he was sucked in the bursting and spreading flame vortex in front of him in the blink of an eye!

Not only that, centered on the penetrated ground at the feet in front of Gari, the flame vortex spread around wildly.

Everything in front of everyone exploded. Before the Iwa ninja gathered along the way could react, they were directly sucked in and burned , blood suddenly stained the whole battlefield red!


"That kid?!"

The pungent smell of blood permeated the battlefield. Looking at the ground in front of him, which had opened a huge hole of tens of meters of diameter as deep as the abyss, and countless companions who fell in a pool of blood, the remaining Iwa ninja on the field panicked and were outraged.

"He killed so many ninjas all of a sudden!!"

Behind the huge raised multi-layered rocky earth wall, Kitsuchi, which performed a super earth release ninjutsu in time, successfully rescued a group of Iwa ninjas behind them.

But when he saw dozens of companions falling in a pool of blood on the battlefield in front of him, even the calm and collected Kitsuchi couldn't help but explode.

"Okay...so strong..."

"Have you seen that move just now?!"

Seeing Hao fall from the sky with his own eyes, he killed so many Iwa ninjas in an instant with one move. The Konoha ninjas on the battlefield were so shocked that they couldn't help themselves..

"Is that the unique Kekkei Genkai of that boy just now?"

Similarly, seeing the terrifying casualties caused by the blow of Hao in front of them, Akimichi Debu and Inuzuka Ikasu looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Good opportunity... Let's go together at this time! Repel these Iwa ninjas!!"

After suppressing the shock in his heart, Akimichi Debu grabbed the gap between the lost mind of the Iwa ninja on the battlefield. He and Inuzuka Ikasu led the Konoha ninja to quickly put pressure on the enemy in front of them.

"Cheer up! Kill all these ninjas of Konoha!"

"The support troops will arrive soon! They are by no means our equals!!"

In the face of the attack organised by the group of Konoha ninjas in front of them, the remaining Iwa ninja on the battlefield were unwilling to show weakness, and the ninja forces of both sides fought together again.


"Clone? When is it..."

At this time, Hao standing in the centre of the battlefield suddenly noticed the strong killing intent from behind him.

He subconsciously glanced aside and saw that the explosion ninja Gari, who had just been killed by him, had turned into a mass of clay!

"That was not my real body from the beginning!"

"Haha, go to hell, kid!!"

Sure enough, a crazy and sharp voice sounded, it was Gari.

The figure of the master of Iwa's blasting force, Gari, instantly appeared behind Hao.

Explosion Release · Landmine Fist!!

Gari, whose hand condensed chakra with the dual attributes of earth and lightning with excellent physical skills was like a ghost, the fist containing super explosive power quickly hit the back of Hao!

In order to effectively kill the opponent in line with his special Kekkei Genkai, the physical level of Gari has exceeded the ordinary level of Jonin. If he is punched, Hao in front of him will undoubtedly be blown to pieces in an instant.


A violent explosion sounded, and the ground of the whole battlefield trembled!

"It's this thing again...?"

But looking at the huge ruby transparent barrier that suddenly appeared between himself and Hao in front of him, Gari couldn't help but frown.

Protective barrier!!

Sure enough, Baby Of Fire, appeared in front of him, and folded his claws.

The powerful fist of Gari bombarded the huge transparent barrier in front of Hao. The violent explosion smashed the ground under his feet, but it did not shake the seemingly vulnerable defensive barrier at all.

"So the one I killed at the beginning was a clay clone..."

"Worthy of a famous master of Iwa's blasting squad.."

He stared at the unwilling look on the face of Gari in front of him through the huge transparent protective barrier. In the face of such a fierce explosion, Hao didn't even mean to blink his eyes.

Although the battlefield is cruel, relying on Baby of Fire's ability to isolate of all attacks with a barrier, coupled with Hao's other hidden cards, he is is fully confident that he will stand invincible on the battlefield!

"It just so happens that I still was lacking some more life energy..."

"It's better to make you accomplish me than die in the hands of Hiroku in the future!!"

~Read chapters ahead at P@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

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