
Naruto: Gate Of All Dimensions

My name is Asakura Hao,and I have traversed to the Naruto world without kekkei genkai. But! I didn't expect that I got the Gate Of All Dimensions! Not only did I get the Flame Devil Fruit,but also a bunch of other items from other worlds. Things are starting to get interesting! ..... (Uses [Naruto: the law of the devil] as a foundation,you can check that out if you want, Will gradually change more in the future of the story) Read chapters ahead at www.p@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Incredible Boy!

"This kid..."

"How he stand in the sky?"

Looking up at Hao standing in the sky, he explosive ninja Gari from Iwagakure glanced with a look of consternation.

"It's Konoha's ninja..."

"It was this kid who saved Akimichi Debu just now!"

Whether it was Konoha or Iwa ninja, all the ninjas present were shocked that the sudden teenager could stand in the sky.

At this time, through the Konoha forehead guard worn on the forehead of Hao, Iwa recognised the identity of Hao at a glance.

Not only that, in addition to Hao being able to step on the void, Baby Of Fire also floated next to Hao, guarding him like a loyal servant.

Third Tsuchigakure, Onogi's son, Kitsuchi.

And explosion release ninja Gari of Iwa's blasting force..

While all the ninjas on the battlefield under their feet were looking at Hao, Hao were also looking at the ninjas on the ground.

From the Iwa Ninja, who has in an absolute majority, Hao recognised the identity of Kitsuchi and Gari at a glance.

Although the level of these two guys in the original plot is elite Jonin, their strength is infinitely close to the Kage level. It is this time that the Iwa army attacked the Konoha army in the Kingdom of Rice.

"It was really dangerous just now... Thank you for saving my life. What is your name?"

At this time, Akimichi Debu, who fell to the ground, stood up and looked at the Konoha teenager standing one him with some gratitude and curiosity.

"I'm Hao, the captain of the Konoha Medical Class. I led medical ninjas to support on the orders of the Third Hokage."

Feeling the curious and surprised eyes of the Konoha ninjas at his feet, Hao directly opened his mouth loudly to explain his identity.

The captain of the Konoha Medical Class?!

Hearing Hao's self-introduction, Akimichi Debu couldn't help but be stunned.

He and Inuzuka Ikasu have been on the front-line battlefield for several years. But he didn't expect that Konoha would put such a young boy in such an important position as the captain of the medical team.

"Asakura Hao?! So it's him!"

"The most popular genius in Konoha in recent years! He is the disciple of the Third Hokage!"

But among the ninjas of Konoha. Some people still recognise Hao and shouted in excitement.

So it's him?!

Hearing the comments of the ninjas around him, Akimichi Debu and Inuzuka Ikasu suddenly realised.

Although they have not returned to Konoha in recent years, the Third Hokage received a disciple two years ago, everyone knows this in the whole ninja world.

"He turned out to be a disciple of Third Hokage..."

"But... what about the other medical ninjas?"

After knowing Hao's identity, he looked at the teenager with a weird red creature by his side , Inuzuka Ikasu showed a trace of doubt.

"Other medical ninjas are still on their way..."

"I was a little worried about the situation here, so I came here alone first."

After a day's journey, the medical ninja force led by Hao finally arrived at the border of the Land of Fire.

He noticed the fierce battle situation on the front line, so Hao directly used his Fire Flight to rush to the battlefield in advance and just rescued Akimichi Debu.

"Well, it turns out that he is the disciple of the Third Hokage..."

"It seems that Konoha is really empty, even such young kids are sent to the battlefield."

At this time, after hearing the identity of Hao, a grim smile appeared on the face of the explosion ninja from Iwa.

"If I blow you up to death, I think your Sensei's face will be wonderful!"

"Here you are! Kill that kid!!"

As soon as the words of Gari fell,Suddenly, dozens of Iwa ninja's kunai shot into the sky with a mixture of detonators on them.

Not only that, Iwa's Ninja released several powerful ninjutsus as long-range attacks, which is bound to kill that brat standing in the sky to scum.


"Hao! Be careful!!"

Seeing that Hao had just taken action to save himself, he was submerged by countless kunai and ninjutsu, Akimichi Debu on the battlefield immediately exclaimed.

This is the cruelest place on the battlefield. If you are targeted by a large enough number of enemies on the battlefield at the same time, not to mention ordinary ninjas, even Kage-level ninjas may not be able to survive.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless detonators were mixed with powerful ninjutsu. Above everyone's heads was shrouded in a violent explosion, and Hao and the Baby of Fire around him were submerged in the blink of an eye.


Akimichi Debu and Inuzuka Ikasu couldn't help but clench their fists, they were helpless in the face of this situation.


"He's so stupid to stand in such an obvious place. That kid is too naive!"

Seeing that Iwa's ninja destroyed the youngest disciple of the Third Hokage in a blink of an eye, the explosion ninja Gari couldn't help but laugh wildly.

"It seems that in order to welcome my arrival..."

"You Iwa ninja have prepared some great fireworks."

But in the next second, the indifferent voice above the battlefield made the expression on the Gari's face instantly solidify.

Flame Barrier!!

All the explosions of detonators and ninjutsu gradually subsided, and the smoke above finally dissipated.

Under his control, Baby of Fire standing next to Hao, overlapped its claws, and flashed in front of him.

A huge barrier ten meters long and five meters wide like transparent ruby glass appeared under Hao's feet. All the explosions and attacks just now combined could not shake this seemingly fragile defence!

"How is it possible?!"

Looking at this incredible scene, the explosion release ninja Gari exclaimed directly.

Even a Kage ninja may not be able to resist so many Iwa ninja attacks just now.

But the cloaked teenager standing in the sky actually blocked everyone's attack with such a glass-like barrier!

"Okay...so awesome!"

Seeing that Hao actually blocked so many Iwa's simultaneous attacks, and he was completely unharmed, the Konoha Ninja on the battlefield suddenly exclaimed.

"Worthy of being a disciple of the Third Hokage..."

"No wonder he is called the first genius of Konoha. It seems that I was too worried."

Seeing the amazing strength shown by Hao, Akimichi Debu on the battlefield was finally relieved.

At this moment, he finally understood why such a young boy was taken as a disciple by the Third Hokage.

"Be careful Gari..."

"This guy is not easy."

When he saw Hao's completely extraordinary strength with his own eyes, The tall and calm man standing behind Gari, Kitsuchi said.

Hao who was in the sky in front of him, from the nine or ten-year-old dark -haired teenager, Kitsuchi absurdly felt a powerful pressure similar to a Kage ninja from him!!

~Read Chapters ahead at P@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

Lately ive been working on a DxD fic in my spare time.. lets see how that works out later..

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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