
Naruto: Gate Of All Dimensions

My name is Asakura Hao,and I have traversed to the Naruto world without kekkei genkai. But! I didn't expect that I got the Gate Of All Dimensions! Not only did I get the Flame Devil Fruit,but also a bunch of other items from other worlds. Things are starting to get interesting! ..... (Uses [Naruto: the law of the devil] as a foundation,you can check that out if you want, Will gradually change more in the future of the story) Read chapters ahead at www.p@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

End of the Exam!

"Why is this happening!?!"

"My body...what's going on?!"

Looking at his dying companion in front of him, the Genin's eyes widened in horror.

The sharp kunai in his hand was once again out of control and stabbed to another companion beside him.


"What are you doing?!"

The same weird scene is also staged on other ninjas.

He was suddenly shot by more than a dozen steel needles, and the Genin from Ame-gakure was shocked and angry.

"I... I don't know what's going on!!"

"I can't control my body! Be careful!!"

However, the expression on this ninja's face named Irumi was more frightened than his companions.

His body is manipulated like a puppet , and steel needles in his hand kept shooting at his companions and other ninjas around him.

"Damn, what the hell is happening!!"

"My body! What kind of evil jutsu is this!!"

"Stay away! There is a detonator on my kunai!!"

"Ah, ah, ah! Get out of the way, all of you!!"

The scene is in chaos. In the open space in front of the tower, a bunch of ninjas were killing each other.

All the ninjas, like crazy, were constantly fighting with each other with their weapons and jutsu.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

At this time, only one person was still laughing.

The middle finger, thumb and little finger of both hands kept hooking. Looking at the great death drama directed by himself , Hao couldn't help but laugh like a demon.

"It's him! It's that kid!"

"It must be his doing! What kind of evil magic is this?!"

Seeing Hao, who laughed crazily next to him, several ninjas finally reacted.

"This damn kid! I'll kill him!!"

Looking at one ninja after another around him fall, he directly picked up the sword-like ninja weapon from the ground in his hand and rushed towards Hao.

"Go to hell, kid!!"

As if deeply stimulated by this death drama, the Ame Genin roared and threw out the sword in his hand and shot countless needles like rain from his hand.

"there are still so many people left..."

In the face of needles shot by the Ame genin, Hao didn't have a trace of expression. The attack without dead ends in front of him could not even lift his eyelids.

With that, Hao gently hooking his finger.

A ninja suddenly rushed out to block in front of Hao , Resisting all the needles thrown out at Hao!


After seeing the figure in front of him clearly, The Ame Genin that released the needles roared like crazy.

It turned out to be his companion who was manipulated by Hao to block all his attacks.

"Since you have given me so many needles..."

"It doesn't seem reasonable not to give you back some..."

Looking at the Ame ninja in front of him turning into a corpse and falling down, Hao's calm eyes did not fluctuate at all, but the arm in his right cloak suddenly waved.

Lightning Release·Chidori Senbon!!

Blue and white lightning shined, and hundreds of extremely fine thunderbolts burst out in the air!

In everyone's shocked eyes, the Ame genin in front of Hao didn't even have a chance to scream, his body was directly pierced into a hedgehog by countless Lightning Needles!.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!"

The rest of the lightning needles fell into the crowd next to him, and a scream sounded in the air, and a large number of ninjas fell down in an instant.

"Looking at how many people are left... Why don't I help you!"

Looking at the remaining 20 or 30 ninjas in front of me,the corners of Hao's mouth had a demonic smile.

In everyone's surprised eyes, there was already a Rasengan in his right hand.

"Spear Of The Flame God!!!"

They had no time to understand what had happened. Everyone in the open space only heard a blazing sound and saw that Hao had an additional highly compressed flame spear that kept spinning like a vortex in his right hand.

"What kind of flame release ninjutsu is that!?"

Seeing the huge movement of the high-pressure spiralling flame spear in Hao's hand, a genin's face suddenly changed in horror.

"I don't know. I've never seen such a technique..."

"But that degree of chakra nature change... As long as we are hit, we will be finished!"

Another ninja swallowed with difficulty, and his eyes were full of fear.

If there is a Jonin or Kage ninja present at this time, he will definitely be frightened by the high-level ninjutsu of such a change in nature and form on Hao's hand.


Fearing of destroying the scrolls on them, Hao chose to show mercy.

The highly-compressed flame spear in his hand was thrown out on the open space in the middle of the crowd, a huge flame vortex up to 20 to 30 meters still threw all the ninjas around him out.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!"

Ninjas who were thrown out by the vortex spear hit the trunks and open spaces around the trees one by one.

Some fell to the ground with serious injuries, and some were nearer to the middle. directly breaking the tree trunks and lost their life.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

After witnessing the disastrous scene caused by the Flame God Spear in an instant..

Looking at the huge holes in the open space in front of them and the howling ninjas lying all over the ground.

Of all the ninjas present, only a few Konoha's Genin ninjas were still standing.

Looking at the demon-like cloaked boy, several of them were even directly paralysed to the ground by fear, and looked at Hao in horror with wide eyes.

"You guys are lucky..."

"For the sake of being ninjas from the same village... I will be gentle to you."

Looking at the few Konoha Genin who had completely lost their fighting spirit in front of them, the demonic smile on Hao's face became more and more brilliant, and gradually walked towards them.

"Ah, ah!! Devil!"

"He is the devil! How can there be such a Genin?!!"

Seeing Hao coming towards him, a Konoha's Genin finally collapsed and roar wildly.

Soon, he also shut up.

Hao walked up to him and kicked him unconscious with a kick.

Then he performed his Taijutsu skills and easily knocked down all the remaining ninjas on the field.

Under the completely crushing Taijutsu of Hao, there was no one left standing . The situation in the open space suddenly became clear and all the ninjas fell down.

"Finally done..."

"Hmm.. Maybe I overdid it a little bit...?"

After solving all the ninjas, Hao muttered to himself standing alone in the open space.

Then he picked up the ninjas on the ground one by one like picking up garbage, took out the scrolls on their bodies and threw them on the open space next to him, and then threw the ninjas casually into the crowd.

~Read 10 Chapters ahead on P@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

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