
Naruto: Gate Of All Dimensions

My name is Asakura Hao,and I have traversed to the Naruto world without kekkei genkai. But! I didn't expect that I got the Gate Of All Dimensions! Not only did I get the Flame Devil Fruit,but also a bunch of other items from other worlds. Things are starting to get interesting! ..... (Uses [Naruto: the law of the devil] as a foundation,you can check that out if you want, Will gradually change more in the future of the story) Read chapters ahead at www.p@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Promotion! Special Jonin!

The the sun will soon set.

The afterglow of the sunset has sprinkled all over the Forest of Death.

In the Forest of Death, where the Chuunin ninja exam is going on, it seems abnormally quiet at this moment.

At this time, two Chuunin on duty finally came near the terminal tower of the Death Forest.

"We shouldn't come so early."

"It's only half a day... Those Genin are probably still fighting for scrolls in the Forest of Death."

One of the Chuunin yawned.

"That's not necessarily..."

"There will always be some strong Genin in each Chuunin ninja exam. Maybe one of them has reached the end at this time."

After another Chuunin walked into the tower, he pushed open the gate of the tower as he spoke.

"Ah, ah, ah!!!"

But after pushing open the door, the two Chuunin were stunned by the scene in front of them!

"Finally someone came over... I've waited for a long time!"

Two Chuunin ninjas opened the door and saw two hills piled up at the door of the tower - one was a hill stacked up by scrolls and the other was a mountain of people piled up by ninjas!

And a long dark hair, golden-eyed and handsome boy was sitting on the hill of a bunch of ninjas and saw them open the door before opening his mouth.

"You, you..."

The Chuunin who opened the door was too scared to speak.

"Heaven and Earth scrolls, all of them are here."

"...I think I have passed this exam, right?"

Hao said casually and stepped into the gate of the tower, completely ignoring the two Chuunin next to him who had already been scared to death.


"I think no one else can take the next third exam except for me..."

Entering the tower, an inexplicable smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.


Konoha, Hokage Office.

"Hokage-sama! Not good!"

A ninja pushed open the door and rushed in.

"What's the matter! Being so flustered!"

Seeing someone breaking in without knocking on the door, the Third Hokage who was reading the front-line war reports frowned slightly.

"Hokage-sama, the results of the Chuunin exam are out!"

While he was saying that, the ninja kept panting.

"Are the result out? Why is it so fast..."

The Third Hokage who was browsing his files suddenly stopped, "No! doesn't the second session of the Chuunin exam just start in the afternoon?!"

"The third session won't start until three days later. Why did it come out now?"

"Yes... It's Asakura Hao... He defeated all the Genin ninjas in this Chuunin exam..."

The ninja who came in felt the great momentum emanating from the Third Hokage and said while sweating, "In the afternoon, he defeated all the ninjas who took the Chuunin ninja exam in the Forest of Death and took all the scrolls in their hands..."


After listening to his subordinates' report, the pipe in the Third Hokage's mouth fell on the table: "Is that boy crazy?"

Soon, the Third Hokage picked up his pipe and took a deep breath. After a moment of meditation, he said to his subordinate, "Now you go to the Death Forest and call him over to me."


The ninja who entered the door disappeared directly in place in an instant.

"That stinky boy..."

The Third Hokage spit out a heavy mouthful of smoke in his mouth, " He really scared me to death, my old bones..."

After coming out of the Forest of Death.

Following the ninja leading the way to the Hokage office.

Hao is not worried. What hiding your own power for fear of others discovering, and pretending to be a 'trash' to beat the genius, like you see in a lot of Chinese novels, he thinks these are all bullshit.

If one tree dares not even be taller than other trees, how can it become a giant tree?

If a person doesn't even dare to show his courage,How can you become a top level strongman?

Just like the Yakushi Kabuto, a character who showed no less strength than Kakashi in the early stages. His medical ninjutsu was praised by Tsunade as a skillfull talent surpassing that of herself at her peak, with a flexible mind beyond ordinary people and ingenious thinking that penetrated people's hearts.

However, after playing the role of a 'small person' for a long time, He lost himself between the change of rolls. Even if he mastered the Sage Mode and Edo Tensei in the later stage, He could only hide in the darkness like a sewer rat, and dared not show himself in front of others.

If it's Uchiha Madara, will he pretend to be a trash? Will he show weakness?

No, he will only use his own strength to tell people who are not as good as him. That he is very strong.

Therefore, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were called the ninja myths. People were even more afraid of him than Hashirama.

Besides, Hao is no longer a weak person. His superb ninjutsu, flame fruit ability, and other hidden cards are already able to fight head-on with Jonins - although he is only seven years old!

It is Hao's creed of life to stand on top of the world, and see the scenery in that position!

When he got to the door of the Hokage's office, he knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in."

"Hokage-sama, Asakura Hao has been brought."

"You leave first."

The Third Hokage behind the desk put down the documents in his hands and turned his eyes to Hao, who came into the door. "Hao, sit down."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Hao was not polite and sat directly on the sofa next to him.


The Third Hokage looked at Hao on the sofa, with an unusually entangled expression, "I asked you to 'behave well' in this Chuunin ninja exam. Isn't your 'behave well' a little too much?"

"Is there anything wrong? Isn't this the task you assigned to me, Hokage-sama?"

Hao also showed a bright smile at the Hokage. "You asked me to perform well in this Chuunin ninja exam, so that those ninjas from other Ninja villages and other forces can see the strength of our Konoha Village."

"Now... I don't think anyone dares to question Konoha's strength anymore, right?"

"You..." The Third Hokage was speechless for a moment, and there was a trace of helplessness on his face. "I really can't do anything about you.."

"But being so disturbed by you today can really deter those who are eyeing Konoha.."

The Third Hokage meditated for a moment and then said, "What about the Konoha ninjas taking the Chuunin exam today?"

"Well... I have been merciful to them, since they are Konoha's ninjas, I just injured them at most..."

Hao is telling the truth. Compared with those tragic Ame, Kusa and fodder ninja, he has shown mercy to the Konoha ninja in the Death Forest today.

"Well... so be it. Based on your excellent performance in this Chuunin exam..."

Halfway through, he paused and said, "As Hokage, I hereby promote you as a special Jonin..."

Special Jonin ?!

Hao was stunned. He thought that the Third Hokage would promote him to Chuunin-ninja at most, but he didn't expect to directly promote him to a special Jonin!

Unlike the all-round development of Jonin, Special Jonin refers to a ninja with unique talent and development in some aspects, which is slightly worse than a real Jonin, but much stronger than the general Chuunin , Its strength and status are between the Chuunin ninja and the Jonin ninja.

"And about our agreement... have you decided?"

After saying that, the Third Hokage took a deep breath of his smoking pipe and looked at Hao in front of him.

~Read 10 Chapters ahead on P@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

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