
Moving to the village

TIMESKIP: 6 months

After his mother's death Haruto kept on training to improve what he knows including jutsus, household work and trained his body. He also noticed that his three tomoe sharingan's pattern can change to the pattern of a star with 8 blades. He also noticed that his new eyes gave him two new abilities, one for each eye. His right eye can open a dimension for him which can only be used by him and time can be controlled by him inside his dimension. His other eye's ability is not clear to him but he thinks he can add or remove some chakra from ninjutsus.

After all his training he decided to complete his mother's dying wish an planned to move to the hidden leaf village. He went to his parents' grave to notify them about him going to the village. He then went to his house and packed his things and started to move towards the village. On his way he remembered that he did not have any money on him, so he decided to work at some place on his way to earn some money.

On his way came a sweet shop and decided to ask to work there when he went inside he saw and old lady looking at him with a smile on his face. He approached the lady and bowed to her and asked politely, " ma'am can I work here for a while to earn some money for my journey " hearing this the old lady got surprised and looked at him in amazement, after some time she nods giving her consent which made Haruto happy and he bowed to her.

TIMESKIP: 1 week later

After working to the bone at the shop I said my goodbyes to the old lady and bowed , she patted my head and smiles and gave me some sweets for the journey. After travelling for 3 more weeks working here and there learning stuff from all the shops, I reached the hidden leaf village . In front of me there was a huge gate and some shinobi guarding it. After doing some checks I was allowed to come inside the village. In front of me was something I have never seen before. In front of me was a majestic sight to behold tall buildings, big shops, lot of people and a mountain with 4 faces engraved on it. I controlled my emotions and started to look for the person for whom I came. After moving for a while and not finding the person I thought of asking someone about her. I went to an old lady sitting on a bench in the park enjoying sunset and said, " hello my name is Haruto, can I ask you something " I bowed to her. She then noticed me and smiled and said, " of course little one what can this old lady help you with." I smiled and asked, " do you know where a person by the name of Kushina Uzumaki lives, I was told that she lives here and have bright red hair." The old lady chuckled and said, " who does not know of her in the village, I know where she lives but what is your purpose of finding her?" the old lady inquired. I said, " she is very dear to my late mom and my mom said to meet her after her death." The lady got shocked and apologised. I waved my hands saying that it's fine. After she calmed down she gave me directions and bid me farewell. The sun had already set and I moved in the direction of her house. When I reached her house I saw a person with red hair and a swollen belly along with a person with blonde hair and an old woman along with some people wearing masks. I decided to approach them but stopped on seeing them talking seriously. After a while they started moving from their location, I decided to follow them but to not get found out I stepped into my dimension and decided to follow them.

We reached a cave and I found that there were some doctors with their equipment inside the cave. I got cautioned and thought that I should keep observing them and look out for any trouble which might harm my relative. After a while the red haired woman lied on flat and perfectly smooth rock and doctors began their work. The blonde haired man moved out and so did I because right now the red haired woman was giving birth to a child. While we waited the blonde haired man kept on getting nervous and started praying to god for safety of his wife and child. After a while the noises of cries of baby could be heard we rushed inside and found a small boy wrapped in blanket in the old lady's arms. The blonde man approached her and took his child from her and smiled and said, " welcome to the family Naruto." After saying that the old lady took the child and looked at the man with a look of seriousness in her eyes which the man returned with his serious gaze. He approached his wife and said, " thank you for the child Kushina " he smiled after he said that then said with seriousness, " we need to seal the kyubi before it escapes." The red haired woman replied with a nod and a serious look on her face. When the man moved his hand to her belly a sound of metal clashing against each other was heard. The man looked at his back and noticed that all except him and his wife are dead. Suddenly a man with white mask with tiger print on it came holding the little Naruto in his hands and said, " if you care for the child's life then move away from the jinchuriki."