
Before the beginning 3

TIMESKIP: one year later

One can see a small boy probably 2 years old standing on the water and practising some jutsus. The boy wore a red half jacket over a navy blue half shirt and black trousers with sandals. The boy looked cute and had black and red hair on his head, overall he looked quite cute. This boy was Haruto who now lived with his mother after the incident which occurred an year ago. His height has grown and had a well maintained body.

He was practising when suddenly a voice came from back "Haruto lunch is ready come quickly or you are not getting any" on hearing it he stopped all what he was doing and be began to run back at his full speed. When he reached his destination he could see a woman with frail body with white hair smiling at him. He moved towards her and smiled and said, " see I told you that I will not be late".

On saying that they both entered the house and Haruto washed himself and sat to eat. They were eating happily and were talking to each other. Suddenly the happy expression changed when the woman with white hair coughed blood. On seeing that Haruto panicked and said, "mom are you okay?" . He rushed to his mother's side to help her. His mother only smiled at him to make him calm.

His mother went to her room and brought back three scrolls and said,"I have taught you everything I knew from water style jutsus to even sealing jutsus and some basic healing jutsu as well." Haruto nodded in response. She smiled and said something which made Haruto shocked. She said, " my time is up and will die either today or tomorrow ". She looked sad and some tears came out of her eyes on seeing them Haruto hugged his mother to make her relieved. She sniffed and kept on saying," I am sorry ". Haruto stroked her head and she finally stopped crying . On regaining her composure she explained something to her child, she said, " before dying I am giving you some instructions which you must follow, you can also regard them as my last wishes." Haruto with a determined look in his eyes looked at his mother. His mother smiled and said, " I want you to go to the village hidden in the leaves and serve a person very dear to me as her servant, her name is Kushina Uzumaki and is of same family as me." She then placed the scrolls on the table and said , " give this white scroll to her and she will understand also give these red and black scrolls to the hokage and under no condition give them to someone else or open them yourself " she warned him while putting some strength in her last words. Haruto nodded and took the scrolls from her. She then said, " you must protect and serve her with the best of your capabilities and respect her " after saying that she left the room an went to sleep in her room.

There was some silence and Haruto kept processing the information given to him by his mother and then stood up and went to his room to pack for his journey. After doing the arrangements he went to her mother's room to sleep. When he reached her room he saw her lying on the floor without moving. His face got pale and he panicked. He rushed to her mother's side and noticed that her heart has stopped beating. He cried holding his mother in his arms hugging her tightly. He felt some itching in his eyes which he ignored and kept on sniffing. After some time he stood up and placed his mother on the bed and moved out of the house. He went to the bank of the river and mourned over his mother's loss after a while he stood up and went towards a grave and dug another

hole near it to bury his mother.

When he thought that the hole was big enough he went to his house and brought his mother's body and buried it near the other grave and said, " may you both meet each other in heaven,mom and dad".