

When Haruto and the others reached their home Haruto quicky entered the bath to hide from his mother who was still teasing him.

After he came out of the bath he went to the kitchen to get something to eat. After having his fill he went to the living room where Kushina was sitting alone with an angry look on her face. She looked towards Haruto and said, "Nee Haru your dad is called you in the Hokage's office, it seems like he has something to talk to you also give this scroll to your father."

Haruto nodded furiously, took the scroll and left the house without waiting anymore as he doesn't want to face his mother when she is angry.

He reached the Hokage's office in a few minutes and after informing the receptionist about his arrival he was allowed to enter the room.

When he reached the door he knocked politely and waited for a while. Soon he heard a faint "come in" and he entered. He greeted his father who smiled upon his arrival and asked, "so how was the first day of the academy?"

"It was good and I also made some friends, so why have you called me. It can't be that you would call me just to ask me about my academy life." said Haruto.

Minato smiled wryly and said, "sharp as ever eh, you know kids your age should be a bit ignorant."

Haruto didn't replied to him and continued to look at his father's eyes who finally sighed in defeat and said, "you are serious like always, anyways the thing for which I have called you is that I want you to become one of my personal anbu. Knowing your both mental and fighting capabilities which are a bit too frightening for your age(glared at Haruto) and the trust we both have in each other makes you the best person for this task. So what do you say."

Haruto took a while to digest the information and thought for a while he looked at his father and asked, "what about the academy?" "You will be an academy student but sometimes you have to take leaves for some missions which I might send you on and once you have graduated and we find an appropriate team for you you can join that team and lead a life of normal shinobi again."

Haruto thought for a while and then nodded and said, "I am ready to be an anbu but you should know that I will take salary as well, just because I am your son doesn't mean that I will work for free and also there should be no absence related problems from the academy."

Minato chuckled and said, "Of course you will also get them money that you earn on missions and regarding the academy you don't have to worry about that. Ok now meet your squad, Anbu"

When he called them three figures came and bowed towards Minato. Seeing the people who were bowing Haruto raised his eyebrows and said, "I will be in the squad with Itachi, Shisui and Kakashi sensei, you are making your sharingan squad or what."

Listening to him everyone's eyes widened as they now realised that all the members of this squad has sharingan and looked at Minato with a deadpan look. Minato who was now embarrassed and fake coughed to get their attention and said, "So he will be your new member from tomorrow be sure to pick him up from the house and lead him to the anbu headquarters."

When Haruto heard about house he suddenly realised something and asked Minato, "You do have mom's permission in this right cause if not you can kiss the members of this squad goodbye."

The members of the squad who are more than habitual with Kushina's anger paled and thought what all could happen to them. They looked towards Minato who also had a small frown on his face.

Minato came back from his train of thoughts and looked at them and said, "d-d-don't worry I had asked her. Haruto she must have given you a scroll right."

Haruto suddenly remembered his mom's angry expression and now knee the reason for it. He gulped his saliva and said, "Here is the scroll and take my advice ask a Hyuga to block some of your sensory receptors before coming home because from the expression mom had."

Haruto didn't completed his sentence and shivered at some thought. Seeing him Minato and the others also started to think what could happen.

Minato who took the scroll with shaking hand opened and read it and said, "she has given the permission and also I am going to be punished tonight. And as for you all of he gets severely injured on a mission then you all." Minato moved his hand near his neck and did an action of their neck being cut.

They all paled in thought but the one who was afraid the most was Minato. He looked at all of them and said, "I guess I should go home at time for toay."

As he was about to get up from his seat his assistant came with more paperwork for him.

Minato wanted to cry at his luck. He looked around the office for help but all of them had already left the office.

That night screams were heard throughout Konoha.