
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 218

Although the Fourth Raikage already had the idea of setting out, he did not take action immediately.

He knew very well that even if he were to act, he must arrange matters properly before he could move.

While the Fourth Raikage could indeed delegate many tasks to Dodai to complete, as a Raikage, he also had many matters that required his personal review.

If the Fourth Raikage knew the Shadow Clone Jutsu, perhaps things would not be so troublesome. After all, the Shadow Clone Jutsu has been known throughout the Shinobi world and is not a secret.

But he really had not learned this technique; he even somewhat disdained their Cloud Village's most proficient Lightning Clone, which they are best known for.

Under such sentiment, how could he possibly go learn a clone technique from another village?

To him, what he preferred more were fist-to-flesh battles because his speed and strength made it really unnecessary for him to consider too much else.

However, he had not completely reached his peak at this time, a fact he was very clear about.

He had almost perfected the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, but this 'almost' was like a vast chasm, obstructing his path forward.

He could feel that this Chakra Mode had further potential, thus reaching the state of 'Ultimate Lightning Release Armour'.

But to attain this state, he would need stronger chakra and physical qualities. At this point, he was indeed still somewhat short of all this.

Sometimes it was like this, he felt he was only a step away from it all, but in reality, it was genuinely difficult to cross over.

However, under such circumstances, once crossed, it would definitely be an unimaginable kind of promotion!

Facing this situation, the Fourth Raikage could only wait patiently and work silently. He believed that as long as he accumulated enough, he would definitely be able to break through!

Still, all these matters belonged to the future; his most important task was to handle everything currently at hand.

After spending some time, only then did the Fourth Raikage and Dodai define the necessary division of labour between them.

Under these circumstances, he could finally leave the Land of Lightning with peace of mind.

Just that, when departing, the Fourth Raikage also played a little smart. He did not inform Dodai about his formation.

He hadn't forgotten the death of his father years ago; the main reason was to cover the retreat of his subordinates.

It was precisely because of such a cover that, as strong as his father - who could single-handedly deal with the Eight Tails - ultimately had no way to leave.

The time he wasted allowed the ninja of Iwagakure to surround him, ultimately forcing him to desperately fight against tens of thousands of Stone Ninjas.

His father was incredibly strong, becoming immensely formidable under such battle circumstances, to the point that even the Iwagakure ninja could not inflict a wound on him.

But as an individual, there is always a limit, and such a limit lies in the shortfall of physical endurance.

His father did not die from any fatal attack but was worn down to death by these tens of thousands of Stone Ninjas using relentless rotation in battle!

This event also demonstrated that the strength and weakness among ninjas are genuinely beyond common comprehension.

The Fourth Raikage dared not say he had surpassed his father, and he even hesitated to claim he had reached his father's level.

But he knew very well that there still existed a gap in strength between himself and his subordinates.

Or perhaps it could be said that the only one in the entire Cloud Village who could truly keep up with his strength growth was his brother, Killer Bee.

However, his brother was a Jinchuriki, which is a strategic-level weapon for the village.

Even though he never regarded Killer Bee in this light, he had to admit this fact.

Therefore, he would not, and did not plan to, have his unreliable brother accompany him on the mission. On the one hand, it was for the sake of the village, and on the other, it was indeed because his brother was not entirely dependable.

"So, this mission is actually safest if I execute it alone."

A silently thought to himself, while simultaneously rapidly advancing towards the Land of Grass.

Reaching the Land of Grass was not a particularly simple matter for the Fourth Raikage.

Although the Cloud Village and the Land of Earth were only separated by the Land of Iron, to get from the Land of Iron to the Land of Grass, one still had to pass through the Land of Waterfall.

While the Land of Waterfall really wasn't much, it was a country that possessed a ninja village and even had the Seven Tails Jinchuriki.

Moreover, their village has always adhered to a policy of neutrality, which means that ninjas from any village can enter their country.

For a place mixed with all sorts of characters like this, to be honest, the Fourth Raikage really did not want to enter, as this might very likely expose his whereabouts.

But to quickly enter the Land of Grass, this was the most reliable route.

Frankly speaking, it was challenging for A to find an alternative path.

"Hmph, this Takigakure Village."

A held Takigakure Village in genuine disdain, even though it possessed a Tailed Beast.

Their neutrality is purely because of their own lack of ability, A has read the reports, back in the day, they even executed plans to assassinate Kage.

For instance, the First Hokage of Konoha was apparently once their target!

But how far this matter actually progressed, nobody knows.

However, according to intelligence, all the high-ranking officials of Takigakure at the time were basically killed, and moreover, by their own people!

Precisely because of that nearly village-exterminating action, this Tailed Beast possessing Takigakure was directly plunged into an abyss.

Even if they possess a Tailed Beast, no one would give them a second glance.

Their current neutrality is a necessary approach, also a way to prolong the life of their broken and destitute village.

"Hmm?" A, who was moving rapidly, suddenly furrowed his brow, because he distinctly sensed that someone was quickly chasing after him from behind.

Such a situation inevitably irked him; obviously, in his view, this meant his whereabouts had been exposed. Most likely, it was Dodai dispatching troops to follow him.

Although A knew this was for his own good, he truly did not wish for anyone to follow; he preferred to complete this mission alone.

However, when the personnel from behind quickly caught up to him, his expression immediately changed.

Because, astonishingly, the ones who came were his brother, Killer Bee, and Killer Bee's disciples!

"Killer Bee, Samui, Karui, and Omoi, what on earth are you doing?"

Anger now appeared on A's face; he really could not fathom what was going through his brother's mind.

Moreover, he could not comprehend how, even though he had evidently avoided this guy, he still got the information and managed to catch up?

"Of course, it's to go to the Land of Grass with dummy big brother, lah! This question is really too dumb, idiot, dummy!"

Killer Bee steadily landed beside A, subsequently answering A's question in his signature rap style.

Only, visibly, A's already sufficiently dark face instantly became even darker, obviously, he was very unsatisfied with this answer.


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