
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 217

Looking at it from these angles, this is a good thing, because this is not only a manifestation of the Raikage's growth but also an enhancement for the future development of the village.

However, the problem is that the growth limit of this Raikage of ours seems not enough; he actually still thinks about risking going up there himself! Although Dodai can understand when he puts himself in the mindset of the Raikage, probably the Raikage has not been very comfortable in the village during this period and wants to relax a bit.

But doesn't he know how much trouble and impact it will cause when he leaves the village? Especially in terms of safety, is it really appropriate for him to go out alone?

"Willful, I don't think so."

The Fourth Raikage shook his head, speaking solemnly.

"Because this is war, the level of danger is unimaginable. If ordinary people go, it's likely difficult to achieve all that we want.

Not only do we need to observe the situation of Konoha and Iwagakure up close, but we also need to timely and necessarily deal with some key figures; this is also considered early preparation.

I don't trust others to do it, and I can do everything more conveniently myself and get a better understanding of the current situation in Konoha and Iwagakure!"

"However, this is still somewhat risky, because you are the shadow of a village."

Dodai hesitated for a moment. This time he did not use the word 'willful' again, but replaced it with 'risky'.

The words of the Fourth Raikage made it somewhat difficult for him to refute because what was said was indeed very reasonable.

Indeed, for a war, even if their purpose is to take advantage of a crisis, they must be well-prepared.

But letting a Kage personally go into battle, doesn't that seem inappropriate no matter how you look at it?

"The village has you to watch over, I can trust."

The Fourth Raikage A, after all, is a qualified Raikage; his response speed is exceptionally fast, he calmly looked at Dodai and spoke slowly.

"You are a person trusted by my father, and I trust you just as my father did.

Although this trip might have some troubles and dangers, I believe the problems will not be too significant.

Moreover, my solo mission is sufficiently low-profile. Combined with the hidden Anbu in the locality, I think I can accomplish what I need to."

"When I'm not around, Kumogakure is counting on you. I trust you, Dodai, and I hope you trust me too."


Upon hearing the Raikage's words, Dodai, for a moment, didn't know what to say.

But one thing he knew for sure: he was likely unable to persuade the Raikage before him.

The Raikage, unlike the leaders of other villages, always had a tradition of acting alone or leading teams himself.

The Third Raikage was actually a prime example; he too led teams alone, braving the dissent of others, only to be squarely caught by the people of Iwagakure.

Dodai really wanted to use this incident to persuade his Raikage, but seeing the latter's attitude, he ultimately held his tongue.

Having lived through the era of the Third Raikage, he knew that the Fourth Raikage was virtually carved from the same mold.

He sighed helplessly and decided not to say more. He planned that this time, if the Fourth Raikage were to embark on a mission, he needed to equip him with a more complete protection system.

At least they could not replicate the same situation as with the Third Raikage; otherwise, their Kumogakure would really be in trouble!

Their conversation basically ended here. But what neither of them noticed was that...

During their exchange, something resembling an octopus tentacle was gently writhing.

After arriving in the area controlled by Iwagakure, Orochimaru also settled down for the time being.

As for what kind of change the battle with Kaito brought to Iwagakure, he had absolutely no interest in understanding.

What he was more concerned about now was his own problems and the strength that Kaito had displayed! The power demonstrated by Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju this time, strictly speaking, was quite satisfactory to Orochimaru.

This was even under circumstances where he imposed some limitations on them, but Hashirama Senju still exhibited extraordinary combat power.

The terrifying descent of the Flowering Tree World and the use of Wood Dragon Technique, such explosive power truly far exceeded imagination!

As for Tobirama Senju, although the Second Hokage performed somewhat subpar.

Even with the use of the Flying Thunder God Technique, he was still somewhat beaten senseless by Kaito.

In every aspect of combat ability, he was overwhelmingly surpassed, which seemed somewhat unworthy of his title as the Second Hokage.

But Orochimaru also knew, fundamentally, there was quite a significant gap between Tobirama Senju and Hashirama Senju.

Uchiha Kaito could hold his ground without falling short when facing Hashirama Senju, even managing to lay low the First Hokage directly.

So, when confronting Tobirama Senju, who was inherently not as powerful, and already in a situation of being restrained in various techniques and tactics.

Defeating this Second Hokage without a blade's spill of blood wasn't really so strange after all.

"However, the growth rate of Uchiha Kaito is truly too fast.

And those things he mentioned, if there were no surprises, were left behind by that person named Zetsu, right?"

Orochimaru, as someone who has researched the cells of the First Hokage for many years, truly had a very sharp sense for these matters.

That Yin-Yang individual named Zetsu truly left quite an impression on Orochimaru, after all, Orochimaru had never seen a similar life form before this.

And now, after being enlightened by Kaito, Orochimaru also noticed a huge problem with this Zetsu.

He seemed to have been split into two parts, with the black portion being covertly unnoticeable.

While the white part of him seemed to always give Orochimaru a familiar feeling.

At first, Orochimaru could not be sure whether such a feeling was a mistake on his part, after all, the power of Hashirama Senju was not something that could be obtained casually.

But now, Kaito's words made him really have to think seriously about this problem.

Although Orochimaru also had to be mindful of some issues, such as whether Kaito would deceive him. However, after careful consideration, Orochimaru felt that Kaito had no need to do so.

After all, Kaito had fought with the Senju brothers twice. He could not possibly be unaware of his familiarity with these cells.

Under such circumstances, he spoke out, and Orochimaru could also feel the discrepancy in it, so this could only mean one thing.

That is, the Yin-Yang man named Zetsu definitely had serious problems.

His white half indeed possessed the existence of Hashirama Senju's cells, and this was indeed partly left behind by Kaito.

And this part was key to Kaito's metamorphosis, and the metamorphosis that Kaito obtained now seemed truly too incredible and too powerful.

"Could it be that Uchiha, after acquiring the power of the Senju, can undergo such a transformation?"

Orochimaru suddenly thought of a question, and this question seemed to open the door to a new world for him.

In his memory, Danzo was a man who immensely despised Uchiha while also having an insatiable desire for Uchiha's power.

This man even preserved the eyes of his old classmate, Uchiha Kagami, but sadly, he was never able to use these eyes.

Because these eyes possessed an unimaginable exclusivity, such exclusivity that those who used these eyes would experience intense adverse reactions.

It seemed that the only one with relatively low adverse reactions was Hatake Kakashi, the son of Sakumo.

And Danzo, this man, was able to use the Sharingan in the end, seemingly after using the cells of the Senju clan?

Thinking about this, Orochimaru's eyes began to shine slightly.

If this was indeed the case, does this mean that the power of the Senju clan and the power of the Uchiha, to some extent, could inherently merge into one?

This question began to resonate continually in Orochimaru's mind, but there were many things that he could not conclude on his own.

Because to confirm this kind of thing requires a lot of investigation and research, although Danzo had relatively comprehensive research and experimental reports.

Unfortunately, he could not easily obtain these things because these reports are now under the strict jurisdiction of Konoha.

Most crucially, he really did not dare to frivolously covet the Sharingan; he could only wait patiently for the opportunity.

"Let's deal with the real issue at hand for now. However, Kaito-kun, you have provided me with an unforeseen path,"


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