
chapter 4

Rias had seen her mother in different kinds of moods. She'd seen her ecstatic when Sirzechs had brought his son, Millicas, to visit them at their home. She'd seen her annoyed when Riser had come with his harem to the introduction ceremony and hadn't even attempted to hide the fact that he'd been ogling both mother and daughter. She'd even seen her hurt when they had their first argument over Riser, the same argument that had led to her never calling her anything more intimate than 'mother'.

What she had never seen her mother being, was furious. And now that she was, she found herself wishing she hadn't.

Wisps of black and crimson destroyed the air around it with angry hisses as the flaxen haired woman glared murder at the terrified blonde sitting across her. The chair she was seated on had been long erased but she remained as though seated on something more solid than air, a sight that only looked more terrifying than amusing. It was times like this she considered that maybe the things people told her about her mother in her younger days weren't actually just tall tales.

"I knew I shouldn't have humored you, Layla," Venelana started, her voice deceptively calm. "When you said you wanted him for one night, I should have said no. In fact, I should have hurt you. Badly."

Layla tried to speak, but fear had tied her throat into a knot.

"I knew I shouldn't have let him leave," Venelana nodded to herself slowly. "I knew I shouldn't have shared what is mine with anyone, much less a love-starved, weak willed, libidinous skank like yourself."

Rias swallowed as her mother rose to her full height. "But I chose to trust that you would be with him as I have been. I leased him out to you for one night, as a favor for a favor, believing you responsible enough to fulfill the unspoken obligation I gave you. One night, I told myself. There can be nothing significant done in one night of intercourse."

"And yet, in one night, you managed to expose to him the one secret I put the most effort into hiding from him." Venelana snarled. "And all because you can't control yourself when you orgasm?! Do you even hear yourself speak?!"

"Mother…" Rias started, but held back when she saw Venelana's fists clench.

"He knows about you and should he awaken, he will connect the dots and he will know about me and Rias and Akeno. I had been planning to ease him into the supernatural slowly," Venelana continued. "A small fact here, a half truth there. To make him suspicious, but never give him enough evidence to draw a plausible conclusion so as to ease the impact when I eventually told him the truth."

"And you? You just… you just came in and steamrolled over everything! All my plans. Gone! My efforts? Wasted! He knows about us now, and he found out in one of the worst ways possible due to your carelessness!" It was as though all the steam in her had rushed out and she sighed heavily before closing her eyes and sinking into another seat.

The silence felt worse to Rias than her mother's anger as she watched the woman's foot tap the ground rapidly. Layla was still frozen in her spot. Whether she was frozen from fear or she was scared of what would happen if she moved, Rias couldn't tell.

"I ought to kill you," Venelana said quietly. "Had you been anyone else, you would be ash by now, less than ash even."

"I'm sorry…" Layla's next words caught in her throat as Venelana lifted her head to glare at her with an expression that bordered on hateful.

"An apology won't remedy the damage you've done," Venelana spat. "Get out. Now. And know, Layla Phenex, that it was your status, not our friendship that saved your life today. Leave my house, you're no longer welcome here. And before the end of the month, I expect to hear an official announcement as to the postponement of the wedding."

Rias watched in shock as a magic circle appeared beneath a glum Layla's feet before the woman vanished in a small gout of flame. "Mother, you didn't have to do that."

Venelana got up to her feet and stomped away. Rias trailed after her mother, listening to her murmur something incomprehensible under her breath before finally looking at her. "Do what?"

The redhead frowned. "We haven't even been able to cancel the wedding yet, you can't cut ties with her now. Don't you think it'll get difficult to get her to help us out in the future after this?"

"And what would you have me do, Rias?" Venelana asked. "Just pretend she didn't do anything wrong? Give her a hug and ask how the last night felt as if she hadn't absolutely fucked up months of work?"Rias' frown deepened. It wasn't like her mother to curse. "No, but…I don't know, just…not decide you're not friends anymore. Maou, how am I supposed to get out of the wedding now? You had to give her your boy toy to get the wedding pushed back when you were friends. What are you going to do now that you're not?"

"And what do you think will happen if Naruto wakes up and I explain everything to him and he says he wants to leave?" Venelana shot back, silencing her daughter. "I'd have to erase his memories and do away with him. I remember telling you a while ago that I'd never let go of him if I had the chance. Now when someone potentially forces me to get rid of him, do you expect me to tolerate them still? Y-"

Venelana stopped short and Rias saw something manic and frightening flash through her eyes. For a moment, she feared the woman would lash out at her, but she only chuckled bitterly.

It was funny, Venelana thought. Both her and Rias saw something slipping out of their hands. Rias saw the chance to end her marriage while she saw her lover and they'd both do what it took to hold on to what they wanted, even if it meant doing one would hurt the other.

It was in times like this that she was reminded of what they truly were: devils. Slaves to their personal sins and united in their selfishness.

"Mother?" Rias tentatively called her.

Venelana didn't respond. Instead, she went into her room to stare at an unconscious Naruto who lay deathly still on her bed with the slight rise and fall of his chest being the only sign that he was still among the living. Rias walked in a moment later and felt an uncomfortable roil of guilt in her gut at the sight of the man. He hadn't moved an inch from the spot he'd been placed on.

After realizing her mistake, Layla had panicked and cast a spell on him that knocked him out cold. He'd been unconscious since the previous night, but Layla had only worked up the courage to bring him in the morning and Venelana had decided it'd be better to leave him the way he was.

The smell of sex that lingered on him didn't stop Venelana from sitting on the edge of the bed and running a hand through his hair, smiling slightly as the soft, yellow strands caressed her fingers and the tips rubbed his smooth scalp. Her hand left his hair to lightly cup his cheek and went down further until she was running her thumb over his lips.

"I hadn't used magic on him in months. Not until yesterday," she absently said to Rias. "When I told him about the deal I made with Layla, he wasn't pleased. Not one bit. To be honest, neither was I, but do you know why he agreed?"

Rias did. It was why she hated seeing him in the way he was now, but her mother didn't know that and so, she shook her head.

Venelana nodded slowly. "It was because of you. He agreed only because I told him that doing so would keep you from ending up like me."

"But you said you used magic on him."

"A simple persuasion spell," Venelana specified. "They're more likely to listen to you but in the end, the choice is still theirs. He could have refused and if he had, nothing short of controlling his mind would have made him do otherwise. But he didn't. He chose to do it for you. Just as I decided I liked making you happy more than I hated sharing a man with someone else."

"…why are you telling me this?" Rias couldn't help asking.

Venelana didn't give her an answer. Truth be told, she didn't know. Maybe she just wanted Rias to know, maybe she wanted to tell the girl she was being selfish or maybe she was just trying to make herself feel better. Did it really matter?

"I'd like for us to be alone," Venelana muttered, but Rias heard her clearly.

The redhead folded her arms. "I can't leave you two now. I..I'm worried about him too."

Venelana smiled a little. "That's nice, but you have to go. You're already late for school."

"They'll still be having the assem-"

Venelana's smile dropped and her voice became like stone when she said, "Leave, Rias."

Rias exhaled sharply and her eyes narrowed, but she nodded and stepped out. "See you after school."

"Say hello to Akeno for me," Venelana said, but got no response from her daughter. When she felt the girl's magic spike before vanishing along with her presence, she sighed and looked back at Naruto.

The spell cast on him had the dual effect of not only rendering him unconscious, but suspending his body in time as well. Unless it was dispelled by either the caster or someone of equal skill, he would sleep for eternity, unravaged by time. It was neither a simple spell, nor an easy one to cast and the fact that Layla had managed to do it while panicked told her that she'd grossly underestimated the Phenex matron or at least her proficiency in magic. Fortunately for Naruto, she was more than capable of dispelling it.Yet another funny thing, she thought. A few centuries ago, spells like this were seen as little more than party tricks in the hands of beginners. Now, they were considered a sign of expertise in the arts.

Maou, she was old.

Venelana shook her head to get rid of her idle thoughts and let magic gather on the tip of her thumb before raising it to Naruto's forehead and paused before she let it touch him. If she woke him up, what would she say to him? Suspended or not, the blank in his memory as well as the change of surroundings would let him know he'd been unconscious. What if he panicked? She couldn't explain anything to him while he was in a panic.

She knew he wasn't a religious man, but that didn't mean anything when it came to dealing with a being considered the personification of evil in almost every philosophy and religion. What if he became afraid of her? What if he came to hate her for what she was? The thought of him backing away from her, his face twisted in terror or disgust from the realization that he'd been sleeping with a devil, froze the blood in her veins.

But at the same time, what if he didn't? She circled her thumb over his head, still deep in thought. After what felt like an eternity, she came to a decision. No lies. No deceit. She'd tell him everything, answer every one of his questions that she could and when she was sure he understood, she'd offer him a place by her side, in her peerage. If he refused, she'd erase every memory he had involving her and everyone else and if he accepted, well, that was good.

She thought of Layla and her temper flared up once more. It was her fault that she had to tell him everything now rather than ease him into the supernatural like she'd intended.

You're stalling, she thought to herself. You don't want to have to face him now.

Well she had to. It would only get harder as time went on.

She put her thumb down on Naruto's forehead and let her power course through his being, easily expelling Layla's magic and consequently, undoing the spell.

Almost instantly, Naruto's eyes shot open and he sat up with a loud cry. "-the hell!"

Venelana frowned. So he'd been rendered unconscious just as what he saw registered. A part of her contemplated simply convincing him his eyes had deceived him but she knew it wasn't to be. The damage was already done.

Naruto looked around wildly, his eyes appearing to widen even further as he realized where he was. Eventually, his gaze found Venelana who quietly watched him. "Wha…V-Venelana?"

The woman nodded. He looked around once again.

"I don't understand. How'd I get here? Where's Layla?" As he spoke, his mind rearranged itself and with it, his memories. "Oh God, Venelana!" The woman winced. This time, he noticed. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, dear," she lied.

"Layla!" He flailed his arms around. "I remember now! We did it! She was floating and she was saying something and she…she had wings! She had fucking wings and they were black and they caught on fire and…"

"I know."

"You…you know?" Naruto couldn't believe his ears. "How the hell would you know?!"

Venelana bit her lip before a pair of wings, black as night, sprouted out of her back and flapped once before settling still. Naruto paled.

"I want to tell you something," the Gremory matron said. "I want to tell you the truth."

The apartment had gotten smaller. The walls weren't as large as he remembered them to be, the television looked too small, his bathroom felt cramped and his sofa seemed not to contain him anymore. Or maybe it was that he was so used to the large space and furniture of a mansion that anything less felt small. Honestly, he was just surprised the place hadn't been leased to someone else in his absence, or that he hadn't even been declared missing. Maybe it was because of devil magic. It probably was.

Other meaningless thoughts passed through Naruto's mind as he sat on his sofa and munched on a plate of pickled radishes while he thought of his life or rather, the clusterfuck his life had become overnight. Venelana's words still echoed in his mind, solid with confidence and unignorable with evidenceHe didn't consider himself a skeptic, but he'd never put much stock in the supernatural. The thought of gods descending on a patch of land, one holding the universe in a hand or weaving the sky into existence had always sounded far too fantastical to be real. It didn't help that too many beliefs tended to be direct contradictions of one another. Different, sometimes clashing renditions of the same story. Too many deities existed in and created the same world and somehow, they hadn't cooperated with one another. Which one was true? He'd come to accept the answer to be none and moved on with his life with the belief that tales about anything that couldn't be explained by science was just an exaggerated retelling of something explainable.

And now, it turned out he was wrong. Biblical angels in heaven? They existed. Their morally bankrupt counterparts that fell from grace were real too. Hindu gods? Real and many. Shinto deities? They owned the entirety of Kyoto and the majority of Japan itself. Vampires? He could have sat beside one on the bus stop by evening and not known it. Werewolves? He could have passed by a jogger at five in the morning without knowing that they were actually returning from a hunt. The Norse gods? Apparently, Odin was a lecher. The Olympians? Hermes owned several delivery companies around the world.

Devils? Shit, he lived with three. In fact, out of those three, he'd already fucked two.

The radish seemed to disagree with his tongue and he spat it out onto the plate before placing it by his side and sighing heavily as he dropped his head on the arm placed between himself and the headrest.

How could he not have seen it? The signs had been there all along. The symbols in the house, the strange customs they shared, the unbelievable wealth, the sigils representing families. Shit, Venelana had even told him her maiden name was Bael.

No, he did see them, there just always happened to be a perfect explanation for everything. Venelana always knew what to say to satisfy his curiosity enough that he wouldn't feel the need to do any more questioning. She always knew what to say, especially when it came to getting him to do what she wanted. It didn't surprise him; it turned out she was at least four times older than his grandparents' ages put together. She'd probably seen enough men like him to be able to know just the kind of person he was from a single conversation.

Or maybe she hadn't. Maybe she always took a little peek into his head to know how his brain worked before she spoke. Maybe she didn't even do that and she just used magic to make him accept whatever she said. She claimed to have only done it once in months, but how was he to believe her? Even if she was lying, how would he know?

He glanced at the plate again and pushed it further away from him. Venelana had been the one to get him into eating vegetables; he'd hated them as a child and even as an adult, he didn't eat the ones he didn't have to, especially before coming under her employ. Just how much had the woman changed him?

How much of the change had even been natural? She already admitted to using magic on him when they first met. She even admitted to using it to make him more likely to sleep with the Phenex. How many other times had she decided she'd rather make him say yes than risk getting a no?

The image of a chess piece flitted through his mind and he cursed again. Like she hadn't turned his life upside down already, she made him the strangest offer he'd ever heard in his life. She offered to make him not just her servant, like a very real, soul bound servant, but a devil at that.

It still sounded ridiculous in his ears. Who offered a life of servitude as well as a transformation into the popular symbol of evil and thought it sounded like a good deal? The only thing that made him even consider it was the benefits she'd named.

His first instinct had been to refuse on the spot, but common sense had won in time. While he wasn't sure he even wanted to become a devil, it was a choice he didn't see himself not making.

He wasn't sure why, but leaving the mansion and returning to society had left him feeling…out of place. It was like he no longer fit in. He didn't realize how accustomed he was to being with Venelana and the others until he was outside and everything either mildly confused him at best and irritated him at worst. And all in the span of less than half a day.

Maybe it was Venelana's plan too. He'd told her he wanted to think about it somewhere else and she'd allowed him, even if her permission came with a deadline. Maybe she'd let him out knowing what it would be like for him. Maybe she wanted him to feel for himself just how different the world had become for him rather than have him spend his time wondering what would have happened if he hadn't stayed.

He had a feeling she'd come after him if he exceeded the deadline but he also suspected she didn't believe he would. She believed he'd come back on his own, to the comfort of the familiarity of her home. And she was right. A part of him wanted to return as fast as he could, but he silenced it, even if only because he didn't want to give her the satisfaction. Even if he didn't exceed the deadline, he sure as hell wasn't going to go running back to her like a scared child.After several minutes of wallowing in his thoughts, he got up. The apartment was beginning to feel claustrophobic. He needed to go out. He needed a drink, a strong one.

He opened the door to see Rias standing outside with her hand balled into a raised fist. The redhead stared at him, her blue-green eyes widened in surprise.

"Rias? What are you doing here?" He frowned at her. "No, scratch that. How did you find me?"

"Mother told me you went home," Rias said.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I took your address from the dossier mother took from your last workplace."

"Uh huh." Naruto didn't bother concealing his skepticism. "Look, Rias, your mom told me everything so no need to lie anymore. You used magic to come here, didn't you?"

Rias blinked. Mother had told him about magic circles too? Seeing that there'd be nothing gained from lying, she nodded.

"Of course you did," Naruto sighed.

"Can I come in?" She asked."And Akeno…" Naruto licked his lips. "And if she finds out about me and Akeno? She stopped liking her own husband after he decided he preferred polygamy. What if she finds out that I've been sleeping with her daughter's best friend behind her back?"

That gave Rias pause too. A part of her told her that her mother already knew that. The woman was far too perceptive not to notice how Akeno acted around him and far too intelligent not to connect the dots or at least suspect them. But what if she didn't? What if one day, she saw them and it left her completely blindsided? She might very well kill him or Akeno in a moment of mindless rage. Maybe even both at.

"We'll come to that bridge when we get there." She finally said.

She didn't know it, but Naruto wasn't willing to wait that long. 'No more lies' was what Venelana had said to him and he had reason to believe she had been sincere. It wouldn't be fair if he kept his affair with the younger lady from her. It was hypocritical to complain about not being able to trust her when he himself had a reason for her not to trust him.

"Yeah," he lied. "We will…if I go back."

"Oh come on," Rias whined. "After everything?!" She caught the slight quirk of his lip and huffed. "I can't believe you."

"You'll have to," Naruto chuckled. "I couldn't help it."

"So does that mean you'll come back with me?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "So you came to take me?"

"If you accepted," she nodded. "But I mostly just came to talk with you."

Naruto hummed. "All this isn't something a normal person should be able to fully process in a day, but I have a feeling I'll probably never be able to do so even if I had all the time in the world. Your mom might have hidden things from me, but they haven't hurt me so far so…I'm coming back, I guess."

"Hey, that's great." The girl smiled brightly.

"You seem awfully happy to hear that," he snorted. "To think a while ago, you weren't all too fond of me."

"You've grown on m-us. It won't be the same without you," Rias caught herself in time. "Besides, after what you did for me, it would suck if I let you get mindwiped without paying you back first."

Naruto thought for a moment before saying, "Tell you what, why don't I buy you another tsukemono on the way?"

The redhead perked up. "Really?"

"Yeah." He got up. "Just finish up with this one so we can head out."

"Sure!" She happily stuffed the remaining radishes in her mouth.

"And Rias?"

Rias looked up at him with a mouthful of vegetables. "Hmm?"


The grateful smile on his face made the girl flush a deep red and look away. "Don't mention it

Rias watched through a small gap between the door frame and the door as her mother and Naruto hugged. It had been nearly an hour since she'd come back with the blond and Venelana had been quick to whisk him away to her room, locking the door behind them but refusing to soundproof it despite knowing her and Akeno were around.eliciting a pleasured, yet slightly pained cry from her that Rias realized what had happened. They're doing anal. He's fucking her ass!

There was no Akeno to stop her from watching this time. No Akeno to give her the relief she'd been too focused to give herself. If it was going to be herself, there was no better time to start than now. She shifted her already soaked panties before letting her fingers slip between her labia and into her and had to bite her lips from groaning out loud as ecstasy shot up from her pussy to her head.

It was wrong, she knew. If masturbating to Naruto's shirt was wrong, masturbating to the sight of him sodomizing her own mother was depraved but the sinfulness of it all was what pushed her even further. One of her eyes closed and her toes curled in her shoes as she pushed her fingers even deeper into herself in time with Naruto's thrusts.

The blond had almost folded Venelana in half as he fucked her ass, the tapping of his balls even louder now that he was between her ass cheeks. Rias couldn't hear anything other than that and she didn't care to hear any more. She saw his dick leave her mother's rectal walls, surprisingly dry, yet he had no issues with pushing it back in. If it was uncomfortable for either of them, neither didn't show it. Instead, they only seemed to become more frantic. Venelana's moans got louder as she let Naruto fuck her deeper into her bed and Naruto's grunts became deeper as he plowed her ass for all he was worth.

Rias twisted her fingers in herself, enjoying their slickness and the way they smoothly caressed her slimy walls. She'd played with herself multiple times but no session ever felt as good as when she had or was watching Naruto fuck someone. The only thing that would be better would be if it was her in their place. The thought of him plowing her made her fingers shake in her.

If he could drive Akeno wild whenever he decided, she knew she'd be putty in his hands should he decide to ravish her and that was what she wanted. She wanted to be reduced to a writhing, sweaty mess incapable of doing anything other than take whatever treatment she got as Naruto used her. She wanted to feel his dick, hard and throbbing, slip into her, push her apart and fill and touch places her fingers had no hope of reaching. She wanted to feel his warmth in her, know he was in her most sacred of places and she wanted, no needed, him to fuck her, to make her feel what he'd made her mother and friend feel until even he lost himself in the pleasure her needy pussy gave him and filled her to the brim with his virile, undoubtedly hot cum and when he was done, she wanted to scoop out the excess that leaked out of her and bring it to her mouth and taste it, just as Akeno had made her taste it.

A sharp whine alerted her to Venelana's orgasm. The woman's long, smooth legs shook even from her folded position and Rias watched wide eyed as a stream of fluid escaped her vagina, shooting up into the air before coming back down and staining her groin and buttocks. Naruto didn't seem too far off as he increased his pace and leaned in to kiss Venelana once more.

Naruto pulled back, extracting the majority of his length from Venelana's rectum and Rias stared, speechless as he crammed it all back into her mother, setting a slow yet brutal pace that saw the brown haired woman releasing sharp gasps as opposed to her earlier moans. Their fingers were intertwined now and Naruto had pushed himself so far between her legs that he was lifting and dropping his hips rather than doing any actual pushing. The sheen of sweat covering them both didn't bother them as they continued to couple, exploring the pleasures of the one hole even devils hesitated to penetrate and have penetrated.

Rias had seen her mother in different kinds of moods. Furious, happy, sad and worried. But as she let her eyes turn to her mother, drinking in the sight of her normally neat, brown hair tousled and matted to her glistening face, her half open mouth from which heavy breaths hot enough to be visible escaped and her eyes, half closed and glowing with carnal desire, she could only describe her mother's current mood as sex-crazed.

Rias began to feel lightheaded as she felt herself coming close from the triple dose of visual, auditory and physical stimuli. She fingered herself until she could hear her own pants and the faint pitter of her own juices dropping onto the floor and when Naruto finally came, his muscles twitching as he filled her mother's ass, she held her breath, closed her eyes and let her head rest on the doorframe as she released too, forcing her shaking legs together to keep her release from staining the floor even further.peerage of equally experienced pieces. You'll not only be outclassed, you'll be outnumbered as well."

A sorrowful silence fell on them all as the reality of their situation settled on them. There didn't seem to be any way out of it this time, that they all knew. Naruto felt his stomach drop when Akeno looked at him, her eyes heavy as if asking for comfort but he gave her a reassuring smile nonetheless. That seemed to be good enough for her as she brightened up slightly. If anyone else noticed their exchange, they didn't comment on it.

"There is another way," The seated Rias spoke up for the first time, getting everyone's attention. Her voice was quiet as she said, "Purity is one of the criteria for an arranged wedding. It's why the females involved are often chosen when they're children."

Venelana's eyes narrowed. "No."

The redhead ignored her. "If I were to lose my virginity, he wouldn't be able to marry me. I'd be tainted."

Issei's eyes brightened. "H-hey, Buchou, why don't I-"

"I hope you're not about to suggest what I suspect you are, Sekiryuutei," Venelana cut him off. Her expression was calm, but streaks of black and crimson danced around her hands, evaporating the letter and envelope.

Issei gulped. "N-no, maam!"

A surprised Rias eyed her mother quizzically. "You knew what he was all along?"

Venelana ignored the question. "In any case, there's no assurance that Riser will want the wedding called off should you somehow manage to be deflowered. The previous cases have been because of personal preference rather than custom."

"So there's a chance that Riser might not want tainted goods," Rias said.tears as she spoke. Whatever doubts he had about her telling the truth were gone. She was desperate, very much so. "And if it doesn't?"

"I'll kill myself." The resolution in her voice alarmed Naruto. "I'll die a hundred times before I marry him once."

"You don't have to go that far…" he trailed off as she placed her hand on his leg. "Look, Rias…it's not that I don't want this. You're beautiful, like really beautiful. You're one of the most beautiful people I've ever met in my life. But it's your first time…it should be special and with someone you love. Not some guy you want to sleep with to get out of a marriage. You deserve better than that. What me and your mom do? That's not making love. It wouldn't be fair if I did that to you too on your first time..."

Rias felt her heart melt as Naruto went on about how he was the wrong man for her and how she had better options. He was wrong, but the concern was touching nonetheless. "But that's where you're wrong, Naruto."

Naruto blinked. "What?"

"This isn't something I just want to do to avoid a marriage, I want us to have sex. I've wanted it for a long time," she said. "You don't know what you do to me, Naruto. You really don't."

She crawled even further upward until her hands were near his waist and her breasts hung over his groin. "Everytime we touch, I get this feeling. I hear your voice and I get this tingling in my chest. I hate not seeing you whenever I come home and I'm always looking forward to the time where we get to be alone again. Just you and me. I've been trying, always trying to tell you how I feel but everytime the chance comes up, I just…lose my nerve."

"I shouldn't feel what I do for you," she'd come up so their chests finally met. Naruto sucked in a breath as her soft nipples grazed his pectorals. "It's wrong. I shouldn't like the same guy my mom hired to fuck her, but I do. I don't know what it is, maybe it's love. Maybe it's not. I've never loved before. But it doesn't matter. I feel it, and I feel it for you. I need you, Naruto. Today, tomorrow and maybe even till we die."

Naruto stared at her wide eyed. "Rias…"

She placed a finger on his lips. "You don't have to say anything. Let's…let's do this. Okay?"

She sat on him and held back from gasping as she felt his erection on her groin, the hardness cushioning her slit like a horizontal bar. "You're hard already…" she smiled. "You do want me."

Before Naruto could respond, Rias kissed him, ravaging his mouth with the unsure enthusiasm of an impassioned novice. And just like with the others, Naruto knew her snare had trapped him the moment her lips met his. She was sweet, too sweet for her own good and the warmth of her breath massaged his inner cheeks. He saw her eyes staring directly into his with more desire than he'd seen in anyone else's and when she lightly moved her crotch against him, he found himself kissing her back, quick to show her how it was done.

Be careful of Buchou, Naruto, Akeno had warned him once. She gets her way.

Well, she had. And now that they'd begun, he wasn't sure he could stop even if he wanted to. Her body felt soft against his and her warmth made him snake a hand around her waist, aiming to pull her even closer until he was distracted by the sheer smoothness of her skin and the shapely softness of her rump. It was unreal. Of all the devils he'd touched, Rias was the most delicate of them all. His fingers sank into her creamy flesh with an ease that made him fear he'd injure her if he pressed too hard and his hand slid down her butt too easily, but he didn't take it off. He couldn't anymore.couldn't help gulping when she saw his erection standing tall and pointed at her. "It's bigger up close."

She refrained from asking him if it'd fit in her, more out of pride than surety. Her mother had fit him in her, Akeno had taken him in with no issue and Layla had been eager to have him inside her. She'd be damned if she was the only one he couldn't fuck.

"And you're hotter up close," Naruto retorted.

"Do you…want me to…put it in my mouth?"

"Another time," Naruto said and moved closer so his rod lightly slapped against her raised thigh. The smoothness made him rub himself against it a few times, smearing his precum on her inner leg. "Tonight, the only doings that are going to be done are for you and to you."

Rias purred as she watched him stroke himself, lubricating his penis with her own fluids. "You want to do this again?"

"And again," he nodded. "You don't say those things to me and expect a one night stand, unless you happen to have been manipulating me."

Rias' response came in the form of an impish smile that only looked seductive on her face. Naruto felt more blood rush downward. If only she knew what she did to a guy.

He rubbed the underside of his penis on her clitoris, touching it with the glans and thrusting forward until he'd run as much of his length over it as he could. Rias hissed and he felt her thrust her hips forward. "Relax, Rias. Leave it all to me, alright?"

Rias nodded slowly and Naruto lowered himself until their faces almost met. Being taller than her, he had to arch himself over her, but she could feel the warmth radiating off his body nonetheless as well as his tip parting her labia and prodding at her entrance as if impatient to enter her.

"Are you ready?" Naruto asked. "I can take it slowly if you want."

Rias smiled at him gratefully. "Kiss me?"

This girl…

Naruto bent further so their lips met and took Rias' fingers so they slipped in between his own. When he felt the girl relax underneath him, he ended their kiss and pushed forward slowly, making her gasp and squirm as the first inch entered her. Naruto supposed it couldn't be helped. Unlike Akeno, she didn't have any toys to help stretch her out even if slightly.

As he slid more of himself inside, Naruto had to remind himself that he was taking her virginity, not simply fucking her like he would Venelana, but it was hard to be careful. She was tight, so very tight. It felt like he was getting a handjob from someone with a vice grip, if the hand had more than enough lubrication to ease his discomfort and the palm and fingers were velvety smooth, yet had small bumps that massaged him along his journey, persuading him to go harder and determined to milk him dry.

The torture ended when his glans came in contact with a thin strip of flesh and he felt Rias tense again. He gently sawed back and forth in her, giving her hymen a few test prods as he considered how to go. It'd probably hurt more if he went slowly, right? It had to be quick, like ripping off a band-aid.

He looked back up at Rias. "Are you ready? This might hurt."

She nodded. "I can take it. Just..be quick with it, okay?"

"Okay," he whispered and kissed her again. As soon as he felt her tongue again, he prodded at her once again, still mentally preparing himself. It was Rias who got tired first and wrapped her legs around his waist before pulling him forward with a strength that belied her stature. Consequently, he not only broke her hymen, but filled her completely as well.

The redhead's quiet yelp failed to reach Naruto's ears, not that they'd have registered. The blond had closed his eyes and tried to focus on something other than how Rias' pussy felt now that he'd filled her up completely. She wasn't as deep as the others; there was still a small bit of his dick left outside, but she was unique in her own way.drifting away again.

"I'm close," Naruto said. "Should I-"

"Inside," Rias noticed that he'd stopped bouncing her and began doing it herself, using his body as leverage to lift and drop herself on his dick.

Fuck. Naruto felt his dick throb and a familiar swelling rise in him. "You might get pregnant."

"I don't care," Rias insisted. "Inside! Don't come out of me!"

It wasn't like he could even if he wanted to. Her arms and legs were locked around him tightly and he was already too close to stop.

He pushed her forward so he fully lay on her and after digging his knees and feet into his bed and pinning her hands down with his own, he began to plow her like he'd been wanting to. Rias shrieked and writhed and her walls trembled around his cock as she came once again, but he refused to slow or stop. Her cries spurred him on further and the fresh batch of lubrication her pussy gave him made it easier for him to ride her roughshod, cramming his length into her with enough force to make his bed creak its protest.

It wasn't until now that he'd realized just how much he'd changed. All the time he'd spent with Venelana had forced him to change in order to keep up with her and even then, it was still a challenge when the woman decided she didn't simply want to get fucked. He'd thought he hadn't changed much, having been used to Venelana but Rias showed him just how significant it was. The same tricks that the mother could take without flinching sent the daughter into a frenzy. The thrusts that barely fazed Venelana ragdolled Rias and while Venelana wouldn't be caught dead looking like she wasn't in control or at least had some of it, Rias had been reduced to a screaming, shaking mess. He didn't want to think of what he'd have done to a normal human woman.She'd never forget this night, of that he had no doubt.

But all good things had to come to an end and with a particularly hard thrust into the redhead's soaked, ruined pussy, Naruto finally came, his dick throbbing wildly as it sprayed her walls and filled her womb with spurts of thick, white semen. Rias moaned, her back arched and she wiggled her hips against his as she felt him fill her. Her arms went limp and she shook again as a miniature orgasm struck her.

Naruto continued to fuck Rias as he came, his thrusts reduced to little more than infrequent, gentle pushes. He felt the girl's hands feel for his face, but saved her the trouble by kissing her again, the built up drool in her mouth making their liplock sloppier than the previous ones they'd shared. She seemed to like kissing a lot. He'd remember that.

As soon as his orgasm finally died out, Naruto pulled his semi-erect cock out of Rias, prompting the girl to whine from the sudden empty feeling she got, and watched as their intermingled fluids escaped her thoroughly fucked hole. The girl didn't seem to notice until his semen reached her butt but when she did, she slowly stuck a finger in herself before bringing what she'd scooped up into her mouth. It'd be hot if she hadn't done it like a zombie.

Naruto blinked. "Uh, Rias?"

"Wanted to do that…for so long.." Rias chuckled weakly.

"That's…nice." He decided not to mention the small bits of blood in what she'd taken out of.

"Yeah." Her arm flopped back down and she lay panting. Naruto watched her slowly recover before she finally sat up. "Maou, that was the best thing I ever felt in my life."

"I'm guessing I made your first time special?" Naruto asked.

"Are you still asking?" Rias licked her suddenly dry lips. "We have to do it again."

"Maybe later," Naruto pointed down at her still leaking vagina. "You have to recover first."

"I feel fine," Rias argued.

"You'll feel sore by the morning," Naruto told her. "Can you even walk now?"

Rias frowned at that. True to his words, she didn't feel like her legs could hold her weight. "No."

"That's what I thought," Naruto grinned. "I'll help you to the shower."

"Don't wanna," Rias whined childishly. "I want to sleep."

How did someone so sexy still manage to sound adorable? Naruto sighed. "I guess it can't be helped then. I'll clean up for you."

"Tomorrow," Rias insisted. "Can we cuddle? You know, till tomorrow?"

"...I don't see why not." Naruto laid beside her and wrapped his arms around her, enclosing her body in his larger frame. He felt the warm breath from Rias' yawn tickle his chest and chuckled. They spent the next minute in that position, unbothered by the chill air beating their bare bodies.

"Naruto?" Rias called, her voice already slurry from sleep.

Naruto looked down at her. "Hmm?"

"Thank you."

It was strange, Naruto thought. Nobody should have to thank a person for sleeping with them, especially when that person also happened to be the one taking their virginity. But nevertheless, he let his hand go to play with her hair as he responded,

"Anytime, Rias."