
chapter 3

Naruto's quiet groan went unheard as Venelana took him in her mouth, her saliva quickly coating his length. She didn't give him much time to get used to her before she started to bob her head on his crotch, sucking him off with an intensity he rarely saw her display.

"Oh fuck, Ven-slow…ah, so good." He tried to form words, but his speech slurred and broke under the brown haired woman's ministrations. She somehow smirked with her lips wrapped around his cock, but didn't slow down. Instead, her mouth seemed to get warmer and wetter until he could see saliva bubble on his crotch each time she throated him.

He absently massaged her scalp with a hand, the soft hair rubbing against his fingers sending pleasant tingles down his spine and Venelana's response came in the form of a moan that made her throat vibrate around his dick. Venelana drew her head back until only his glans was left in her mouth and he gasped sharply when he felt her tongue, almost serpentine in its length, flick the organ before she took him in again and the muscle wrapped around a small part of his cock.

Venelana amusedly watched the blond's eyes loll and his body go limp until he was doubled over her head with his hands grasping her hair like a lifeline as she suckled on his cock. As expected as it was, it was no less amusing to see him in the state she'd reduced him to.

Foreplay was something she'd rarely participated in, preferring instead to jump directly to sex. She didn't see the point in getting her pussy licked or fingered when it could be fucked, just getting cum on her face felt like a waste when it could be pumped directly into her womb, a much better feeling for her.

However, Naruto had made her see the appeal in it, partly due to how frequently he ate her out and partly because of his reaction whenever she decided to play with his cock. With Zeoticus, a blowjob meant a face or mouthful of cum, followed by a satisfied sigh and a goodbye, but Naruto managed to make her feel like she was doing more than emptying his balls.

Even if unknowingly, he constantly exploited her outright sexual need to be appreciated, to be craved and praised. Every word of encouragement felt like an aphrodisiac pumped directly into her veins. His face and eyes, reddened and darkened by unfiltered desire, made her skin tingle more than he would ever know.

"I'm close, Ven..shit, your mouth is perfect." Naruto murmured. "Don't stop now, please."

She'd felt the dick in her mouth throb before his voice reached her. Venelana sighed happily as he begged her and continued to suck his cock, loudly slurping on the saliva covered length as the throbbing became more frequent. Soon enough, Naruto began to groan loudly as he bucked his hips forward.

A twinkle of mischief entered her eye and a wet hand snaked behind him until it landed on a buttock and when she tasted the last bit of precum that preceded his orgasm, one of her fingers shot forward, sinking down to the knuckle in his asshole.

Naruto's eyes shot open and he shrieked and jumped, but came nonetheless. The shock from Venelana's surprise penetration intensified his orgasm to a borderline painful amount and Venelana's lips tightening around his wildly throbbing cock as he came so hard, he could feel his balls move.

Venelana moaned happily as semen rushed into her mouth and pooled on her tongue so the salty, yet not unpleasant taste remained. As he continued to cum, she slowly bobbed her head, gently cleaning his cock as she sucked until the flow stopped completely and she let his dick leave her mouth and kissed the tip so the small bead of leftover semen stained her lips.

Naruto, who'd managed to regain control of his eyes, peeked down at Venelana to complain, but his anger died out when he saw the look she gave him. There was so much of…everything in it, that even as she opened her mouth with the practiced, sultry and let him see the cum gathered in her mouth before loudly gulping it down, he couldn't stop staring at her eyes.

She was perfect. Nothing else could put it in a better way.

"That was…you…"

She smiled at him. "I take it you liked the surprise?"

Naruto blinked. "W-what?"

"My, aren't we distracted today?" Venelana placed a brief kiss on his half erect dick before a few more followed.

Naruto gasped. "Ah, wh..what was that?"

"An experiment." She finally got up from her knees. "You don't need to worry about me wanting to peg you or finger your butthole everytime we're together."

"Oh…" The memory of what she did just came back to him, but he couldn't bring himself to react like he knew he should. "Why'd you do that?"

"I was curious. I've heard certain things amplify orgasms. Shock, intense emotions…asphyxiation."

Naruto didn't like the look she gave him at the last part. "You're not going to strangle me in the middle of a handjob, are you?"

"Of course not." Venelana chuckled and gently pushed him onto the bed before laying next to him. "I hear hangings do the trick too, and you are often wearing a belt.""Not all you can though. We wouldn't want you charming her heart out of her chest." Venelana joked.

"Worried she'll steal me from you?" He smiled at her teasingly.

"It's not her I'm worried about, it's you." Venelana poked him. "I wasn't joking when I said she isn't a difficult person to impress. A chat drawn out too long, one compliment too many and she might end up getting fonder of you than she should."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Oh please, if I was as bad as you say, I'd have had a girlfriend."

Venelana didn't know if he really had been single prior to meeting her, but she didn't particularly care. Him being single had only spared her the work of stealing him away from whoever he was with.

"I'm sure your coworker back at your office wouldn't be opposed to dating you."

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me that way. And I still can't believe you're the executive who showed up." Naruto said. He'd gone through a whirlwind of emotions when Venelana admitted that she'd been the one to greenlight his sacking.

At first, he thought his getting fired followed by their meeting at the bar had been part of a sick plan she'd concocted to get him as a boytoy, but common sense and a good argument from her convinced him that it had been nothing but a coincidence and if either of them had been somewhere else, chances were he'd still be wallowing in depression and she'd either be riding another man or spending her nights alonefall asleep again.

When it became clear that she wouldn't be getting any more sleep that morning, she got up and went downstairs to probably have a small talk with Naruto who'd have undoubtedly woken up and gotten busy in the kitchen.

Instead, she was greeted by the sight of Akeno with an open mouthed, dopey grin on her beet red face as Naruto fucked her against the wall while a half done pancake cooled in a pan.

The blond gripped her waist tight enough to redden the compressed skin and his other hand pressed her head firmly against the wall as he pistoned into her with enough force to make her ass ripple.

Akeno writhed and groaned before her legs shook and Rias saw her ejculate a steam of orgasmic fluid that stained the pajama trousers pulled down to her knees and Naruto's shorts that had only been pulled down at the front enough to let his dick and balls escape. The man bit his lip and continued to fuck her hard enough that she could hear the shlick that accompanied his slick length vanishing into her.

It was rough and probably uncomfortable for both of them, their clothes bore testament of their haste to fuck each other and there wasn't a thing remotely romantic about their act but the mindless passion that wafted off the two made it a scene more erotic than any doujin or hentai Rias seen and she couldn't help rubbing her thighs together as a warm buzz grew in her netherregions until she felt a wet warmth trickle down her leg.

She didn't exactly approve of them fucking everytime her mother wasn't around but she couldn't bring herself to tell on them and in spite of how much she complained about them both, she could never tear her eyes away from them and everytime she found that her mother was out, the large, voyeuristic part of her would hope she wouldn't miss the inevitable moment Akeno would go on to seduce Naruto who, for all the little resistance he put up, caved in easily and ravished her.

But as much as she liked to watch, she couldn't help the part of herself that wished she was in Akeno's place. She knew it was wrong to lust for the same man who went into her mother, but wrong was also letting said man fuck her best friend and she did both.

Just as she was about to start touching herself, she gasped as Akeno's eyes turned to her so that they made eye contact.

"Ahh, Rias. Ho-nngh, right there, Naruto." Akeno's greeting trailed off as she began to pant, but Naruto easily made sense of the first part.

"Rias?" His eyes widened and looked around before landing on Rias who'd partly hidden herself behind the doorway.

"You two should really keep it down." She said halfheartedly.

"Oh, sorry." He smiled at her apologetically, but carried on reaming Akeno. In the brief time he looked at her, he couldn't help but notice a few things he was sure would never leave his head.

Her radiant red hair was rough with strands of it matted on her face and the sides of her head, her nipples were poking at the oversized shirt she wore and he was sure she wore the shirt and nothing else when he noticed a bit of fluid that had been smeared on her thick, creamy thighs from the middle of her legs, no doubt from rubbing them together. She looked like she was recovering from a night of sex.crawled into the house.

Naruto squinted as the car reflected the sunlight into his eyes. Why the hell was it so bright? "Geez, why did they have to paint it gold?"

"It's not painted gold, it's made of gold." Rias muttered sourly, easily recognizing the devil-crafted automobile. "It's platinum on the rims and ivory on the bumper"

She knew it so easily because it was the same formula the clan used on their carriages as well.

"Really? I knew Venelana's friend would be loaded but this is insane." Naruto remarked. "You don't look so happy, Rias. Do you know who it is?"

"I have a feeling. See the symbol on the bonnet?" She pointed at what looked like a figure extending from the top similar to what Naruto had seen on certain models of cars. "It's the official sigil of another house, similar to House Gremory."

"Wait, those symbols mean something?" Naruto had seen what she was referring to before.

On the furniture and some places around the house, he'd seen the same symbols that made him fear Venelana was secretly a Satanist until they'd explained that it was to represent their house, similar to what noble clans did in medieval times. He still couldn't believe they were practically royalty.

"They do." Rias nodded.

"Out of curiosity, just how many houses are there?"

"There's seventy two main houses and there's hundreds of lesser ones. This sigil belongs to a main house."

"I see." Naruto nodded slowly. "What house is it for?"

Rias huffed. "It's for-"

"Phenex." A stone faced Akeno finished for her. "It's the sigil of House Phenex."

As if on cue, a middle aged man in a three piece suit exited the driver's part of the car. Naruto wasn't sure if it was a thing with members of the noble houses like Rias', but he was attractive in a flamboyant manner.

With blond hair almost as bright as his own, blue eyes that might as well be glowing and a face that looked like it had been drawn by a teenage girl in the 80s, he looked more like the standard hot pool lifeguard than a driver.

They stared at each other for but a second before the man looked away with a dismissive scoff that made Naruto feel like he'd been examined and deemed a nonentity. The driver ignored Akeno as well but bowed a little at Rias. "Lady Rias."

Rias nodded back but didn't respond.

He stiffly walked over to the right door of the backseat, his expensive shoes crunching on the asphalt and opened the door for the occupant to come out.

Naruto watched a single heeled foot with the rest of the leg covered by a skirt leave the car followed by a face curtained by bright blond hair and dainty fingers before she got out fully and he was staring at Venelana's mystery guest.

And what a woman she was. Naruto was now convinced that having an absurdly attractive appearance was a benefit of being born into one of the noble houses. It was the only reason he could think of for why Venelana, Rias, and now this woman stood in a class of their own in the looks department.

Her blond hair ended in a coiled ponytail held up by a red ornamental band and her blue eyes shone in the light, lending an air of radiance to her blemish-free face.

Green jewels dangled from her ears and on her neck was a gold necklace with jewels embedded in it with the most eye catching being a red, diamond shaped gem that pointed towards where the line between her breasts would be if both weren't fully concealed by the simple, yet expensive looking red dress that he was sure nobody would be able to wear as well as she did.with them without knowing what they were?

Maybe she was planning on reincarnating him. If there was one thing Venelana was known for, it was her dislike of having servants. If she had her way, she'd have neither guard nor maid at all and yet, the same woman who barely tolerated having her own kind working directly under her, willingly and knowingly employed a human.

It explained why she'd keep him around, but she honestly couldn't see why Venelana would want him in her peerage. She'd gone years without recruiting anyone new and a human like the blond in front of her hardly met the already high standards people felt one would have to meet to stand alongside the madame of extinction.

But she knew she was wrong. Even if he wasn't going to be made a devil, there had to be something about him. Something special in him that Venelana would have seen to decide she wanted to keep him.

She didn't know, didn't see and didn't feel what it was, but she planned to find out.

Only a second had passed since she looked back at Naruto but for her, it might have as well been minutes.

She blinked and smiled at him. "A slip of tongue. I meant my oldest son." Her smile widened a little when she saw Rias heave a relieved sigh.

"Either you've got a healthcare routine to kill for or you're lying, because you don't look like you've birthed someone that old. Or other kids for that matter." Naruto said honestly.

She really didn't. Come to think of it, neither did Venelana and she claimed to have a first born who was a lot older than Rias.

Her smile became a full grin. "Well I'm glad to know you still believe me youthful."

"I think you should head in now, Lady Phenex. I'm sure you're not comfortable being under the sun for as long as you have," Rias said. She was beginning to swear and she wasn't enjoying the back and forth between the two, especially after the woman's accidental bomb.

"You're forgetting who you're talking to." The Phenex chuckled. "But I can't claim to visit your home if I don't even enter your home. Lead the way, Rias."

"I'm sorry, but Akeno and I were about to leave. We had somewhere to be and only just found out that you were comi-"

"It's alright, Rias. You can go on your way." She smiled at the redhead. "I'm sure Naruto will be sufficient company."

Rias nodded with a stiff smile and the two walked off. Lady Phenex wasn't sure if Akeno had waved at them both or Naruto specifically, but didn't dwell on it.Naruto clapped his hands. "Well, we should head in now."

"That we should. By your lead, Mister Uzumaki."

When she saw the driver get out of the car to follow them, she paused. "Stay in the car, Rexal."

The man looked surprised. "But I'm meant to guard you."

"Are you insinuating that there's danger to be found in House Gremory?" She asked.

He sputtered. "N-no! But I can't leave you with this-"

"Venelana wouldn't entrust him with the task of hosting me if she didn't have utmost trust in him." She said. "Stay in the car, Rexal. And don't step foot outside unless I call for you."

His jaw clenched as he glared at Naruto, but when he saw the woman frown at him, he reluctantly got in the car and turned it on before voices blared out from the radio.

She turned back to Naruto . "Now then, shall we?"

Naruto opened the door and stood to the side. "After you."

"I don't demand chivalry from my host, Mister Uzumaki." She said, but walked in anyway. "I'm going to assume you're giving me a tour of the house?"

He nodded and stretched out a hand. She seemed to be a traditional lady for the most part, so he'd treat her like one. "It's my first time though, so you'll have to bear with me, Lady Phenex."

Naruto could have sworn she'd purred when she said, "please, call me Layla."


"...and he kissed my hand!"

"I'm sure he did," Venelana halfheartedly replied to her friend who excitedly spoke with her. She absently took a sip of her cocktail as the blond talked her ear off.

It had been a month since Layla's visit to her home and she'd returned a few more times after that, but on this particular day, she'd invited her to hangout with her in a lounge to make up for not having hosted her on the first visit.

As it turned out, there wasn't any need to apologize.

Three hours and a mini bar's worth of drinks and finger foods and the Phenex matriarch always managed to switch all the topics that came up to the man who'd given her what she called a fun tour of a lifeless house.

It wasn't that she wasn't happy that Naruto had been a good host, but she'd been meaning to relax and listen to music and pretend she was no different from the crowd of people in the place with her, not listen to talk about the same man she'd prioritized spending time with her friend over.

"You have quite the manservant, Venelana." Layla said as she took another sip of her sherry. "You've been keeping some things about him from me too."

Venelana raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? Like what?"

"You didn't tell me he was so easy on the eyes." Layla tapped her glass with a finger. "If his hair was any less of an unruly thorn bush, I'd believe him to be a Phenex."

"I'm happy to know groomed hair is the only difference between every blue eyed blond and a Phenex." Venelana looked into her cocktail and watched it ripple with the bass from the speakers.

"Oh, it adds to his charm." Layla waved her off. "He acts differently from how he looks, like a highly educated brute…how old did you say he was again?"

"He turned thirty last year," Venelana said.

Layla's eyes widened. "Are you sure? He doesn't look like it."

"I'm an executive at his former workplace, I've seen his files. He turned thirty last October." Venelana confirmed. "I was as surprised as you are. He looks younger, doesn't he?"

"He really does, but he talks so well." Layla downed her glass.

"I'm sure he does." Venelana nodded and looked around before pointing in the direction of a man who knelt in front of a woman. "Oh look, he's proposing."

"What? Where?" Layla looked in the direction of her hand. "I see. That's nice."

Venelana eyed her friend sympathetically. "Jealousy isn't becoming of you, Layla."

"I'm not jealous of them, Venelana," Layla denied. "I just…I wish my husband would look at me the same way."

Venelana smiled bitterly. It was funny. Once, she and Layla were merely two potential in-laws trying to establish a cordial relationship with each other for the sake of creating an image of the families happy with their impending union. But as they spent time together, that attempt ended with two wives bonding over their equally unfulfilling marriages to men who'd lost interest in them.

The only difference between them was that Layla still held on to some small hope that things would get better. She claimed she loved her husband but Venelana knew better. The man just happened to be the only one she thought was available.

"I don't know how you do it, Venelana." Layla sighed wistfully. "It's as though nothing Zeoticus does moves you anymore."

'It's difficult to think of your husband when you're getting fucked into your bed almost night.'

Venelana took another sip of the cocktail and smacked her lips. "It's difficult to care what a person does when you don't feel anything for them."

"I know." Layla sighed. "I don't love him anymore, but I just can't stop caring altogether.""I know, but if my husband can sleep around and I can't leave him, I believe it's only fair if I do the same." Venelana said. "What's anyone going to do? Punish me?"

Layla had to accept that. Wife or not, she was still a member of the second most prominent house in the underworld as well as the daughter of its head and the mother of a Maou. Even if they didn't approve, her father and son would fight tooth and nail for her.

"I was talking about Naruto," Layla specified. "He doesn't have your privileges."

"Under me, he will." Venelana said. "And all of this is hypothetical. I'm serious, Layla. If I find that you exposed me, even if accidentally, I will make you suffer."

"And like I've said, my lips are sealed." Layla assured her before a gossipy smile curved her lips. "I have to wonder though. All this trouble to keep him, he must be a monster in bed."

"You don't expect me to answer that, do you?"

"Oh, I do." Layla chortled. "I believe I'm entitled to what is worth being threatened for."

Venelana sighed again. "He's no playboy, but he's passionate. Every time is intense and he wants me, Layla. He wants me a great deal and he doesn't have any qualms with showing it."

Layla raptly listened to her go on about her experience with the man, but even as she did, she couldn't help but think.

The man was a charmer, that much was true. He didn't flirt as aggressively as devils and some humans did, but his blend of politeness and humor endeared him to her nonetheless. It helped that he was easy on the eyes too and with the way Venelana described him, it was easy to see why the woman liked him so much.

Unfortunately, the man had grown on her too and she'd been meaning to let him know she was interested in him, but her friend's revelation had thrown a huge wrench in her plan.


"My," she started when Venelana was done. "He sounds like quite the catch."

"He is." Venelana nodded a little smugly.

"Hmm. Venelana?"


"Do you mind doing me a favor?"

Venelana didn't like the sound of that. "What is it?"

"Would…" she nervously licked her lips. "Would you be opposed to letting me watch the two of you have sex?"

Venelana blinked. "I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. What did you say?"I want to watch, Venelana." Layla said.

"You must be joking." Venelana chuckled humorlessly. "You want me to let you watch me sleep with someone? In what world did you think I'd let you do that?"

"I don't have anything else, Venelana." Layla pleaded. "My husband hasn't touched me in years and I can't just find someone, Venelana. You make it sound so good and I'm not asking to take part, can't I just look?"

"Why do you think even Naruto would think? You think he'll just let you sit in a corner and watch us?"

"He doesn't have to know," Layla raised a finger.

Venelana's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"A scrying spell," Layla started. "I only need your permission to scry into your room when you two are about to be intimate. He won't even feel it."

Venelana stared at her strangely. "How long have you been thinking of this?"

"Just now."

Venelana didn't believe that. "I'll…I'll think about it. You'll know my answer when the time comes."

"Thank you." Layla smiled brightly. "Now, let's drink."

"Yes," Venelana's answer came off as distracted. "Let's."

Venelana had accepted. In fact, it seemed like she fancied the idea of someone watching her fuck and hadn't sounded reluctant to give her permission to watch them go at it from the underworld.

Layla's fingers blurred in and out of her cunt as she watched Venelana ride Naruto roughshod, the woman deliberately putting on a show for her. The man beneath didn't look to be affected by the force with which she bounced on him. If anything, it seemed to excite him as was shown by the way his already hard grip on her plump ass tightened.

She moved the scrying spell lower the view in her mirror so she could see her friend's pussy getting churned and slowed down so that she could frig herself at the same pace at which Venelana dropped down on her lover as she eyed the dick in her.

The majority of it was buried in Venelana, but it didn't stop her thumb from straying to her clitoris as she watched the little bit of his rod still exposed move like a gear stick as he shifted his hips so that he could touch her friend in different parts.

Layla bit her lip hard. Everything about their coupling turned her on. From Venelana's erotic sounds to the way her ass shook each time it met Naruto's hips hard enough for her to hear the wet smacking and the liquid that trailed down Naruto's to settle on his balls, proving how wet the Gremory was.

She frowned when Venelana stopped abruptly, but realized that she was having an orgasm when her shaking became noticeable and a steady stream ran down Naruto's length. Much to her surprise, he didn't stop moving, instead choosing to reduce his pace to slow thrusts that made her feel even hotter than she already was.

As soon as Venelana's shaking stopped, he sped up again, this time taking the initiative before she could move again with quick, powerful thrusts that saw her unable to do more than place her hands on his chest for support as he fucked her hard enough to leave Layla fearing he'd knock her it seemed both were capable of taking as much as the other could give.

Venelana had grossly understated it when she said Naruto was passionate. It felt more like she was watching animals trying their hardest to produce an offspring than two people consummating their shared lust for each other. He fucked her so hard, her ass had taken on a red hue from the beating his balls gave it and neither of them seemed to be in the slightest discomfort in spite of the intensity of their intercourse.

She imagined herself in Venelana's place, sitting astride the blond man as he pounded her hard enough to send jolts of pleasure shooting up to her brain and the familiar knot of minute bliss tightened in her, but she ignored it in favour of pleasuring herself in rhythm with the two.

Minutes passed and another orgasm tore through Venelana's sweat coated body but this time, Naruto didn't slow down. Layla watched amazedly, but didn't let up on her own masturbation. Her orgasm was fast approaching and this time, she couldn't ignore it.

Seeing wasn't enough, she had to feel it for herself. She wanted to sit atop Naruto's body and feel his hands on her hips as his penis massaged her insides. She wanted to be underneath him, moaning and writhing as he plowed her with all the force he could muster. She wanted to be on her hands and knees as he reamed her from behind, claiming her as an animal would it's mate.

She wanted to feel his rod shifting in her and when he could take no more, she wanted to hear him grunt and see his face contort in pleasure as his penis throbbed wonderfully before filling her to the brim with his hot semen.

So far into her own fantasies she'd gone, she didn't realize she'd pushed herself over the edge. She threw her head back, forcing a part of her blond hair out of it's place as her pussy contracted and convulsed around her fingers and her eyes screwed shut as she rode out the waves of pleasure crashing into her.Soon enough, she regained herself and looked back at the mirror with unfocused eyes. They didn't look close to done. Rather, they'd changed positions so that one of her legs had been slung over Naruto's and they spooned as he thrust into her, kissing her shoulder as he did. Venelana's eyes were closed, her face was beet red and weak throaty moans escaped her partly open mouth. She didn't look like she had any plans on doing more than let Naruto use her body as he wanted.

"I need that." Layla muttered to herself resolutely.

A man like that wasn't one to be enjoyed alone. Others didn't deserve to miss out on what he had to give. She was that others. She and Venelana were in the same situation so why did she alone get to have a man who gave her the company her husband refused to?

She had to fuck him, one way or another. All she needed to was convince Venelana to let it happen.

Besides, she already agreed to let her watch. How much would it take to get her to let her participate?

Venelana had seen it coming from a mile away. She'd known it would happen sooner or later. When Layla had asked to watch, she'd known or at the very least, suspected that it was just the prerequisite to a much larger request and had steeled herself to say no whenever she came asking for something more.

But no amount of mental preparation stopped her from staring at Layla in shocked silence when she'd invited her to her home in the underworld one day and bluntly asked to let her lay with Naruto.

Her first instinct had been to slap the woman across her face for the insolence, to remind her that while they were friends, they were far from equals. To punish her for daring to imagine that she could be talked into sharing what belonged to her and her alone.

But time had taught her to calm herself and think. To think of asking the third most important woman in the underworld to spend a night with her lover, much less go through with it, spoke lengths of how needy Layla had become. To take a risk this great meant she was willing and ready to give a lot of it meant getting her request accepted.

What a devil saw as insolence, a businesswoman saw as opportunity.

Layla told her once that Riser had been pushing for the marriage between himself and her daughter, Rias to be shifted to an earlier date than when she graduated, something that still annoyed her everytime she thought of it.

She understood the point of the marriage and the utilitarian in her approved of it even. War was a bomb caught in a cobweb above their heads: the slightest push would see all hell breaking loose and while she didn't expect Rias to help repopulate the race, a Phenex with the power of destruction sounded like a massive boon, especially on the warfront.

But as a mother, the thought of her beloved daughter being deflowered and impregnated by the arrogant lecher who hadn't felt an ounce of shame about bringing his harem to see his potential in-laws made her gut toil and she wanted nothing more than to erase the boy's existence on the spot, damning the consequences.

However it was not to be. All she could do was play her part in delaying the marriage for as long as she could and convince Layla to play her part as well.

And with the card Layla had probably knowingly placed into her hand, she'd been able to do just that. In exchange for being able to sleep with the blond, she'd convince her husband and son to postpone the scheduled wedding even further in the future.

Naturally, she'd refused but Venelana had worn down her resistance by making her watch, sometimes unwillingly as she fucked Naruto, making sure not to hide anything about how she felt each time. Eventually, the woman's selfish lust won over her desire not to offend her son and she accepted.

And now, she was left with breaking the news to the man they'd bargained for.

…she deserves better."

Venelana gave him a grateful smile so bright, it made his heart skip a beat. "Thank you, Naruto. Thank you so much."

"Sure, sure." He said. "But you can't make decisions involving me without my knowledge, Venelana. I might be working under you, but I'm not your property."

"You're more special than that to me, Naruto. You can doubt anything else, but never doubt that." Venelana caressed his hand.

"I'll just have to take your word for it, won't I? Now where do I meet her?"

"Stroud will take you to her estate when you're ready." She said.

"Might as well head out now." He got up. "See you tomorrow?"

"I'll be waiting."

Naruto nodded and left, leaving Venelana alone.

She sighed heavily. She hated using magic on him, especially since they'd gotten so close, but that conversation probably wouldn't have gone as easy as it did if she hadn't. The thought that she'd charmed him into agreeing to fuck her friend still left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Rias had better be grateful to her for this.

A sense of deja vu hit Naruto as he stared at the door to Layla's room a servant had led him to. The last time he'd lingered in front of a door like ths before entering, he'd been stripped of his job.

Oh, fuck it. He pushed the door open.

The first thing that he noticed was the smell of some tropical flower in the air. The second was that the room was warm, abnormally so. The third was that Layla was seated at the edge of her bed stark naked. He mutely gaped at the woman.

She'd ditched the ornaments keeping her hair up so that they flowed down her shoulders freely and her full breasts moved with each breath she took, the nipples seeming to point at him. He let his eyes travel down from her chest to her slightly toned abdomen before they finally settled on her crotch which had she concealed by crossing one leg over the other, an act that gave him a minute glimpse of her labia pressing against each other.thrust.

Rias moaned into the oversized shirt on her frame and gave her nipple a gentle twist as she frigged herself. Her legs kicked at the air occasionally as spikes of pleasure shot up her body each time her fingers grazed somewhere sensitive.

"Ohh, Naruto." She said out loud and wiggled her hips as her orgasm approached.

What was he doing with Lady Phenex now?

Naruto groped one of Layla's breasts with a hand as he pounded her hard enough to shake the bed. The muscles in his other arm bulged as they supported his weight and the limb got grabbed by the loud woman who writhed under him as he fucked her, unable to do more than lay and take his actions.

She was warm and very soft inside. That was the only way to describe it. It felt like he was sticking his dick in an oven. A wet, soft oven that tried to keep him warm as it tried to milk him for all he was worth and he was determined to give her just that.

He groaned when Layla's smooth, warm legs wrapped around him his waist and dropped to wrap his arms around her as he increased his pace, fucking her with as much force as he could muster, but still maintaining the pattern of shifting his dick around in her.Discontent with their position, he lifted himself up with a leg, carrying her along with him until he was fucking her upright, letting gravity amplify the force of his thrusts. Layla's upper body tilted forward to lean on him and her hands frantically moved on his muscular frame as it shifted and flexed under the strain placed on it.

There was no pretense of decency between them. Layla alternated between groans and vulgarities as she touched him in different places, uncaring of his sweat getting on her and kissing him sloppily, as if trying to express feelings she couldn't put in words.

It was getting too much for her. The feel of her nipples sliding on his hard, sweaty chest sent tingles through her body, his grunts in her ear made her shiver and what did the most damage to her was his dick. The unrelenting rod that hammered into her with a controlled, yet intense force like a battering ram in the hands of a dexterous giant.

He was worth it, she thought. He was worth displeasing her family for. It was no wonder Venelana risked the Gremory's wrath for him. Nobody should be able to fuck this good.

"I'm about to cum." Naruto warned.

"Inside, Naruto. Do it inside, don't you dare pull out!" She slurred out. The man complied and picked up his pace until he was fucking her with mindless abandon, not that she was complainining. If anything, she felt he should have done it sooner.

Oh Maou, she was cumming!

Naruto groaned when Layla's walls clamped around him again and he felt her cum. This time, nothing stopped him from blowing his load, the spurts of semen painting her warm walls and womb white. Layla groaned and kissed him again as her body trembled. Naruto returned her kiss with as much passion.

As his orgasm died out, he looked at Layla who still wiggled her hips on his dick and his eyes widened.

Why wouldn't they? Flapping behind her were a pair of black, batlike wings.