
Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger

Youyu, who traveled to the Naruto World, acquired a somewhat strange system. Just drink, you can become stronger! This fanfic doesn't belong to me it belongs to Orange halves I am just translating the novel. original novel link:- https://b.faloo.com/f/797393.html if you are the original owner and want me to stop translating message me. if you want to support me and read extra chapters https://www.patreon.com/translation69

Translation_King · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

Swordsmen can be roughly divided into three realms. Swordsman! Good Swordsmen! Great Swordsman!

Swordsmen can only slash with a Sword, causing damage to the enemy at close range. But if you want to cut steel, you must be able to hear the "breath of all things."

That is, the state of "cutting steel"! As the name suggests, the state of "cutting steel" means being able to hear the breath of steel and cut it off! This is a kind of reference.

In fact, an extremely powerful swordsman can even cut the waterfall and flames away! Because they can hear the breath of water and flames!

After walking in the path of swordsmanship only the swordsmen who can listen to the breath of all things can be truly regarded as stepping into the world of swords or a person who has the ticket to become a true swordsman!

For the average swordsman, even if they hear the breath of all things for the 1st time it still takes them a long time to practice and to be able to attack skillfully.

But Youyu was different! With the help of the system, Youyu was already very proficient in listening to the "Breath of all things"!

"Crescent Moon, John Cena!"

Youyu randomly named a name and yelled domineeringly because he thought it sounded cool.

He raised the Shusui in his right hand and slashed the air fiercely.

"Is he trying to cut the air?" Shisui on the side looked at Youyu's appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Kakashi was clearly still so far away, so no matter how hard he swung his sword wouldn't hit Kakashi.

'It seems that this genius is really a little too drunk to fight it's unfair.'

Shisui was about to stop Kakashi from continuing his offensive, and the next second, a sudden change occurred!


As the sword on Youyu's hand fell, a pitch-black pike roared out from in front of Youyu. The attack instantly turned into a dark purple slash, just like the color of the Shusui, his sword.

The Slash was like a hungry beast let out of his cage! With the sound of breaking through the sky, the slash flew towards Kakashi.


Kakashi's eyes widened, watching the dark purple slash flying towards him in disbelief. Although extremely shocked, the fighting instinct over the years has caused Kakashi's body to move to the side.


A dark purple slash ran across Kakashi's cheek, bringing out a small amount of blood.

The dark purple slash did not stop after that but continued to fly. The next instant, the slash hit a towering tree not far away.


The big tree was slashed through by a dark purple slash. After a while, it was cut neatly from the middle and collapsed! The cut in the middle of the tree was extremely smooth, without a trace of wrinkles.

One could imagine how sharp and powerful this slash was.


The big tree fell, and the heavy dust lifted up, shocking everyone.

"What, a flying slash?!"

Shisui who was just about to dissuade Kakashi from stopping the fight almost bit his tongue because of the shock, his face was full of disbelief. But the wound on Kakashi's face and the big tree that was cut in half proved that this was not an illusion!

"This, this is...?!"

Kakashi wiped the wound on his cheek, his unchanging cold face changed and only a shocked expression was left at this time.

Yes, a flying slash?!

Kakashi looked like a ghost.



Before Kakashi could relax, Youyu came in front of him in a flash. A kick hit Kakashi's abdomen.

Kakashi screamed in pain, clutching his stomach, and lying weakly on the ground.


A dark purple blade ran across Kakashi's neck.

"You...you two, this little spy has been caught by me, you better surrender obediently, or I will cut him open!"

Youyu pressed Shishui fiercely, and with a little drunk voice, shouted at the two Anbu.

"Ahh, so heavy!"

Kakashi shook his head, resisting the pain and wanting to struggle. However, he felt as if there was a mountain on his shoulders.

"Hey, what kind of Sword is this?"

Kakashi looked at the Shishui that was on his neck and was shocked again. The dark purple blade, the red zigzag pattern, and the flashing cold light. This all proved that this was a great Sword!

Kakashi has a feeling that this sword was even sharper than the short blade of white fang left by his deceased father, "Konoha's White Fang". And he didn't know why but this sword was extremely heavy.

When the sword pressed on his body, he had no strength to resist. But after hearing what Youyu said, Kakashi reacted.

"Youyu, you bastard! I'm Kakashi!"

Kakashi roared.

"You are the little spy! Wait Kakashi?"

Youyu blinked and looked at the figure under the sword.


TN:- Go To my P@treon if you want to read extra chapters of both fanfics, there are currently a total of 12 extra chapters available and that number is increasing every day.
